Calendar - A Flexible Calendar for Mobile
How To Use
1. html中:
<!-- You'll need it in "Popup Layout". The #target can be any other dom for your convenient-->
<div id="target">Click me!Click me!Click me!</div>
<!-- The #container must be the outermost dom below body -->
<div id="container"></div>
2. js中:
// mode 1
<script src="calendar.js"></script>
// mode 2
import Calendar from 'mob-calendar';
new Calendar({
clickTarget: 'target',
container: 'container',
angle: 0,
isMask: true,
beginTime: [2017, 1, 1],
endTime: [2018, 1, 13],
recentTime: [2018, 1, 2],
isSundayFirst: true,
isShowNeighbor: true,
isToggleBtn: true,
isChinese: true,
monthType: 3,
canViewDisabled: false,
beforeRenderArr: [{
stamp: 1512057600000,
className: 'able',
success: function (item, arr, cal) {
console.log(item, arr);
switchRender: function (year, month, cal) {
var data = [{
'stamp': 1507737600000,
'className': 'able1',
How to generate a new instance,look at the arguments list:
Arguments List
Name | Mean | Type | Value | Must |
clickTarget | the id of the dom you touch | {String} | - | × |
container | the id of the container you ready to append dom | {String} | - | √ |
angle | fix the sensibility of user touches by angle | {Number} | had better set it between 5 and 20 | × |
isMask | set layout | {Boolean} | true:“popup layout”, false:“normal layout” | √ |
beginTime | user-defined begin time points. | {Array(Number)} | an empty array means [1970, 1, 1] . every position sequent meas “year”, "month" and "date". |
√ |
endTime | user-defined end time points. | {Array(Number)} | the same to beginTime. an empty array means [nextYear, 12, 31]
√ |
recentTime | user-defined current time points. | {Array(Number)} | the same to beginTime. an empty array means [currentYear, currentMonth, 1]
√ |
isSundayFirst | the Sequence of Sunday | {Boolean} | true:Sunday at the first column, false:Sunday at the last column | √ |
isShowNeighbor | controll the display of the adjacent months | {Boolean} | true: show the adjacent months, false: hide the adjacent months | √ |
isToggleBtn | controll the display of the switch button | {Boolean} | true:show the switch button, false:hide the switch button | √ |
isChinese | controll the language of week | {Boolean} | true:show Chinese week like ‘六’,false: show English week like ‘S’ | √ |
monthType | controll the type of month | {Number 0-3} | 0: 1月, 1:一月, 2:Jan, 3: January | √ |
canViewDisabled | controll the display of the out-range months | {Boolean} | true: show the out-range months,false:hide the out-range months | √ |
beforeRenderArr | rend the style of the specified date | {unordered Array(Object)} | every item of this array has two arguments: the specified date stamp{Number} & the specified classname className {String} , see below for details |
√ |
success | the callback of tap events | {Fuction(item, array,cal)} | there are 3 arguments,item : the time stamp of the target,array :the two targets after two tap events ,cal : the instance |
√ |
switchRender | the callback of switch events | {Fuction(year, month, cal)} | there are 3 arguments,year : the generating year,month : the generating month (from zero), cal : the instance |
√ |
// the JSON example of the beforeRenderArr
beforeRenderArr: [{
stamp: 1512057600000, // the specified date
className: 'disable', // the specified classname map the STAMP
<!-- 'li' is a rectangle,'i' is a circular -->
<li class="container-item-1512057600000 disable" data-stamp="1512057600000">
<i data-stamp="1512057600000">2</i>
Proptype Function | Effection | Example |
renderCallbackArr | render an arry data for rending the specified style map the specified date. the data JSON is same to beforeRenderArr
cal.renderCallbackArr(data) |
prevent | prevent default events. | cal.prevent() |
hideBackground | in "popup layout",this function will help you to hide the popup. | cal.hideBackground() |
2. js中:
// 方式一, 直接引用
<script src="calendar.js"></script>
// 方式二, 引入npm包
import Calendar from 'mob-calendar';
// 实例化一个日历插件,具体参数意义可以看下文中的参数列表
new Calendar({
clickTarget: 'target',
container: 'container',
angle: 0,
isMask: true, // 是否需要弹层
beginTime: [2017, 1, 1],//如空数组默认设置成1970年1月1日开始,数组的每一位分别是年月日。
endTime: [2018, 1, 13],//如空数组默认设置成次年12月31日,数组的每一位分别是年月日。
recentTime: [2018, 1, 2],//如空数组默认设置成当月1日,数组的每一位分别是年月日。
isSundayFirst: true, // 周日是否要放在第一列
isShowNeighbor: true, // 是否展示相邻月份的月尾和月头
isToggleBtn: true, // 是否展示左右切换按钮
isChinese: true, // 是否是中文
monthType: 3, // 0:1月, 1:一月, 2:Jan, 3: April
canViewDisabled: false, // 是否可以阅读不在范围内的月份
beforeRenderArr: [{
stamp: 1512057600000,
className: 'able',
success: function (item, arr, cal) {
console.log(item, arr);
switchRender: function (year, month, cal) {
console.log('计算机识别的 - 年份: ' + year + ' 月份: ' + month);
var data = [{
'stamp': 1507737600000,
'className': 'able1',
参数名称 | 作用 | 类型 | 取值 | 是否必须 |
clickTarget | 触发弹层的dom元素ID | {String} | - | × |
container | 日历容器的dom元素ID | {String} | - | √ |
angle | 调整预判手势的灵敏度 | {Number} | 建议5-20 | × |
isMask | 布局是否使用弹层样式 | {Boolean} | true:弹层显示, false:正常布局 | √ |
beginTime | 开始时间点 | {Array(Number)} | 数组的每一位分别是年月日,空数组默认1970年1月1日 | √ |
endTime | 结束时间点 | {Array(Number)} | 数组的每一位分别是年月日,空数组默认次年12月31日 | √ |
recentTime | 当前时间点 | {Array(Number)} | 数组的每一位分别是年月日,空数组默认当前月1日 | √ |
isSundayFirst | 星期天是否要放在第一列 | {Boolean} | true:星期日在第一列, false:星期日在最后一列 | √ |
isShowNeighbor | 是否展示相邻月份的月尾和月头 | {Boolean} | true:显示相邻月份的月尾和月头, false:不显示 | √ |
isToggleBtn | 是否展示左右切换按钮 | {Boolean} | true:显示左右切换按钮, false:不显示 | √ |
isChinese | 是否展示中文星期 | {Boolean} | true:显示中文星期简写,false:显示英文星期简写 | √ |
monthType | 月份的展示字符 | {Number 0-3} | 0:1月, 1:一月, 2:Jan, 3: January | √ |
canViewDisabled | 是否可以阅读不在范围内的月份 | {Boolean} | true:无限滑动,false:只查看时间范围内的月份 | √ |
beforeRenderArr | 初次渲染时给特殊日期指定样式 | {无序Array(Object)} | 数组元素有两个参数 指定时间戳stamp{Number} 和 指定样式名字className {String} ,详见下文 |
√ |
success | 点击某个日期的回调 | {Fuction(item, array,cal)} | 返回3个自带参数,item 表示当前点击的时间戳,array 表示连续两次点击的两个时间戳,cal 指向实例 |
√ |
switchRender | 日历切换后的回调 | {Fuction(year, month, cal)} | 返回3个自带参数,year 表示新生成的年份,month 表示新生成的月份(从0开始), cal 指向实例 |
√ |
// 渲染时给特殊日期指定样式的数据格式
beforeRenderArr: [{
stamp: 1512057600000, // 指定某个时间戳
className: 'disable', //指定该时间戳渲染的样式
// 渲染后的效果如下
// li 是一个矩形,i 是圆形
<li class="container-item-1512057600000 disable" data-stamp="1512057600000">
<i data-stamp="1512057600000">2</i>
原型链暴露的函数 | 作用 | 示例 |
renderCallbackArr | 渲染传入的数组data,用于指定特定日期的特定样式, 数组data和 beforeRenderArr 的数据格式一致 |
cal.renderCallbackArr(data) |
prevent | 方便在回调中阻止默认事件 | cal.prevent() |
hideBackground | 在弹窗模式中,可能需要用到的隐藏弹层的函数 | cal.hideBackground() |