
3.0.20 • Public • Published


A component for changing the mode of a page to complete a critical task. This is usually used in conjunction with the dialog component to make modal dialogs.

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npm install @vrembem/modal


@use "@vrembem/modal";


import Modal from '@vrembem/modal';
const modal = new Modal({ autoInit: true });


Modals are composed using classes and data attributes for their triggers. The basic structure of a modal is an element with an id and the modal class containing a child element with the modal__dialog class. There are three types of modal triggers, each defined by a data attribute:

  • data-modal-open: Opens a modal. Should take the id of the modal it's meant to open. Will stack modals if triggered from inside an already opened modal.
  • data-modal-close: Closes a modal. Will close the last opened modal if left value-less. Can also take a modal id to close a specific modal, or "*" to close all open modals.
  • data-modal-replace: Replaces currently opened modal(s) with the modal of the id provided.
<button data-modal-open="modal-id">...</button>

<div id="modal-id" class="modal">
  <div class="modal__dialog" role="dialog" aria-modal="true">
    <button data-modal-close>...</button>

The dialog element of a modal is defined using the modal__dialog class. Modal dialogs should also be given the role attribute with a value of either dialog or alertdialog and the aria-modal attribute with a value of true. Authors should provide modal dialogs with aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes if applicable to further improve accessibility.

<div id="modal-id" class="modal">
  <div class="modal__dialog dialog" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" aria-labelledby="dialog-title" aria-describedby="dialog-description">
    <div class="dialog__header">
      <h2 id="dialog-title">...</h2>
    <div class="dialog__body">
      <p id="dialog-description">...</p>
    <div class="dialog__footer">

The dialog component is a great fit for composing a modal’s dialog.

Focus Management

Modal dialogs are given focus when opened as long as the setTabindex option is set to true or if the modal dialog has tabindex="-1" set manually. If focus on a specific element inside a modal is preferred, give that element the data-focus attribute. Focus is returned to the element that initially triggered the modal once closed.

<!-- Focus is returned to the trigger when a modal is closed -->
<button data-modal-open="modal-id">...</button>

<!-- Sets focus to modal dialog when opened -->
<div id="modal-id" class="modal">
  <div class="modal__dialog" role="dialog" aria-modal="true" tabindex="-1">

<!-- Sets focus to data-focus element when opened -->
<div id="modal-id" class="modal">
  <div class="modal__dialog" role="dialog" aria-modal="true">
    <input data-focus type="text">

While a modal is active, the contents obscured by the modal are made inaccessible to all users via a focus trap. This means that the TAB key, and a screen reader’s virtual cursor (arrow keys) should not be allowed to leave the modal dialog and traverse the content outside of the dialog.

To change the selector used in finding the preferred focus element, pass your own selector via the selectorFocus option (defaults to '[data-focus]').

Required Modals

Required modals are modals that need an explicit action to be closed. That means clicking on the background or pressing the escape key to close a required modal is disabled. Required modals are set by giving a dialog the attribute role with a value of alertdialog.

<div id="modal-id" class="modal">
  <div class="modal__dialog" role="alertdialog" aria-modal="true">
    <button data-modal-close>Agree</button>

To change the selector used in creating required modals, pass your own selector via the selectorRequired option (defaults to '[role="alertdialog"]').

Behavior and Accessibility

Modals on the web have an expected set of patterns that this component follows. Here's what to expect:

  1. When a modal is opened, focus is moved to the dialog or an element inside.
  2. Modals provide standard methods for the user to close such as using the esc key or clicking outside the dialog.
  3. While the modal is active, contents obscured by the modal are inaccessible to all users.
  4. When a modal is closed, focus is returned to the initial trigger element that activated the dialog.

To take full advantage of modal's accessibility features, it's recommended to set the selectorInert option to all elements that are outside the modal. If you have modal markup throughout your document, use the teleport option to consolidate all modals in the DOM to a single location. All elements that match the selectorInert selector will be given the inert attribute as well as aria-hidden="true" when a modal is opened.


Here's an example where we want the <main> content area to be inaccessible while modals are open. We also want all modals to be moved outside the main content element using the after method.

const modal = new Modal({
  selectorInert: 'main',
  teleport: 'main',
  teleportMethod: 'after'

await modal.init();

To return a modal to its original location, use the collection API method teleportReturn():

// Get an entry from the modal collection.
const entry = modal.get('modal-id');

// Returns the modal to its previously teleported location.



Adds styles to a modal that make it fill the entire viewport when opened.

<div id="modal-id" class="modal modal_full">...</div>


The default position of modals is in the center of the viewport. The position modifier allows positioning a modal to the top, bottom, left and right side of the document viewport.

<div id="..." class="modal modal_pos_top">...</div>
<div id="..." class="modal modal_pos_bottom">...</div>
<div id="..." class="modal modal_pos_left">...</div>
<div id="..." class="modal modal_pos_right">...</div>

Available Variations

  • modal_pos_top
  • modal_pos_left
  • modal_pos_right
  • modal_pos_bottom


Adjusts the size of modals. This modifier provides five options that get built using the $size-scale variable map.

<div id="modal-id" class="modal modal_size_sm">...</div>

Available Variations

  • modal_size_xs
  • modal_size_sm
  • modal_size_md
  • modal_size_lg
  • modal_size_xl


Sass Variables

Variable Default Description
$prefix-block null String to prefix blocks with.
$prefix-element "__" String to prefix elements with.
$prefix-modifier "_" String to prefix modifiers with.
$prefix-modifier-value "_" String to prefix modifier values with.
$z-index 1000 Base z-index of modals. Stacked modals are incremented by 1.
$width 36em The default max width of modals.
$travel 5em Distance that modal travel during their transition.
$transition-duration core.$transition-duration Duration of modal transition.
$transition-timing-function core.$transition-timing-function Timing function used for modal transitions.
$background core.$night Background color of modal screen.
$background-alpha 0.8 The alpha channel for the modal screen.
$box-shadow core.$box-shadow-5 Box shadow applied to modal dialog elements.
$outline 0 solid rgba(core.$primary, 0) Outline applied to modal dialog elements.
$outline-focus 4px solid rgba(core.$primary, 1) Outline applied to modal dialog elements in their focus state.
$outline-focus-alert 4px solid rgba(core.$danger, 1) Outline applied to required modal dialog elements in their focus state.
$aside-width 16em Width applied to modals using modal_pos_left and modal_pos_right modifiers.
$aside-max-width 90% Max width applied to modals using modal_pos_left and modal_pos_right modifiers.
$size-scale Map Ref ↓ The size scale map the modal_size_[key] modifier uses to build its styles.


The size scale map the modal_size_[key] modifier uses to build its styles.

$size-scale: (
  'xs': 20em, // 288px
  'sm': 24em, // 384px
  'md': 36em, // 576px
  'lg': 48em, // 768px
  'xl': 60em  // 960px
) !default;

JavaScript Options

Key Default Description
autoInit false Automatically initializes the instance.
dataOpen 'modal-open' Data attribute for a modal open trigger.
dataClose 'modal-close' Data attribute for a modal close trigger.
dataReplace 'modal-replace' Data attribute for a modal replace trigger.
dataConfig 'modal-config' Data attribute to find modal specific configuration settings. Value should be a JSON object.
selectorModal '.modal' Selector for modal element.
selectorDialog '.modal__dialog' Selector for modal dialog element.
selectorRequired '[role="alertdialog"]' Selector used to apply required modal state.
selectorFocus '[data-focus]' Focus preference selector for when modals are initially opened.
selectorInert null Applies inert and aria-hidden attributes to all matching elements when a modal is opened.
selectorOverflow 'body' Applies overflow:hidden styles on all matching elements when a modal is opened.
stateOpened 'is-opened' Class used for open state.
stateOpening 'is-opening' Class used for transitioning to open state.
stateClosing 'is-closing' Class used for transitioning to closed state.
stateClosed 'is-closed' Class used for closed state.
customEventPrefix 'modal:' Prefix to be used on custom events.
eventListeners true Whether or not to set the document event listeners on init.
teleport null Teleport selector where modals get moved to. Leave as null to disable teleport.
teleportMethod 'append' Teleport method options include after, before, append and prepend relative to the teleport reference.
setTabindex true Whether or not to set tabindex="-1" on all modal dialog elements on init.
transition true Toggle the transition animation of modals.


  • modal:opened Emits when a modal has opened.
  • modal:closed Emits when a modal has closed.



Returns an array where all modal objects are stored when registered. Each modal object contains the following properties:

  id: String, // The unique ID of the modal.
  state: String, // The current state of the modal ('closing', 'closed', 'opening' or 'opened').
  el: HTMLElement, // The modal HTML element.
  dialog: HTMLElement // The modal dialog HTML element.
  returnRef: HTMLComment // The return reference left when a modal is teleported.
  settings: Object // The modal specific settings.
  open: Function // Method to open this modal.
  close: Function // Method to close this modal.
  replace: Function // Method to replace open modal(s) with this modal.
  deregister: Function // Method to deregister this modal.
  teleport: Function // Method to teleport this modal.
  teleportReturn: Function // Method to return this modal to its previous location.
  getSetting: Function // Method that returns either a modal specific setting or global modal setting.


  • Array An array of collection entries.


Returns an array of all currently opened modals. These are sorted in the order they're added to the array (first item was opened first, last item was opened last).


  • Array An array of collection entries.


Returns the currently active modal or the modal at the top of the stack if multiple modals are open. Will return undefined if no modals are open.


  • Object || undefined Collection entry.


Initializes the modal instance. During initialization, the following processes are run:

  • Register each modal in the collection by running registerCollection().
  • Sets up global event listeners by running initEventListeners().


  • options [Object] (optional) An options object for passing custom settings.
const modal = new Modal();
await modal.init();


Destroys and cleans up the modal initialization. During cleanup, the following processes are run:

  • Deregister the modal collection by running deregisterCollection().
  • Removes global event listeners by running destroyEventListeners().
const modal = new Modal();
await modal.init();
// ...
await modal.destroy();


Set document event listeners.

const modal = new Modal({ eventListeners: false });
await modal.init();


Remove document event listeners.

const modal = new Modal();
await modal.init();
// ...


Registers a modal into the collection. This also sets the initial state and applies missing accessibility attributes such as role="dialog" and aria-modal="true".


  • query [String || Object] A modal ID or an HTML element of either the modal or its trigger.


  • Object The modal object that got stored in the collection.
const result = await modal.register('modal-id');
// => Object { id: 'modal-id', ... }


Deregister the modal from the collection. This closes the modal if it's opened, returns a modal if it has been teleported and removes the entry from the collection.


  • query [String || Object] A modal ID or an HTML element of either the modal or its trigger.


  • Array Returns the newly modified collection array.
const result = await modal.deregister('modal-id');
// => Array [{}, {}, ...]


Registers array of modals to the collection. All modals in array are run through the register() method.


  • items [Array] An array of modals or modal IDs to register.


  • Array Returns the collection array.
const modals = document.querySelectorAll('.modal');
const result = await modal.registerCollection(modals);
// => Array [{}, {}, ...]


Deregister all modals in the collections array. All modals in collection are run through the deregister() method.


  • Array Returns the empty collection array.
const result = await modal.registerCollection();
// => Array []

modal.get(value, key)

Used to retrieve a registered modal object from the collection. The value should match the key type to search by: e.g. to search by modal elements, pass the modal html node with a key of 'el'. Defaults to 'id'.


  • value [String || Object] The value to search for within the collection.
  • key [String] (optional) (default 'id') The property key to search the value against.


  • Object || undefined The first element in the collection that matches the provided query and key. Otherwise, undefined is returned.
const entry = modal.get('modal-id');
// => Object { id: 'modal-id', ... }

modal.open(id, transition, focus)

Opens a modal using the provided ID.


  • id [String] The ID of the modal to open.
  • transition [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to animate the transition.
  • focus [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to handle focus management.


  • Object The modal object that was opened.
const entry = await modal.open('modal-key');
// => Object { id: 'modal-id', ... }

modal.close(id, transition, focus)

Closes a modal using the provided ID. Can be called without an ID to close most recently opened modal.


  • id [String] (optional) The ID of the modal to close.
  • transition [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to animate the transition.
  • focus [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to handle focus management.


  • Object The modal object that was closed.
const entry = await modal.close();
// => Object { id: 'modal-id', ... }

modal.replace(id, transition, focus

Replaces currently opened modal(s) with the modal of the id provided. This could be used to trigger a modal when modal stacking is not desired.


  • id [String] The ID of the modal to open. Will close all other opened modals.
  • transition [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to animate the transition.
  • focus [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to handle focus management.


  • Object An object with opened and closed properties whose values will be the opened modal and an array of modals that were closed.
const obj = await modal.replace('modal-id');
// => Object { opened: { id: 'modal-id', ... }, closed: [...] }

modal.closeAll(exclude, transition, focus)

Closes all open modals. Will exclude closing a modal using the provided ID.


  • exclude [String] (optional) The ID of a modal to exclude from closing. Will close all other opened modals.
  • transition [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to animate the transition.
  • focus [Boolean] (optional) Whether or not to handle focus management.


  • Array An array of all modals that were closed.
const array = await modal.closeAll();
// => Array [{}, {}, ...]

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