npm install --save @types/dom4
This package contains type definitions for dom4 (
Files were exported from
interface ParentNode {
* Returns the child elements.
readonly children: HTMLCollection;
* Inserts `nodes` after the last child of this node, while replacing strings with equivalent `Text` nodes.
append(...nodes: Array<Node | string>): void;
* Inserts `nodes` before the first child of this node, while replacing strings with equivalent `Text` nodes.
prepend(...nodes: Array<Node | string>): void;
interface ChildNode {
* Inserts `nodes` just after this node, while replacing strings with equivalent `Text` nodes.
after(...nodes: Array<Node | string>): void;
* Inserts `nodes` just before this node, while replacing strings with equivalent `Text` nodes.
before(...nodes: Array<Node | string>): void;
* Replaces this node with `nodes`, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
replaceWith(...nodes: Array<Node | string>): void;
* Removes this node.
remove(): void;
interface Element extends ParentNode {
* Returns the first (starting at element) inclusive ancestor that matches selectors, and null otherwise.
closest(selectors: string): Element | null;
* Returns true if matching selectors against element’s root yields element, and false otherwise.
matches(selectors: string): boolean;
interface Elements extends ParentNode, Array<Element> {
interface Document extends ParentNode {
interface DocumentFragment extends ParentNode {
- Last updated: Mon, 06 Nov 2023 22:41:05 GMT
- Dependencies: none
These definitions were written by Adi Dahiya, and Gilad Gray.