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This documentation is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to the ModalContainer, ModalProvider, and ModalController components. These components form a system for managing modal windows in your application, offering a flexible, extensible, and intuitive API for both simple and advanced modal workflows.


Install the package via npm:

npm install @vegajs/storage


ModalContainer is a wrapper component that is responsible for rendering the currently active modal window on the page. It listens to the ModalController to determine which modal to display.


  • controller: (Required) An instance of ModalController that manages the modal windows. This prop determines which modal is currently active and handles its lifecycle.
  • BackdropComponent: (Optional) A component that wraps around the modal content to create a backdrop effect. If not provided, the modal content will be displayed without a backdrop.


import { modalController, ModalContainer } from '@vegajs/modal-controller';

export const App = () => (
    <ModalContainer controller={modalController} />
    <ModalShow />

In this example, ModalContainer listens to the modalController to determine which modal to render. You can also provide a custom BackdropComponent for added visual effects.


ModalProvider is a wrapper component that provides modal management via React context. It works with the useModal hook, allowing you to easily manage modals without explicitly passing a controller.


import { ModalProvider } from '@vegajs/modal-controller';

export const App = () => (
      <ModalShowWithContext />

With ModalProvider, any nested component can use the useModal hook to show or hide modals without direct access to a modal controller instance.


ModalController is a class responsible for managing the entire lifecycle of modal windows. It provides a rich set of methods for displaying, hiding, and confirming modals.

API Overview

The ModalController API provides the following core methods:

  • show: Displays a new modal.
  • onClose: Closes the current modal.
  • onResolve: Completes the current modal with a result.
  • subscribe: Listens for changes to the current modal.
  • closeAll: Closes all active modals.


subscribe(listener: Listener<ModalUnit | null>): () => void

Subscribes to changes in the currently active modal and notifies listeners when the active modal changes.


  • listener: A function that receives the current modal state (ModalUnit | null).


  • A function to unsubscribe from the current modal state.

show(modal: ModalUnit): EventEmitter<ResolveObject<T>>

Displays a new modal. If the modal is already in the queue, it will be moved to the top.


  • modal: The modal data to be displayed.


  • An EventEmitter that can be used to subscribe to the resolution of the modal.


const modal = modalController.show(myModalData);
modal.subscribe(({ status }) => console.log(status));

onClose(): void

Closes the currently active modal. If the modal has a confirmation step, it will display the confirmation modal instead.


<button onClick={controller.onClose}>Close Modal</button>

onResolve(status: boolean, data?: T): void

Completes the current modal by providing the result of its execution. If status is true, the modal will be closed.


  • status: A boolean indicating whether the modal was successfully completed.
  • data: Optional data to pass to the subscribers of the modal.


<button onClick={() => controller.onResolve(true)}>Confirm</button>
<button onClick={() => controller.onResolve(false)}>Cancel</button>

closeAll(): void

Closes all active modals and unsubscribes any listeners.




Displaying a Basic Modal

Using modalController:

modalController.show({ id: 'baseModal', component: BaseModal });

Using useModal:

import { useModal } from '@vegajs/modal-controller';

const Component = () => {
  const { show } = useModal();
  const handleShowModal = () => {
    show({ id: 'baseModal', component: BaseModal });
  return <button onClick={handleShowModal}>Show Modal</button>;

Displaying a Modal with Confirmation

const handleShowBaseWithConfirm = () => {
      id: 'baseModalWithConfirm',
      component: BaseModal,
      confirmComponent: ConfirmModal,
    .subscribe(({ status }) => {
      console.log(`Modal closed with status: ${status}`);

Displaying a Modal with an Inner Modal

Base Modal:

const handleShowModalWithInnerModal = () => {
      id: 'withInnerModal',
      component: (props) => {
        const handlerShowInner = () => {
              id: 'innerModal',
              component: InnerModal,
            .subscribe(({ status }) => {
              console.log(`Modal closed with status: ${status}`);

        return (
          <BaseModal {...props}>
            <button onClick={handlerShowInner}>Show Inner Modal</button>
    .subscribe(({ status }) => {
      console.log(`Modal closed with status: ${status}`);

Advanced Usage

Nested Modals

You can use the ModalController to manage nested modals by calling show inside a modal's component. This allows you to create complex workflows, such as step-by-step wizards or confirmation dialogs within modals.

Handling Modal Completion

Use the onResolve method to handle the result of a modal. This can be useful for confirmation dialogs, where the user must either confirm or cancel an action.


const handleConfirm = () => {
    id: 'confirmDelete',
    component: ConfirmDeleteModal,
  }).subscribe(({ status }) => {
    if (status) {
      // Perform the delete action


The ModalContainer, ModalProvider, and ModalController components provide a powerful system for managing modals in your application. By combining these components, you can create a variety of modal workflows, from simple alerts to complex multi-step wizards. The rich API of ModalController allows you to customize and extend modal behaviors to suit your application's needs.

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