
3.0.20 • Public • Published


A component that is initially hidden and revealed upon user interaction either through a click or hover event. Popover can contain lists of actions, links, or additional supplementary content.

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@use "@vrembem/popover";


import Popover from '@vrembem/popover';
const popover = new Popover({ autoInit: true });


The popover is a simple container component consisting of the popover class and an id. Popover triggers should have an aria-controls attribute set to the ID of the popover element.

<button aria-controls="unique-id">...</button>
<div class="popover" id="unique-id">


Adds an arrow to a popover using an empty <div> or <span> with the popover__arrow class. Popover arrows are positioned center relative to the reference element.

<button aria-controls="unique-id">...</button>
<div id="unique-id" class="popover">
  <span class="popover__arrow"></span>

Event Type

There are two event types that can trigger a popover: click (the default) and hover (hover also applies focus events). You an set your preferred default event type by passing it as an option on instantiation or initialization.

// Set on instantiation
const popover = new Popover({
  eventType: 'click'

// Set on initialization
  eventType: 'hover'

Alternatively, this value can be overridden using the --vb-popover-event CSS variable. This can be done either through your own custom CSS or using the style attribute.

<div class="popover" style="--vb-popover-event: hover;">


Popover uses the Popper JS positioning engine to determine the optimal place to display a popover. The default preference is bottom but can be changed by passing it as an option on instantiation or initialization.

// Set on instantiation
const popover = new Popover({
  placement: 'top'

// Set on initialization
  placement: 'bottom'

Alternatively, this value can be overridden using the --vb-popover-placement CSS variable. This can be done either through your own custom CSS or using the style attribute.

<div class="popover" style="--vb-popover-placement: top;">

Available Placement Values

  • auto
  • auto-start
  • auto-end
  • top
  • top-start
  • top-end
  • bottom
  • bottom-start
  • bottom-end
  • left
  • left-start
  • left-end
  • right
  • right-start
  • right-end

CSS Variables

Popover provides CSS variables on the :root element for controlling the event type, preferred placement, offset and overflow-padding. They're consumed by the JavaScript implementation to set options dynamically. The following Sass variable are output as CSS variables:

Sass CSS Description
$event --vb-popover-event Controls the event type. Can be set to click or hover.
$placement --vb-popover-placement Controls the preferred placement for the popover. More details →
$offset --vb-popover-offset Controls the distance from the popover trigger element (aria-controls) that a popover will position itself. More details →
$overflow-padding --vb-popover-overflow-padding Controls the distance before a popover is cut off and will try to reposition itself to stay visible. More details →
$flip-padding --vb-popover-flip-padding Controls the distance before a popover is cut off and will try to flip it's placement to stay visible. More details →
$arrow-padding --vb-popover-arrow-padding Controls the distance before a popover arrow reaches the edge of the popover. More details →

The advantage to having these values set by a CSS variable is that they can be given new values for specific use cases either in your own stylesheet or by setting the variables in a style attribute.

<div style="--vb-popover-offset: 0;">
  <div style="--vb-popover-placement: right;">
  <div style="--vb-popover-placement: left;">



Adjusts the size of the popover. There are two options relative to the default size, popover_size_sm and popover_size_lg. Also available is popover_size_auto which allows the popover to adjust size based on its content.

<div id="unique-id" class="popover popover_size_sm">

Available Variations

  • popover_size_auto
  • popover_size_sm
  • popover_size_lg


Applies styles to create a popover tooltip. The default placement of a tooltip is top and are triggered by the hover and focus events. Tooltips also require a different set of attributes for accessibility:

  • The popover element should have the role="tooltip" set.
  • The popover trigger should have aria-describedby (instead of aria-controls) set to the ID of the popover element.
<span aria-describedby="unique-id">HTML</span>
<div id="unique-id" class="popover popover_tooltip" role="tooltip">
  Hypertext Markup Language
  <span class="popover__arrow"></span>

For more information regarding tooltip accessibility and best practices: ARIA: tooltip role


Sass Variables

Variable Default Description
$prefix-variable null String to prefix CSS variables with.
$prefix-block null String to prefix blocks with.
$prefix-element "__" String to prefix elements with.
$prefix-modifier "_" String to prefix modifiers with.
$prefix-modifier-value "_" String to prefix modifier values with.
$event null Outputs a CSS variable for setting the default popover behavior. Can either be click or hover.
$placement null Outputs a CSS variable for setting the preferred popover placement.
$offset 8 Sets the distance from the reference element that a popover will position itself. Also outputs a CSS variable.
$overflow-padding 10 Sets the distance before a popover is cut off and will try to reposition itself to stay visible. Also outputs a CSS variable.
$flip-padding 10 Sets the distance before a popover is cut off and will try to flip it's placement to stay visible. Also outputs a CSS variable.
$z-index 10 Sets the z-index property.
$width 16em Sets the width property.
$max-width calc(100vw - 20px) Sets the max-width property.
$padding 0.5em Sets the padding property.
$border null Sets the border property.
$border-radius core.$border-radius Sets the border-radius property.
$background core.$white Sets the background property.
$background-clip padding-box Sets the background-clip property.
$box-shadow core.$box-shadow-2 Sets the box-shadow property.
$font-size core.$font-size-sm Sets the font-size property.
$line-height null Sets the line-height property.
$arrow-size 8px Sets the width and height properties of the popover__arrow element.
$arrow-padding 10 Sets the distance before a popover arrow reaches the edge of the popover.
$arrow-border core.$border-light Sets the border property of the popover__arrow element.
$size-sm-width 12em Sets the width property of the popover_size_sm modifier.
$size-lg-width 20em Sets the width property of the popover_size_lg modifier.

JavaScript Options

Key Default Description
autoInit false Automatically initializes the instance.
selectorPopover '.popover' Selector for finding popover elements.
selectorArrow '.popover__arrow' Selector for finding popover arrow elements.
stateActive 'is-active' Class used for active state.
eventType 'click' The default event type. Can be either 'click' or 'hover'.
eventListeners true Whether or not to output global event listeners.
placement 'bottom' The default preferred placement.



An array where all popover objects are stored when registered. Each popover object contains the following properties:

  id: String, // The unique ID of the popover.
  state: String, // The current state of the popover ('closed' or 'opened').
  el: HTMLElement, // The popover HTML element.
  trigger: HTMLElement, // The popover trigger HTML element.
  popper: Object // The popper JS instance.
  config: Object // Stores the popover configuration options.
  open: Function // Method to open this popover.
  close: Function // Method to close this popover.
  deregister: Function // Method to deregister this popover.


Initializes the popover instance. During initialization, the following processes are run:

  • Builds the popover collection by running registerCollection()
  • Sets up the global event listeners by running initEventListeners()


  • options [Object] (optional) An options object for passing custom settings.
const popover = new Popover();
await popover.init();


Destroys and cleans up the popover initialization. During cleanup, the following processes are run:

  • Deregister the popover collection by running deregisterCollection()
  • Removes global event listeners by running destroyEventListeners()
const popover = new Popover();
await popover.init();
// ...
await popover.destroy();


Set document and collection entry event listeners.


  • processCollection [Boolean] (default true) Whether or not to process the event listeners of popover collection.
const popover = new Popover({ eventListeners: false });
await popover.init();


Remove document and collection entry event listeners.


  • processCollection [Boolean] (default true) Whether or not to process the event listeners of popover collection.
const popover = new Popover();
await popover.init();
// ...


Registers a popover into the collection. This also sets the initial state, creates the popper instance and attaches event listeners.


  • query [String | Object] A popover ID or an HTML element of either a popover or its trigger.


  • Object The popover object that got stored in the collection.
const result = await popover.register('popover-id');
// => Object { id: 'popover-id', ... }


Deregister the popover from the collection. This closes the popover if it's opened, cleans up the popper instance, removes event listeners and then removes the entry from the collection.


  • query [String | Object] A popover ID or an HTML element of either a popover or its trigger.


  • Array Returns the newly modified collection array.
const result = await popover.deregister('popover-id');
// => Array [{}, {}, ...]


Registers array of popovers to the collection. All popovers in array are run through the register() method.


  • items [Array] An array of popovers or popover IDs to register.


  • Array Returns the collection array.
const popovers = document.querySelectorAll('.popover');
const result = await popover.registerCollection(popovers);
// => Array [{}, {}, ...]


Deregister all popovers in the collections array. All popovers in collection are run through the deregister() method.


  • Array Returns an empty collection array.
const result = await popover.registerCollection();
// => Array []

popover.get(value, key)

Used to retrieve a registered popover object from the collection. Query should match the key type to search by: e.g. to search by popover elements, pass the popover html node with a key of 'el'. Defaults to 'id'.


  • value [String | Object] The value to search for within the collection.
  • key [String] (optional) (default 'id') The property key to search the value against.


  • Object | undefined The first element in the collection that matches the provided query and key. Otherwise, undefined is returned.
const entry = popover.get('popover-id');
// => Object { id: 'popover-id', ... }


Opens a popover using the provided ID.


  • id [String] The ID of the popover that should be opened.


  • Object The popover object that was opened.
// => Object { state: 'opened', ... }


Close a popover using the provided ID. Can be called without an ID to close all open popovers.


  • id [String] (optional) The ID of the popover that should be closed.


  • Object | Array The popover object or array of popover objects that were closed.
const entry = await popover.close();
// => Array [{}, {}, ...]

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