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1.0.0-beta.31 • Public • Published


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The Logger class is a flexible and extensible logging utility for TypeScript projects. It allows for structured logging with various log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR) and supports customizable log output formats (text or json). Additionally, you can specify callbacks for log transmission (e.g., sending logs to a server or external service) and include contextual data in your logs.

Key Features

  • Multiple Log Levels: Choose from DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR to control the verbosity of logs.
  • Customizable Output Format: Logs can be output as plain text or JSON format, making them easily readable or suitable for machine parsing.
  • Flexible Log Transmission: You can define a custom callback function to handle log transmission (e.g., sending logs to an external server).
  • Contextual Logging: Optionally include a contextId to tag logs with specific context information (e.g., user sessions, request IDs).
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Log Support: The logger works with synchronous outputs and can easily be extended for asynchronous operations.


Install the package via npm:

npm install @vegajs/logger

Quick Start

Basic Usage

Create a logger instance and log messages with different log levels:

import { Logger } from '@vegajs/logger';

const logger = new Logger({
  isEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'DEBUG',
  outputFormat: 'text',

logger.info('Application started');
logger.warn('Low disk space');
logger.error('Unexpected error occurred');
logger.debug('Debugging information');

Logging with Context and Data

You can associate a logger with a context (e.g., user session or transaction) and include additional data with log messages:

const logger = new Logger({
  isEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'INFO',
  contextId: 'user-123',

logger.info('User login attempt', { username: 'alice' });
logger.warn('Failed API call', { endpoint: '/api/data', status: 404 });
logger.error('Critical application failure', { error: 'OutOfMemoryError' });

JSON Output Format

Change the output format to json for structured logging:

const logger = new Logger({
  isEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'DEBUG',
  outputFormat: 'json',

logger.debug('Debugging JSON log', { userId: 456 });

Sending Logs to an External Service

You can define a custom callback to handle log transmissions, such as sending logs to a remote server:

const logger = new Logger({
  isEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'ERROR',
  sendLogCallback: (log) => {
    // Send log to a remote server
    fetch('/log', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({ log }),

logger.error('Error occurred while fetching data', { error: 'Network error' });

Customizing the Log Level Dynamically

You can change the log level dynamically at runtime:

logger.info('This will not be logged');  // Log level is too low
logger.warn('This will be logged');      // Log level is sufficient

Disabling/Enabling the Logger

To disable or enable logging globally for your application:

logger.setEnabled(false);  // Disable all logging
logger.debug('This will not be logged');

logger.setEnabled(true);   // Re-enable logging
logger.info('Logging is enabled again');

Advanced Features

Logging with Context Identifiers

The contextId allows you to associate logs with specific contexts, such as a user session or request:

const logger = new Logger({
  isEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'DEBUG',
  contextId: 'session-456',

logger.info('Processing request', { requestId: 'req-789' });

You can also update the context identifier dynamically:

logger.info('Continuing request processing');

Data Formatting

The logger automatically formats additional log data depending on the outputFormat. For text format, it will serialize the data into a readable string, and for json format, it will include a JSON object.

For example:

logger.warn('Fetching data from API', { endpoint: '/api/data', retries: 3 });

In text format, it outputs:

[2024-10-10T12:34:56.789Z] [WARN] Fetching data from API | Data: endpoint: "/api/data", retries: 3

In JSON format:

  "timestamp": "2024-10-10T12:34:56.789Z",
  "level": "WARN",
  "message": "Fetching data from API",
  "context": "session-789",
  "data": {
    "endpoint": "/api/data",
    "retries": 3

API Reference

Logger Class


constructor(options?: LoggerOptions)
  • options (optional): Configuration options for the logger.
    • isEnabled: (boolean) Enable or disable logging (default: true).
    • logLevel: (LogLevel) Minimum log level to output (default: DEBUG).
    • sendLogCallback: (function) Callback function to handle log transmission.
    • outputFormat: 'text' | 'json' Format for log output (default: 'text').
    • contextId: (string) Optional context identifier to tag logs.


  • debug(message: string, data?: LogData): Logs a debug message with optional data.
  • info(message: string, data?: LogData): Logs an informational message with optional data.
  • warn(message: string, data?: LogData): Logs a warning message with optional data.
  • error(message: string, data?: LogData): Logs an error message with optional data.
  • setEnabled(enabled: boolean): Enable or disable logging.
  • setLogLevel(level: LogLevel): Dynamically set the log level.
  • setContextId(contextId: string): Set or update the context identifier.

Example Usage in Node.js/Browser

You can use the Logger class in both Node.js and browser environments. The flexible sendLogCallback allows you to adapt logging for different use cases, including browser consoles or server-side log management systems.

const logger = new Logger({
  isEnabled: true,
  logLevel: 'DEBUG',
  outputFormat: 'text',
  contextId: 'request-123',

logger.debug('Start request processing');
logger.info('Request processed successfully', { responseTime: '200ms' });


The Logger class is a powerful, customizable logging solution for TypeScript projects. It supports different log levels, custom log outputs (text or JSON), context-aware logging, and flexible log transmission. Start using Logger today to improve your application’s logging capabilities!

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