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0.2.9 • Public • Published


pg-migrate is a tool which manages databases' schema & data with SQL scripts.

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1. Use pg-migrate as a global command

npm install -g @tqt/pg-migrate

You need to have a migration folder structured as below. You can name it whatever you want however its 2 sub-folders up and down are required. Put your main scripts in the up folder and name them in the alphabetical order (the order you want it to run). In case you want to downgrade, you need to place their counterparts in the down folder with the same name.

- migration-folder
  - up
    - 001-add-sample-1.sql
    - 002-add-sample-2.sql
    - 003-add-sample-3.sql
  - down
    - 001-add-sample-1.sql
    - 002-add-sample-2.sql
    - 003-add-sample-3.sql

Then run the script with the up command

pg-migrate up --migration-folder your-migration-folder --host host-name --database database-name --port port --user user-name --password password

For example

pg-migrate up --migration-folder ./db-migration --host localhost --database sample --port 5432 --user postgres --password postgres

After the command executes, a table named migration is created in your current database with all executed scripts.

id version createdAt
0 001-add-sample-1 1622278220790
1 002-add-sample-2 1622279735989
2 003-add-sample-3 1622279766950

In case you want to migrate to a specific version but not the latest one, run

pg-migrate up 002-add-sample-2 --migration-folder ./db-migration --host localhost --database sample --port 5432 --user postgres --password postgres

To downgrade to a specific version, run the script with the down command

pg-migrate down 002-add-sample-2 --migration-folder ./db-migration --host localhost --database sample --port 5432 --user postgres --password postgres

Instead of using parameters, you can use environment variables. You also may use a connection string. Here is the list of all parameters:

param alternative environment variable sample
--migration-folder POSTGRES_MIGRATION_FOLDER ./db-migration
--host POSTGRES_HOST localhost
--port "003-add-sample-3" 5432
--database POSTGRES_DATABASE postgres
--user POSTGRES_USER user
--password POSTGRES_PASSWORD password
--ssl POSTGRES_SSL true
--connectionString POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING postgresql://dbuser:secretpassword@database.server.com:3211/mydb

2. Use pg-migrate as a local command

Install the package as a dep dependency in your project

npm install --save-dev @tqt/pg-migrate

or using yarn

yarn add -D @tqt/pg-migrate

Then run

npx pg-migrate up --migration-folder your-migration-folder --host host-name --database database-name --port port --user user-name --password password

3: Run it in your code

Install the package as a dep dependency in your project

npm install --save-dev @tqt/pg-migrate

or using yarn

yarn add -D @tqt/pg-migrate

Then import and run it in your code

import {migrate} from '@tqt/pg-migrate';

  migrationFolder: './db-migration',
  mode: 'up',
  poolConfig: {
    host: 'host',
    database: 'database',
    port: 5432,
    user: 'user',
    password: 'password',
    ssl: true,

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npm i @tqt/pg-migrate

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