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0.6.5 • Public • Published

Docusaurus OpenAPI

OpenAPI plugin for generating API reference docs in Docusaurus v2.


Install the preset in your docusaurus project by running:

// with npm
npm install docusaurus-preset-openapi

// with yarn
yarn add docusaurus-preset-openapi


  1. Add your OpenAPI definition to the root of your site dir as openapi.json (See Configuration options below).

  2. The OpenAPI preset can be used as a drop-in replacement for @docusaurus/preset-classic, replace it as follows:

    /* docusaurus.config.js */
      presets: [
            // docs: { ... },
            // blogs: { ... },
            // theme: { ... },
  3. Add a link to the API section of your site by updating themeConfig.navbar.items:

    /* docusaurus.config.js */
      themeConfig: {
        navbar: {
          items: [
            // ... other items
            { to: "/api", label: "API", position: "left" },
            // ... other items


The OpenAPI plugin can be configured with the following options:

Name Type Default Description
path string 'openapi.json' Path to OpenAPI definition (json or yaml) on filesystem relative to site dir.
routeBasePath string 'api' URL route for the API section of your site. DO NOT include a trailing slash. Use / for shipping API without base path.
sidebarCollapsible boolean true Whether sidebar categories are collapsible by default.
sidebarCollapsed boolean true Whether sidebar categories are collapsed by default.
apiLayoutComponent string '@theme/ApiPage' Root Layout component of each API page.
apiItemComponent string '@theme/ApiItem' Main API container, with demo panel, pagination, etc.
remarkPlugins any[] [] Remark plugins passed to MDX.
rehypePlugins any[] [] Rehype plugins passed to MDX.
beforeDefaultRemarkPlugins any[] [] Custom Remark plugins passed to MDX before the default Docusaurus Remark plugins.
beforeDefaultRehypePlugins any[] [] Custom Rehype plugins passed to MDX before the default Docusaurus Rehype plugins.


/* docusaurus.config.js */

  presets: [
        api: {
          path: "api/cars.yaml",
          routeBasePath: "cars",
          // ... other options

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npm i @typebot.io/docusaurus-preset-openapi

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  • baptistearnaud