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yarn add @vechain.energy/connex-utils


A simple wrapper that adds support for multiple nodes. Switches automatically between NodeJS and regular Browser-Javascript.

Example without getConnex in Browser-Environment:

import { Connex } from '@vechain/connex'

const connex = new Connex({
  node: 'https://mainnet.veblocks.net',
  network: 'main'

Example with a single node using getConnex:

import { getConnex } from '@vechain.energy/connex-utils'

const connex = await getConnex({
  node: 'https://mainnet.veblocks.net'
  • The network parameter is optional, the genesis block is detected from the given node

Example with added functionality of multiple nodes:

import { getConnex } from '@vechain.energy/connex-utils'

const connex = await getConnex({
  node: [
  network: 'main'
  • It tests each node url before creating a Connex instance
  • The last working node is remembered to not re-test previous failures

Example in NodeJS:

const { getConnex } = require('@vechain.energy/connex-utils')

async function main () {
  const connex = await getConnex({
    node: [
  const data = await connex.thor.block(10000000).get()

  .then(() => process.exit(0))
  .catch(err => console.error(err))


Reasons for the approach:

  1. Modifying Connex to support multiple nodes would require a bigger refactoring because it creates a network instance and provides no point of validation before using it
  2. Creating a connex object and doing a test request works but it will loop forever for invalid nodes, there is no disconnect option
  3. re-using SimpleNet to test a connection failed because of context (this) issues, switching to bent was the fastest path for success and might switch to use axios (which is used within SimpleNet) to reduce project size

Name Helpers

To support vet.domains name handling there are some helper functions

getAddress(name, connex)

  • Helper to always get an address returned, suited for sending integrations.
  • Returns given address or a getRecord() call.
const { getAddress } = require('@vechain.energy/connex-utils')

// ..

// always get an address
await getAddress("0x981ebf8F1F98465F93fd0208a0b5e531DdC37815", connex) 
await getAddress("hello.vet", connex) 

getRecord(name, connex)

  • Lookup the address record for a name manually.
  • Returns address or throws if no resolver or record is set
const { getRecord } = require('@vechain.energy/connex-utils', connex)

// ..

// get the address for a .vet name
await getRecord("hello.vet", connex) 

getName(name, connex)

  • Lookup the primary name for an address.
  • Returns name or empty string.
const { getName } = require('@vechain.energy/connex-utils')

// ..

// get the primary name for an address
await getName("0x981ebf8F1F98465F93fd0208a0b5e531DdC37815", connex)



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