Your TurboStarter assistant for starting new projects, adding plugins and more.
You can run commands using npx
npx turbostarter <command>
This ensures that you always run the latest version of the CLI.
Running the CLI without any arguments will display the general information about the CLI:
Usage: turbostarter [options] [command]
Your Turbo Assistant for starting new projects, adding plugins and more.
-v, --version display the version number
-h, --help display help for command
new create a new TurboStarter project
help [command] display help for command
To create a new TurboStarter project, run the following command:
npx turbostarter new
The CLI will ask you a few questions about the project (e.g. name, database, billing etc.) and then create a new project in the working directory.
The command will also install all dependencies and run the project setup scripts.
Visit to view the documentation.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.