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Webpack build for UCD Library SPA applications/websites


In your project install both webpack and this project

npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli @ucd-lib/cork-app-build

Create build config scripts

Example watch script: webpack-watch.config.js

The watch script builds a version of the elements that are compatable with modern browsers. The watch script will watch all file resources and rebuild the bundle whenever a change is made.

let config = require('@ucd-lib/cork-app-build').watch({
  // root directory, all paths below will be relative to root
  root : __dirname,
  // path to your entry .js file
  entry : 'public/elements/entry-element.js',
  // folder where bundle.js will be written
  preview : 'public',
  // path your client (most likely installed via yarn) node_modules folder.
  // Due to the flat:true flag of yarn, it's normally best to separate 
  // client code/libraries from all other modules (ex: build tools such as this).
  // will take an array of relative paths as well
  clientModules : 'public/node_modules'

// optionaly you can run:
// require('@ucd-lib/cork-app-build').watch(config, true)
// Adding the second flag will generate a ie build as well as a modern
// build when in development.  Note this slows down the build process.

module.exports = config;

Example dist script: webpack-dist.config.js

The dist script creates minified code for both modern browsers as well as a special bundle for Internet Explorer (of course...).

let config = require('@ucd-lib/cork-app-build').dist({
  // root directory, all paths below will be relative to root
  root : __dirname,
  // path to your entry .js file
  entry : 'public/elements/entry-element.js',
  // folder where bundle.js and ie-bundle.js will be written
  dist : 'dist',
  // path your client (most likely installed via yarn) node_modules folder.
  // Due to the flat:true flag of yarn, it's normally best to separate 
  // client code/libraries from all other modules (ex: build tools such as this).
  // will take an array of relative paths as well
  clientModules : 'public/node_modules'

module.exports = config;

Run watch/dist

Finally, add the following to your npm "scripts" section of your package.json file:

  "scripts" : {
    "watch": "webpack --config webpack-watch.config.js --watch",
    "dist": "webpack --config webpack-dist.config.js"

Now you can run the webpack watch script:

npm run watch

or build dist

npm run dist




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  • ucdust
  • jrmerz
  • qjhart
  • steveisgreat