
0.9.0 • Public • Published

TV Kitchen Appliance Core

This package contains core classes for use by TV Kitchen Appliances and code that interacts with TV Kitchen Appliances.

Key Contents

This package has some supporting classes, but the content that will be relevant to others are:

  • AbstractAppliance is a class which all TV Kitchen Appliances should extend and implement.

  • AbstractVideoIngestionAppliance is a class that converts an arbitrary video input stream into properly decorated STREAM.CONTAINER Payloads.

Implementing an Abstract Appliance

An implemented TV Kitchen Appliance must override the following methods which are outlined in the IAppliance interface:

  1. getInputTypes: returns an array of strings that represent the data types that the appliance accepts.
  2. getOutputTypes: returns an array of strings that represent the data types that the appliance produces.
  3. isValidPayload: returns a boolean indicating if a given Payload (instance of data) meets the conditions of the appliance.
  4. invoke: will actually process the data that has been collected by the appliance so far.

Implementing an Abstract Video Ingestion Appliance

An implemented TV Kitchen Video Ingestion Appliance must override the following methods:

  1. getInputStream: returns an ReadbleStream to a video.

If you override audit please be sure to call super.audit() as well.

About the TV Kitchen

TV Kitchen is a project of Bad Idea Factory. Learn more at the TV Kitchen project site.




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  • slifty
  • reefdog