Universal Provider for WalletConnect Protocol
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import UniversalProvider from "@walletconnect/universal-provider";
// Initialize the provider
const provider = await UniversalProvider.init({
logger: "info",
relayUrl: "ws://<relay-url>",
projectId: "12345678",
metadata: {
name: "React App",
description: "React App for WalletConnect",
url: "https://walletconnect.com/",
icons: ["https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886"],
client: undefined, // optional instance of @walletconnect/sign-client
// create sub providers for each namespace/chain
await provider.connect({
namespaces: {
eip155: {
methods: [
chains: ["eip155:80001"],
events: ["chainChanged", "accountsChanged"],
rpcMap: {
"https://rpc.walletconnect.org?chainId=eip155:80001&projectId=<your walletconnect project id>",
pairingTopic: "<123...topic>", // optional topic to connect to
skipPairing: false, // optional to skip pairing ( later it can be resumed by invoking .pair())
// Create Web3 Provider
const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(provider);
// Subscribe for pairing URI
provider.on("display_uri", (uri) => {
// Subscribe to session ping
provider.on("session_ping", ({ id, topic }) => {
console.log(id, topic);
// Subscribe to session event
provider.on("session_event", ({ event, chainId }) => {
console.log(event, chainId);
// Subscribe to session update
provider.on("session_update", ({ topic, params }) => {
console.log(topic, params);
// Subscribe to session delete
provider.on("session_delete", ({ id, topic }) => {
console.log(id, topic);
interface RequestArguments {
method: string;
params?: any[] | undefined;
// Send JSON RPC requests
* @param payload
* @param chain - optionally specify which chain should handle this request
* in the format `<namespace>:<chainId>` e.g. `eip155:1`
const result = await provider.request(payload: RequestArguments, chain: string | undefined);
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
// default chainId is the FIRST chain during setup
const chainId = await web3.eth.getChainId();
// set the default chain to 56
provider.setDefaultChain(`eip155:56`, rpcUrl?: string | undefined);
// get the updated default chainId
const updatedDefaultChainId = await web3.eth.getChainId();
- Create a file under
- Implement the
interface - In the
method, there should be a check for whether or not to run the request against the wallet or the blockchain.this.namespace.methods
should only contain the methods supported by the wallet. - The rest of the methods of the class are very similar, mainly centering around
httpProvider and for the most part will be 90% similar to other providers
given similar structure of chainId. For example
. - Export provider under