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1.2.0 • Public • Published


TypeScript friendly SimpleQuery evaluator. Heavily inspired by Mongo Query Language

Base use

import {match} from "@ts-awesome/simple-query";

const query = {
  a: 5, // short cut for {$eq: {a: 5}

const candidate = {a: 5, b: 6};

const result = match(candidate, query);

Works with iterables as well

import {filter} from "@ts-awesome/simple-query";

const query = {
  a: 5, // short cut for {$eq: {a: 5}

const candidate = [{a: 5, b: 6}, {a: 2}, {a: 5, b: 1}];

const result = filter(candidate, query);

We have sorting too

import {sort} from "@ts-awesome/simple-query";

const candidate = [{a: 5, b: 6}, {a: 2}, {a: 5, b: 1}];

const orderedByA = sort(candidate, 'a');
const orderedByAdB = sort(candidate, 'a-,b+');
// ordering with typescript validation on keys
const orderedByAdB2 = sort(candidate, [{a: 'DESC'}, {b: 'DESC'}]);


Wrap you Iterable into Collection and do queries and ordering. Result is calculated when collection is iterated or valueOf is invoked.

import {Collection} from "@ts-awesome/simple-query";

interface IModel {
  a: number;
  b?: string;

const data: Iterable<IModel>;
const collecton = new Collection(data);

const result = collecton
  .where({$gt: {a: 3}})
  .sort('a-, b');

for(const item of result) {

Query language

Binary operators

  • {$eq: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] === right
  • {$neq: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] !== right
  • {$gt: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] > right
  • {$gte: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] >= right
  • {$lt: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] < right
  • {$lte: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] <= right
  • {$lte: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left] <= right
  • {$regex: {[left]: right}} equivalent to right.test(data[left])
  • {$like: {[left]: right}} checks if to data[left] matches like pattern in right, % is any characters
  • {$in: {[left]: right}} equivalent to right.indexOf(data[left]) >= 0
  • {$contains: {[left]: right}} equivalent to data[left].indexOf(right) >= 0


  • {$not: {/*condition*/}} equivalent to !(/*condition*/)
  • {$and: [{/*condition 1*/}, {/*condition 2*/}] equivalent to (/*condition 1*/) && (/*condition 2*/)
  • {$or: [{/*condition 1*/}, {/*condition 2*/}] equivalent to (/*condition 1*/) || (/*condition 2*/)


In some cases you need to check again other prop value. {$ref: 'prop'} does exactly that.

Example: {$neq: {a: {$ref: 'b'}}}

Advanced use

Functions like evaluate, match, filter, sort and Collection support optional ReferenceResolverFactory. By default standardResolverFactory is used

import {ISimpleQuery, ValidQueryModelSignature, ReferenceResolver} from "@ts-awesome/simple-query";

function standardResolverFor<T extends ValidQueryModelSignature<T>>(obj: T): ReferenceResolver<T> {
  return (ref, value?: ISimpleQuery) => {
    // operators must start with $, then second argument `value` is passed
    if (ref.startsWith('$')) {
      // here you can support custom operators
      throw new Error(`Unknown operator ${ref}`);
    // here is simplest name resolution, but you can do all kinds of magic here 
    return obj[ref];

Providing own ReferenceResolverFactory opens lots of new possibilities


May be freely distributed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2022 Volodymyr Iatsyshyn and other contributors




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  • viatsyshyn