
5.7.4 • Public • Published


Topsi Base Services

Installation and Usage

$ yarn add @topsi/services
import { MultiItemSyncService } from '@topsi/services';
// ...
const service = new MultiItemSyncService(config);
// ...
  .subscribe(items => console.log(items));
// ...
  .subscribe(res => console.log(res));



class UnitLoggerService {
  log: (...args) => void
  error: (...args) => void
  warn: (...args) => void
  verbose: (...args) => void
  debug: (...args) => void
  info: (...args) => void

class LoggerService extends {
  constructor (config: LoggerServiceConfig, name: string)
  constructor (name: string)

  get: (subLoggerName?: string) => UnitLoggerService


enum AuthStatus {
  STATUS_RETRIEVING_CACHED_CREDENTIALS = 'auth/retrieving-cached-credentials'
  STATUS_CHECKING_CREDENTIALS = 'auth/checking-credentials'

interface AuthServiceConfig {
  // raw auth state stream
  authState$: Observable<User|null>
  // checker function that will be run every auth state (raw) change
  checker: (user: User, authService: AuthService) => Promise<User|null>
  signOutFxn: () => void
  signInFxn: (strategy: string, payload: any) => void

class AuthService {
  constructor (config: AuthServiceConfig)

  // current checked user
  currentUser$: Observable<User|null>
  // current processing status
  status$: Observable<AuthStatus|null>
  // error stream
  error$: Observable<Error>
  signOut: () => Promise
  signIn: (strategy: string, payload: any) => Promise


interface ItemSyncServiceConfig {


class ItemSyncService {
  constructor (config: ItemSyncServiceConfig, name: string, storage: ItemSyncStorage|null, authService?: AuthService)
  storage: ItemStyncStorage
  user: User|null
  setUser: (user: User) => this
  authService: AuthService|null
  autoSetUser: (authService: AuthService) => this
  stopAutoSetUser: () => this


interface SingleItemSyncServiceConfig extends ItemSyncServiceConfig {
  updateFlag: string = '$updating' // flag to indicate that the item is being updated
  removeFlag: string = '$removing' // flag to indicate that the item is being removed

  // used for showing optimistic update result
  optimisticUpdate: (item: object, changes: object) => object
  // used to update item online
  updateItemOnline: (item: object, changes: object, user: User, finishUpdate: (updates?: object) => void, undoUpdate: () => void) => void
  // used to remove item online
  removeItemOnline: (item: object, user: User, confirmRemove: () => void, cancelRemove: () => void) => void
  // used to listen to sections of data in realtime
  createSectionsListener: (item: object, sections: string[], user: User, item$: Observable<object>) => Observable<object> | Promise<object>

class SingleItemSyncService<T> extends ItemSyncService {
  constructor (config: SingleItemSyncServiceConfig, storage: ItemSyncStorage|null, authService?: AuthService, item: object)
  constructor (config: SingleItemSyncServiceConfig, storage: ItemSyncStorage|null, authService?: AuthService, itemKey: string)

  item$: Observable<T>
  error$: Observable<Error>
  startRealtimeData: (section: string) => this
  stopRealtimeData: (section: string) => this
  disconnect: () => this
  update: (changes: object) => this
  remove: () => this


interface MultiItemSyncServiceConfig<T> extends ItemSyncServiceConfig {
  limit: number = 10 // pagination limit
  createFlag: string = '$creating' // flag to indicate that the item is being created
  searchKeys: string[] // keys of object that are tested when searching
  resultKeys: string[] // only these keys are given on search results
  // used for testing a searching against a local object
  offlineMatchString: (obj: object, searchString: string, searchKeys?: string[], exact?: boolean) => boolean
  getNextNItems: (limit?: number, offset?: number|string, user?: User) => Observable<T[]>
  findOnlineBySearchString: (searchString: string, user: User, searchKeys?: string[], exact?: boolean) => Observable<T[]> | Promise<T[]>
  findOnlineByField: (field: string, val: any, user: User) => Observable<T> | Promise<T>
  createItemOnline: (item: object, user: User, finishCreate: (createdObject: object) => void, cancelCreate: (objectToCreate: object) => void) => void
  optimisticCreate: (obj: object) => object
  formatObjectToCreate: (obj: object) => object

class MultiItemSyncService<T> extends ItemSyncService {
  constructor (config: MultiItemSyncServiceConfig, storage: ItemSyncStorage|null, authService?: AuthService)

  items$: Observable<T[]>
  error$: Observable<Error>
  next: (limit?: number|null, offset?: number|string) => this
  stop: () => this
  search: (searchString: string, resultKeys?: string[], searchKeys?: string[], exact?: boolean) => Observable<Object[]>
  create: (obj: object) => object
  getOneByField: (field: string, val: any) => Observable<SingleItemService<T>>

  // alias
  getOneById: (id: string) => Observable<SingleItemService<T>>

Vue Helpers


interface SyncSingleStoreOpts {
  extraState?: object
  extraGetters?: object
  extraMutations?: object
  extraActions?: object
  // data template, only these keys will be reactive
  template: object = { id: null }
  // will run everytime `changes` object changes
  pickValidChanges: (changes: object) => object

syncSingle: (store: VuexStore, service: MultiItemSyncService, moduleName: string, opts: SyncSingleStoreOpts) => void

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleState {
  loading: boolean
  error: Error | null
  data: object // template would be used here
  dataSub: rx.Subscription // searching observable's subscription
  dataService: SingleItemSyncService // service of the currently selected item
  changes: object // current changes made to the current data, will be used for updating

  // and the extraState

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleGetters {
  loaded: boolean
  updating: boolean
  removing: boolean
  // and the extraGetters

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleMutations {
  SET_DATA: (data: object): void
  MUT_APPLY_TO_CHANGES: (fn: (changes: object) => object) => void
  MUT_SET_DATA_SERVICE: (payload?: { dataService: SingleItemSyncService, dataSub: rx.Subscription }) => void
  MUT_START_LOADING: () => void
  MUT_STOP_LOADING: (error?: Error) => void
  // and the extraMutations

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleActions {
  loadWithId: (id: string): void
  loadWithField: (payload?: { field: string, val: any }) => void
  // will use `state.changes`
  update: () => void
  // undo
  resetChanges: () => void
  applyFnToChanges: (fn: (changes: object) => object) => void
  setChanges: (changes: object) => void
  remove: () => void
  // and the extraActions

interface RegisteredVuexModule {
  state: RegeisteredVuexModuleState
  getters: RegeisteredVuexModuleGetters
  mutations: RegeisteredVuexModuleMutations
  actions: RegeisteredVuexModuleActions


interface SyncMultiStoreOpts {
  extraState?: object
  extraGetters?: object
  extraMutations?: object
  extraActions?: object
  // data template, only these keys will be reactive
  template: object = { id: null }
  // will run everytime `createObject` object changes
  pickValidCreateFields: (changes: object) => object

syncSingle: (store: VuexStore, service: MultiItemSyncService, moduleName: string, opts: SyncMultiStoreOpts) => void

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleState {
  search$: rx.Subject | null
  searchSub: rx.Subscription | null
  error: Error | null
  items: []
  searched: []
  createObject: {}
  // and the extraState

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleGetters {
  searching: boolean
  creating: boolean
  // and the extraGetters

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleMutations {
  MUT_SET_ITEMS: (items: object[]): void
  MUT_SET_ERROR: (error?: Error) => void
  MUT_SET_SEARCHED: (items: object[]): void

  MUT_SET_SEARCH_STREAM: (payload?: { search$: rx.Subject, searchSub: rx.Subscription }) => void
  MUT_APPLY_TO_CREATE_OBJECT: (fn: (changes: object) => object) => void
  // and the extraMutations

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleActions {
  stopSearch: () => void
  searchItem: (searchString: string) => void
  // will use `state.createObject`
  create: () => void
  resetCreateObject: () => void
  applyFnToCreateObject: (fn: (createObject: object) => object) => void
  setCreateObject: (createObject: object) => void
  // and the extraActions

interface RegisteredVuexModule {
  state: RegeisteredVuexModuleState
  getters: RegeisteredVuexModuleGetters
  mutations: RegeisteredVuexModuleMutations
  actions: RegeisteredVuexModuleActions


interface SyncAuthStoreOpts {
  extraState?: object
  extraGetters?: object
  extraMutations?: object
  extraActions?: object
  // data template, only these keys will be reactive
  template: object = { id: null }
  // will run everytime `createObject` object changes
  pickValidCreateFields: (changes: object) => object

syncSingle: (store: VuexStore, service: AuthService, moduleName: string, opts: SyncAuthStoreOpts) => void

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleState {
  currentUser: User | null
  status: AuthStatus | null
  error: Error | null
  // and the extraState

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleGetters {
  isLoggedIn: boolean
  // and the extraGetters

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleMutations {
  MUT_SET_USER: (user: User): void
  MUT_SET_ERROR: (error?: Error) => void
  MUT_SET_STATUS: (status: AuthStatus): void  
  // and the extraMutations

// Module shape
interface RegeisteredVuexModuleActions {
  signIn: (strategy: string, payload?: any) => void
  signOut: (searchString: string) => void  
  // and the extraActions

interface RegisteredVuexModule {
  state: RegeisteredVuexModuleState
  getters: RegeisteredVuexModuleGetters
  mutations: RegeisteredVuexModuleMutations
  actions: RegeisteredVuexModuleActions

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