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0.7.1 • Public • Published



A plugin for Fastify to connect routes with a OpenAPI 3.x specification. It does so by:

  • Providing a way to register routes using the operationId defined in your specification instead of having to manually call fastify.route with the correct URL, method, and schema.
  • Handling securitySchemes and security keywords defined in your specification, simplifying the implementation of authentication and authorization middleware.


npm install @uphold/fastify-openapi-router-plugin

This plugin is written and exported in ESM only. If you are using CommonJS, consider making a pull-request and we will happily review it.


import Fastify from 'fastify';
import openApiRouterPlugin from '@uphold/fastify-openapi-router-plugin';

const fastify = Fastify();

// Register the OpenAPI Router plugin.
await fastify.register(openApiRouterPlugin, {
  spec: './petstore.json'

// Register a route using the 'operationId'.
  operationId: 'getPetById',
  handler: async (request, reply) => {
    const { petId } = request.params;

    const pet = await retrievePetFromDB(petId);

    return pet;


You can pass the following options during the plugin registration:

await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: './petstore.json',
  securityHandlers: {
    APIAuth: (value, request) => {}
Option Type Description
spec string or object REQUIRED. A file path or object of your OpenAPI specification.
securityHandlers object An object containing the security handlers that match Security Schemes described in your OpenAPI specification.
securityErrorMapper function A function that allows mapping the default UnauthorizedError to a custom error.


If you don't provide a valid OpenAPI specification, the plugin will throw an error telling you what's wrong.

Sample using a file path

await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: './petstore.json' // or spec: './petstore.yaml'

Sample using an object

await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: {
    openapi: '3.1.0',


If you haven't defined any Security Schemes in your OpenAPI specification, this option won't be required. Otherwise, plugin will try to resolve every securityHandlers.<name> as an async function that matches securitySchemes.<name> in your OpenAPI specification.

Security handlers are executed as a onRequest hook for every API operation if plugin founds a Security Requirement Object defined on the root level or operation level of your OpenAPI specification. According to Fastify Lifecycle, it is the most secure way to implement an authentication layer because it avoids parsing the body for unauthorized accesses.

If your operation's security use repeated security schemes, the plugin will call the associated security handler only once per request and cache its result. Furthermore, the plugin is smart enough to skip security blocks that have missing values from the request. For example, if you have a security block with APIKey and OAuth2 and the request contains the API key but no bearer token, the plugin will automatically skip the block altogether without calling any security handler.

The security handler should either throw an error or return an object with { data, scopes } where data becomes available as request.oas.security.<name> in your route handler and scopes is array of strings that will be used to verify if the scopes defined in the API operation are satisfied.

Sample using OAuth 2.0

await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: {
    openapi: '3.1.0',
    paths: {
      '/pet/{petId}': {
        get: {
          operationId: 'getPetById',
          security: [
            { OAuth2: ['pets:read'] }
    components: {
      securitySchemes: {
        OAuth2: {
          type: 'oauth2',
          flows: {
  securityHandlers: {
    OAuth2: async (token, request) => {
      // Validate and decode token.
      const { userId } = verifyToken(token);

      return {
        data: { userId },
        scopes: tokenData.scopes

Any error thrown by the security handler will be internally wrapped in a SecurityHandlerError with fatal = true, which will stop further security blocks to be executed. If you wish to continue with the next security block, you can throw createSecurityHandlerError(error, false) in your handler.

[!TIP] The scopes returned by the security handler can contain trailing wildcards. For example, if the security handler returns { scopes: ['pets:*'] }, the route will be authorized for any security scope that starts with pets:.

[!IMPORTANT] If your specification uses http security schemes with in: cookie, you must register @fastify/cookie before this plugin.


The plugin will throw an UnauthorizedError when none of the security blocks succeed. By default, this error originates a 401 reply with { code: 'FST_OAS_UNAUTHORIZED', 'message': 'Unauthorized' } as the payload. You can override this behavior by leveraging the securityErrorMapper option:

await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: './petstore.json',
  securityHandlers: {
    OAuth2: async (request, reply) => {
      // ...
  securityErrorMapper: (unauthorizedError) => {
    // Use `unauthorizedError.securityReport` to perform logic and return a custom error.
    return MyUnauthorizedError();

The securityReport property of the unauthorized error contains an array of objects with the following structure:

    ok: false,
    // Schemes can be an empty object if the security block was skipped due to missing values.
    schemes: {
      OAuth2: {
        ok: false,
        // The error will be either be a `fastify.oas.errors.SecurityHandlerError` or a `fastify.oas.errors.ScopesMismatchError` if the scopes were not satisfied.
        error: <Error>,

If you don't define a securityErrorMapper, you can still catch the UnauthorizedError in your fastify error handler.



This method is used to register a new route by translating the given operationId to a compliant Fastify route.

options must be an object containing at least the operationId and handler(request, reply). All the available routes options can be used except method, url and schema because those are loaded from your OpenAPI specification.


await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: './petstore.json'

  operationId: 'getPetById',
  handler: (request, reply) => {}


This object contains all error classes that can be thrown by the plugin:

  • UnauthorizedError: Thrown when all security schemes verification failed.
  • ScopesMismatchError: Thrown when the scopes returned by the security handler do not satisfy the scopes defined in the API operation.


For your convenience, the object request.oas is populated with data related to the request being made. This is an object containing { operation, security, securityReport }, where:

  • operation is the raw API operation that activated the Fastify route.
  • security is an object where keys are security scheme names and values the returned data field from security handlers.
  • securityReport: A detailed report of the security verification process. Check the securityErrorMapper section for more information.


await fastify.register(import('@fastify/fastify-openapi-router-plugin'), {
  spec: './petstore.json',
  securityHandlers: {
    OAuth2: async (request, reply) => {
      // Validate and decode token.
      const { userId, scopes } = verifyToken(token);

      return {
        data: { userId },

  operationId: 'getPetById',
  handler: (request, reply) => {
    const { petId } = request.params;
    const { userId } = request.oas.security.PetStoreAuth;

    return getPetById(petId, userId);

Other exports


This object contains all error classes that can be thrown by the plugin. It contains the same errors as fastify.oas.errors.

verifyScopes(providedScopes, requiredScopes)

Checks if the providedScopes satisfy the requiredScopes. Returns an array of missing scopes or an empty array if all scopes are satisfied.

This functions supports trailing wildcards on providedScopes. For example, if the provided scopes is ['pets:*'] and the required scopes is ['pets:read'], the function will return an empty array.


Coercing of parameters

This plugin configures Fastify to coerce parameters to the correct type based on the schema, style and explode keywords defined in the OpenAPI specification. However, there are limitations. Here's an overview:

  • Coercing of all primitive types is supported, like number and boolean.
  • Coercing of array types are supported, albeit with limited styles:
    • Path: simple.
    • Query: form with exploded enabled or disabled.
    • Headers: simple.
    • Cookies: no support.
  • Coercing of object types is not supported.

If your API needs improved coercion support, like object types or cookie parameters, please fill an issue to discuss the implementation.

Using discriminator

This plugin removes discriminator.mapping from schemas since ajv (fastify's validator) does not support it. However, to use discriminator in your OpenAPI schema, you must also enable discriminator option during fastify initialization like so:

import Fastify from 'fastify'

const fastify = Fastify({
  ajv: {
    customOptions: {
      discriminator: true





Install dependencies:

npm i

Run tests:

npm run test

Run tests and update snapshots:

npm run test -- -u

Cutting a release

The release process is automated via the release GitHub workflow. Run it by clicking the "Run workflow" button.



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