Client library for communication with Companion. Intended for use in Uppy plugins.
Uppy is being developed by the folks at Transloadit, a versatile file encoding service.
import Uppy from '@uppy/core'
import { Provider, RequestClient, Socket } from '@uppy/companion-client'
const uppy = new Uppy()
const client = new RequestClient(uppy, {
companionUrl: '',
client.get('/drive/list').then(() => {})
const provider = new Provider(uppy, {
companionUrl: '',
provider: providerPluginInstance,
provider.checkAuth().then(() => {})
const socket = new Socket({ target: 'wss://' })
socket.on('progress', () => {})
Unless you are writing a custom provider plugin, you do not need to install this.
$ npm install @uppy/companion-client