- Installing Packages Open up the project you wish to prettify and these packages:
yarn add --dev lint-staged husky
yarn add --dev @volta/eslint-config-volta
- Extending eslint Rules
Modify your
module.exports = {
extends: 'eslint-config-volta/environment/react-native', // or whichever env you use
- Running Hooks on Git Commit
Add precommit hooks to
"scripts": {
"precommit": "lint-staged",
"lint": "eslint --fix src"
"lint-staged": {
"*.js": [
"yarn lint",
"git add"
Explicit Rules and Reasoning
'array-bracket-newline': [ 'warn', { multiline: true }],
Error when an array has multiple items but is not formatted to be on muiltiple lines. Consistency wins readability.
'comma-dangle': [ 'warn', 'only-multiline' ],
Warn when you have a dangling comma on a non-multiline entity. Avoid syntax before-the-fact.
'function-paren-newline': [ 'error', 'consistent' ],
This rule errors when there are inconsistent newlines around function parentheses. Consistency wins readability.
'max-params': [ 'warn', { max: 4 }],
Warn when function argument list count reaches 4. Keep contracts down in complexity and for flexibility use named/typed object contracts.
Testing New Linting Rules
How do I know that the new eslint-config-volta will work good? Glad you asked partner! With our handy dandy yarn link
testing's a doozy. Let me show yall:
- Run the following under your local version of
with the branch you want to test:
cd ./eslint-config-volta
yarn link
- Next go to the repository you wish to test and run the following:
cd ../mobile # or whichever library you're testing
yarn link "@volta/eslint-config-volta"
More details can be found here:
Publishing to NPM
Run this command from the branch you want to make changes to
yarn publish
TODO (things we havent setup yet but want to do)
- Add in Visual Studio Code settings to repo TODO: automate this by copying this on package install
mv node_modules/eslint-config-volta/.vscode/ .vscode/
- Make git pretty for pull requests TODO: automate copying this file on the package install
cp node_modules/eslint-config-volta/.editorconfig .