Ngx Charts
Ngx Charts is an angular library for presenting data in chart. This library is easy to integrate in your angular component. This library supports Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Pie, Donuts and Line chart. In this libray use D3 to calculate math, scale, axis and shape. You can also customize this library as your requirements.
Building this library is inspired by jQuery Highchart and @swimlane/ngx-charts.
npm i @tusharghoshbd/ngx-charts
Here is given the example of bar chart. For more information please demo and documentation.
Html file
Ts file
optionsh: any={};
categoriesh: any=[];
seriesh: any=[];
ngOnInit(): void {
barType: 'horizontal',
title: 'Title of the horizontal bar',
subtitle: 'Subtitle of the horizontal bar',
height: 400,
//width: 700,
xAxis: {
title: 'Continent population no',
labelRotation: 0,
labelAlign: 'middle',
labelEllipsisSize: 16
yAxis: {
title: 'Continent name',
labelEllipsisSize: 16
plotOptions: {
groupBarPadding: 20,
innerBarPadding: 2
legend: {
labelEllipsisSize: 10
this.categoriesh=['Africa', 'America', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Oceania']
name: 'Year 1800',
data: [107, 31, 635, 203, 545]
}, {
name: 'Year 1900',
data: [133, 156, 947, 408, 643]
}, {
name: 'Year 2000',
data: [814, 841, 1714, 727, 31]
}, {
name: 'Year 2016',
data: [1216, 1001, 1436, 738, 40]
Module file
import { ngxChartsBarModule} from '@tusharghoshbd/ngx-charts';
- Responsive
- Horizontal bar chart
- Vertical bar chart
- Stacked horizontal chart
- Stacked vertical chart
- Pie chart
- Donuts chart
- Line chart
- Combo chart (Combinations of bar chart and line chart)
- Customized legend
- Tool-tip
- Chart animation
All features examples are available in Demo in stackblitz
Upcoming features
- Customized tooltip template
- Legend click event
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.