This is a lib based on ts-ebml and support large file (>2GB) which ts-ebml not supported
Use this function can not only add "Duration" but also add "SeekHead", "Seek", "SeekID", "SeekPosition" and "Cues", "CueTime", "CueTrack", "CueClusterPosition", "CueTrackPositions", "CuePoint" for a webm file
import fixWebmMetaInfo from 'fix-webm-metainfo';
const mimeType = 'video/webm\;codecs=vp9';
const blobSlice: BlobPart[] = [];
mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, {
videoBitsPerSecond: 1e6
mediaRecorder.ondataavailable = (event: BlobEvent) => {
mediaRecorder.onstop = async () => {
// support fix webm file larger than 2GB
const fixedWebMBlob = await fixWebmMetaInfo(new Blob([...blobSlice], { type: mimeType }));
blobSlice = [];
// use timeslice to avoid memory consumption in renderer process, and generate blob size each second
setTimeout(() => mediaRecorder.stop(), 5000); // generate 5 blob slices
Release Note
fix: using Blob instead of arrayBuffer to fix recreate webm and solving memory leak
feat: initial commit
Tips for using this library
Does this library has memory leak (both in main process and renderer process) ?
Currently each record will have a maxiumm 5MB memory leak (already the best result, because chromium interal blob <-> arrayBuffer process has some kind of bug, and we have to regenerate webm meta head), if you have the ability to modify chromium, this value can decrease down to 1MB or even much smaller size.
How to decrease memory leak(decrease page zie)?
The only why is modify chromium project, here is the example:
// storage/browser/blob/
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// On minimal Android maximum in-memory space can be as low as 5MB.
constexpr uint64_t kDefaultMinPageFileSize = 5ull * 1024 * 1024 / 2;
const float kDefaultMaxBlobInMemorySpaceUnderPressureRatio = 0.02f;
// fix1: change 5MB minPageSize to 1MB
constexpr uint64_t kDefaultMinPageFileSize = 1ull * 1024 * 1024;
const float kDefaultMaxBlobInMemorySpaceUnderPressureRatio = 0.002f;
What is the maximum record file size?
According to chromium blob implention, this value varies from Math.min(software located disk partition size * / 10, free disk space), so if you C:\ partition is 128GB, the max record size is 12.8GB, even if you have 100GB free space.
how to get rid of the limit of record file size?
The only why is modify chromium project, here is the example:
// storage/browser/blob/
if (disk_size >= 0) {
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
limits.desired_max_disk_space = static_cast<uint64_t>(disk_size / 2ll);
#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
limits.desired_max_disk_space = static_cast<uint64_t>(3ll * disk_size / 50);
// fix2: make file limit from 1/10 disk size to 1/1
limits.desired_max_disk_space = static_cast<uint64_t>(disk_size);
Why timeslice will reduce memory usage?
Because blob creation has a Renderer -> Main -> Memory/Disk Transport process, and if no mediaRecord.RequestData() called or timeslice specified, then all data will be buffered in renderer process, we have to clear the data in memory.
What Video record tooks me 2GB(x64) in main process?
Because Blob designed to be store in sharedMemory initially, and if the memory is not enough to store, it will use disk space to store blob afterward.
how can i not use memory and directly store blob to disk?
The only why is modify chromium project, here is the example:
// storage/browser/blob/
if (memory_size > 0) {
#if !defined(OS_CHROMEOS) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// fix3: make 2GB -> 200MB to decrease main process memory usage
constexpr size_t kTwoHundrendMegabytes = 2ull * 100 * 1024 * 1024;
limits.max_blob_in_memory_space = kTwoHundrendMegabytes;
#elif defined(OS_ANDROID)
limits.max_blob_in_memory_space = static_cast<size_t>(memory_size / 100ll);
limits.max_blob_in_memory_space = static_cast<size_t>(memory_size / 5ll);
What is the current limit of this library
- using web worker to decrease thread crimp (already implement, will suport later)
- decrease runtime fix memory consumption
- support non-node enviroment fixup
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