
0.5.0 • Public • Published


Mobile friendly react table component based on react-table using its useFlexLayout hook.


Table of Content


The package can be installed via npm:

npm install @tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive --save

Or via yarn:

yarn add @tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive

Do not forget to import styles if you want to use the defafult styling.

should be imported once in your root component

import '@tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive/es/index.css';
import '@tourmalinecore/react-tc-modal/es/index.css';
import '@tourmalinecore/react-tc-ui-kit/es/index.css';

NOTE: You may want to re-style on your own. In that case you don't have to import the styles.

Main Package Features

  • Table that supports client side pagination/sorting/filtration. Go to section
  • Table that supports server side pagination/sorting/filtration. Go to section
  • Single column sorting. Go to section
  • Optional persistance of selected sorting, filters, page size, etc. by storing them in the LS.
  • Different pagination strategy between mobile and desktop versions of the table.
  • Total amount of rows in the footer of the table.
  • Actions column. Easy way to create interactive table by adding action buttons to each row. Go to section
  • External trigger of the server side table data reloading. Go to section
  • Customizable column filtration. You can use your own filter-component or override the default filtration behaviour. Go to section
  • Passing react-table props to the underlying engine as is. (not all the features are supported, see the list here)

Client Side Table

The most basic usage of the ClientTable:

import {ClientTable} from '@tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive';

const data = [
      name: 'name1',
      data: 'data1',
      name: 'name2',
      data: 'data2',

const columns = [
      Header: 'Name',
      accessor: 'name',
      Header: 'Data',
      accessor: 'data',



Name Type Default Value Description
tableId String "" Required parameter. Used to differentiate the state of a table among the other table instances. Should be unique
data Array<any> [] Data for table grouped by rows, it maps with columns by property key, using columns 'accessor field'. Each object is a row: key - column id (use it in columns 'accessor' field), value - cell data
columns Array<Column> [] Defines table's collumns. See the table below for more info
actions Array<Action> [] Defines a special column for action-buttons. See the table below for more info
order Object {} Sorting order
language String | Object "en" Language used for the navigation labels. Accepts "en"/"ru" or Object containing translation for all necessary strings (example)
renderMobileTitle React.Component | Function(Row) => JSX () => null Rows accordion head content for mobile view
maxStillMobileBreakpoint Int 800 Breakpoint to toggle between mobile/desktop view
isStriped Boolean false Sets striped rows view
loading Boolean false If true displays loader in place of table's content
onFiltersChange Function(Array<Filter>) => any () => null Triggered when value of any filter is changed
enableTableStatePersistance Boolean false If true, selected filters, ordering and current page will be stored in memory and when user goes back to the table its state will be initialized with it. It is stored in a const variable thus state dissapears on page reload

NOTE: You can also provide your custom props: anything you put into these options will automatically be available on the instance. E.g. if you provide a function, it will be available from the Cell renderers

Column props

Name Type Default Value Description
Header String "" Display name for the column 'th'
accessor String | Function(originalRow, rowIndex) => any "" Used to build the data model for your column. The data returned by an accessor should be primitive and sortable
Cell React.Component | Function({row}) => JSX ({ value }) => String(value) Function for renedring cell's content. By default renders content of a property with the same name as the accessor as text
Footer String | React.Component | Function => JSX () => null Renders column's footer. Receives the table instance and column model as props
filter Function(rows: Array<Row>, columnIds: Array<ColumnId: String>, filterValue) => Rows[] "text" Function used for the column filtration. If a string is passed, the function with that name will be used from either the custom filterTypes table option (if specified) or from the built-in filtering types object.
Filter React.Component | Function() => JSX () => null Receives the table instance and column model as props. Renders a component, that will be used for filtration in the column. By default text input is used
selectFilterOptions Array<Object> [] If you use SelectColumnFilter, pass options with this property
minWidth Int 80 Min limit for the resizing
width Int 150 Used for both the flex-basis and flex-grow
maxWidth Int 400 Max limit for the resizing
principalFilterableColumn Boolean true
nonMobileColumn Boolean true Prevents column from showing on the mobile
noFooterColumn Boolean false Prevents column from showing in the footer, if it is enabled
disableSortBy Boolean true Disables sorting for the column
disableFilters Boolean true Disables filtering for the column

NOTE: You can find more info about react-table props on official docs.


This package implements single-column sorting. You can use by adding order property to the Table. It accepts object with such props as id (accessor of the property) and desc (determines sorting direction).

    id: 'name',
    desc: false,


You can use your own filtration function for standard text input filter:

const columns = [
      Header: 'Status',
      accessor: 'status',
      filter: (rows, columnIds, filterValue) => rows.filter(row.original.status === filterValue),

OR you can implement a whole new Filter component:

function CustomFilter ({
  column: {
  }) {
    return (
        value={setFilterOverride ? filterValueOverride : filterValue}
        onChange={(e) => {
          const newFilterValue = e.target.value;

          if (setFilterOverride) {
            setFilterOverride(id, newFilterValue);
          } else {

const columns = [
      Header: 'Status',
      accessor: 'status',
      Filter: CustomFilter,

Select Column Filter

This package also contains ready-to-use SelectColumnFilter, that allows you to filter data by properties with a known set of values, such as status types. Set Filter property to SelectColumnFilter and define selectFilterOptions array, like in the example.

NOTE: To add "All" option in the list, you need to add object with an empty string value to Options array.

import {ClientTable, SelectColumnFilter} from '@tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive';

const columns = [
      Header: 'Status',
      accessor: 'status',
      Filter: SelectColumnFilter,
      selectFilterOptions: [
          label: 'All',
          value: '',
          label: 'Approved',
          value: 1,
          label: 'Declined',
          value: 2,


const data = [
      name: 'name1',
      data: 'data1',
      name: 'name2',
      data: 'data2',
      canBeDownloaded: true,

const columns = [
      Header: 'Name',
      accessor: 'name',
      Header: 'Data',
      accessor: 'data',

const actions = [
    name: 'open-dictionaries-action',
    show: () => true,
    renderText: () => 'Open Dictionaries',
    onClick: (e, row) => console.log(`Opening Dictionaries for ${row.original.name}`),
    name: 'download-action',
    show: (row) => row.original.canBeDownloaded,
    renderIcon: () => <span>&darr;</span>,
    renderText: (row) => `Download ${row.original.name}`,
    onClick: (e, row) => console.log(`Downloading ${row.original.name}`),

return (

Action props

Name Type Default Value Description
name String "" Unique name for an action
show Function(row) => Boolean () => null Returns whether an action will be present for the row or not
renderIcon React.Component | Function(row) => JSX () => null Renders action icon
renderText Function(row) => String () => null Returns text, that will be shown as a Tooltip for the icon
onClick Function(event, row) => any () => null Event triggered on action's click

Table State Persistance

In order not to force the user to choose page size value every time they visit the page, Table instance always stores that value in the Local Storage.

By setting table's property enableTableStatePersistance to true you tell the table to store other settings (filters, sorting and current page) in a const variable, that will be reseted on page reload, but persist between pages in apps with a client-side routing.

Server Side Table

ServerTable is pretty much the same as the ClientTable, but instead of using the whole data at once, it loads data partially from an external source.

import {ServerTable} from '@tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive'

return (

    // this props for api calls

Table Refresh

You can manually invoke a table's data update by using the refresh property:

const [refresh, setRefresh] = useState(false);

return (
    <button onClick={() => setRefresh(!refresh)}>
      Refresh Table



ServerTable uses some unique props in addition to what client table has:

Name Type Default Value Description
refresh Boolean false Toggle it in any way to trigger table refresh
httpClient instance of axios axios For now it only applies instance of axios, you can pass your own axios instance with config, interceptors etc.
apiHostUrl String "" URL of your API
dataPath String "" The path to the specific endpoint from which the data will be requested
authToken String "" Authentication token if needed
requestMethod String "GET" Request method used by endpoint
requestData Object {} Data for requests with body
customDataLoader async Function undefined Pass async function here to rewrite table data loading logic, should return Promise
onPageDataLoaded Function () => null Triggered when value requested data is loaded

customDataLoader params

type Params = {
  draw: number,
  page: number,
  pageSize: number,
  orderBy: string,
  orderingDirection: 'desc' | 'asc',
  filteredByColumns: string[],
  filteredByValues: string[],

type CustomDataLoader = ({
  url: string,
  method: string,
  headers: {
    [key: string]: string
  params: Params,
  data: {},
  paramsSerializer: (params: Params) => string,
}) => Promise<{
  draw: number,
  list: {
    [tableDataKey: string]: string | number
  totalCount: number,

Request data

If you want to use default GET request method you will need to ensure that your backend endpoint can process query consisting of the parameters below:

Name Type Description
draw int Used as query identifier to ensure queries are being executed in correct order
page int Number of page to take
pageSize int Number that defines size of the pages
orderBy string Property name used for sorting
orderingDirection string Any string for ascending order or 'desc' for descending
filteredByColumns string[] Collection of property names to be used for filtering separated by coma
filteredByValues string[] Collection of property values to be used for filtering separated by coma. Thier indexes must correspond with the ones from the filteredByColumns array




curl --location -g --request GET 'https://{app url}/{endpoint}?draw=2&page=1&pageSize=10&orderBy=name&orderingDirection=desc&filteredByColumns=Name,Surname&filteredByValues=John,Smith' \
--header 'Authorization: {your aut token}'

Unsupported features from react-table

  • Multi-Column sorting
  • Virtualization

Package Sidebar


npm i @tourmalinecore/react-table-responsive

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  • tcayasnovsky
  • pandyz
  • tc.atretiakov