Rate limit plugin for twitter-api-v2
Base plugin to handle rate limit storage. Can be extended with custom stores. By default, rate limits are stored into process memory.
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2'
import { TwitterApiRateLimitPlugin } from '@twitter-api-v2/plugin-rate-limit'
const rateLimitPlugin = new TwitterApiRateLimitPlugin()
const client = new TwitterApi(yourKeys, { plugins: [rateLimitPlugin] })
// ...make requests...
await client.v2.me()
const currentRateLimitForMe = await rateLimitPlugin.v2.getRateLimit('users/me')
console.log(currentRateLimitForMe.limit) // 75
console.log(currentRateLimitForMe.remaining) // 74
console.log(rateLimitPlugin.hasHitRateLimit(currentRateLimitForMe)) // false - .remaining > 0
console.log(rateLimitPlugin.isRateLimitStatusObsolete(currentRateLimitForMe)) // false - reset hasn't been hit yet
Modificators .v1
prefixes your endpoint with the good URL (like https://api.twitter.com/2
for .v2
Create a custom store
You can create a custom store (for Redis, MongoDB, SQL...) to store your rate limit data.
Store is given as the first argument of constructor of TwitterApiRateLimitPlugin
A store is a class which implements ITwitterApiRateLimitStore
You can find a example of store (the default one) TwitterApiRateLimitMemoryStore
, here.