
2.0.0 • Public • Published

Vennet | Git Cook

✨ CLI tool for everybody ✨

Esto es un cambio

Cli tools is a powerfull tool for standarize the commits and changelogs for your teams.

Minimum requirements

  • Node v20.0.0 or higher / npm v9.5.4 or higher
  • Git v2.23 or higher


  • Command to changelog generation based from coventional commits standar.
  • Validates tags format in the commit footer.
  • Command to register local git projects and automatize the sync of multiple repositories.
  • Integrate ChatGPT to generation of conventional commits quickly.


To use Git Cook, all you need to do is install the @vennet/gitcook package globally:

# with yarn
$ yarn add @vennet/gitcook -g

# with npm
$ npm i @vennet/gitcook -g

# with pnpm
$ pnpm add @vennet/gitcook -g

# with bun
$ bun add @vennet/gitcook -g


The command base for execute the tool is gcook with the following base and specific commands availables.

Base Commands

gcook [options] [command]
Commands Description Examples
check Check if the package is up to date gcook check
stats Get all downloads of the package gcook stats
help Get all descriptions from command or from base gcook help
init Wizard to create a branch gcook init
commit Wizard to create a conventional commit gcook commit

Base Options

gcook [options]
Options Description Examples
-h --help Display help for command gcook -h gcook --help
-V --version Get latest version of package gcook -V gcook --version

init Options

gcook init [options]  Wizard to create a branch
Options Description Examples
-c --custom Active custom branch name creation gcook init -c gcook init --custom

commit Options

gcook commit [options]  Wizard to create a conventional commit
Options Description Examples
-pm --preview-mode Generate the final commit message without execute git commands internally gcook commit -pm gcook commit --preview-mode
-cm --compact-mode Generate a simple commit message without body and footer gcook commit -cm gcook commit --compact-mode

Output example from help command

$: gcook -h

Usage: gcook [options] [command]

CLI to manage git actions easily

  -V, --version     output the version number
  -h, --help        display help for command

  check             Checks if you are up to date
  stats             Check how many downloads has the tool
  init [options]    Init a new branch locally and remotely based of user selection
  commit [options]  Wizard to create a conventional commit
  help [command]    display help for command


Vennet @ MIT

Package Sidebar


npm i @vennet/gitcook

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Last publish


  • ivelaval