make sure your users are up to date with your latest models, styles, and whatever else they need the latest and bestest of
Let's say we want to send a ModelPack message to our users whenever our models change and a StylesPack when our styles change. This is how you might do it:
const keepFresh = require('@tradle/bot-keep-fresh')
// if we change ./mymodels
// we want to make sure the user gets sent a ModelsPack in the next interaction
const myModels = require('./mymodels')
const myStyles = require('./mystyles')
const modelsFreshener = bot.use(keepModelsFresh(myModels))
const stylesFreshener = bot.use(keepStylesFresh(myStyles))
// to perform hot updates:
// modelsFreshener.update(newModels)
function keepModelsFresh (models) {
return keepFresh({
id: 'models',
item: models,
// in proactive mode, the bot will update all known users on start
// proactive: true,
update: function update ({ bot, user, item }) {
// send the latest models to the user
return bot.send({
userId: user.id,
object: {
_t: 'tradle.ModelsPack',
models: item
function keepStylesFresh (styles) {
return keepFresh({
id: 'styles',
item: styles,
// in proactive mode, the bot will update all known users on start
// proactive: true,
update: function update ({ bot, user, item }) {
// send the latest models to the user
return bot.send({
userId: user.id,
object: {
_t: 'tradle.StylesPack',
styles: item