
0.1.51 • Public • Published

BitGo-utxo with Komodo Antara (Cryptoconditions) Support

A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers. Written in javascript with the cryptoconditions (cc) library written in rust and built as a wasm module.

This javascript library allows to develop nSPV clients using Antara (CC) technology.
More info: Antara Development Docs

Released under the terms of the MIT LICENSE.


You can use the library in your node server or in the browser only application.

Node Server

  1. You need installed:
  • nodejs v.12+
  1. You'll need a komodo asset chain to run bitgo lib against. Or you can use one of the pre-defined chains in the network file in the library.
const { networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');  
const network = networks.tkltest;

Browser Only

  1. You need installed:
  • nodejs v.12+
  • browserify package
  • a webserver app (for example, webpack dev server)
  • a wsproxy app (for example, webcoin-bridge)
  1. You'll need a komodo asset chain to run bitgo lib against. Or you can use one of the pre-defined chains in the network file in the library.
const { networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');  
const network = networks.tkltest;


Using npm

npm i @tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib

Manual installation

Clone this git repository go to the new dir and checkout development branch.

Install the bitgo-komodo-cc-lib dependency packages, inside the repo dir run:

npm install

Basic API (WIP)

First you need to connect to peers to start making requests.

try {
  const { nspvConnect, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');  
  const network = networks.tkltest;
  const peers = await nspvConnect({ network }, {});
} catch (e) {
  // do something


general.keyToWif(String) - Receives any string(WIF/seed phrase) and returns WIF.

const { general, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const wif = general.keyToWif(seed, network);

general.getSeedPhrase(Number) - Generates a bip39 mnemonic seed phrase, specify strength 128 or 256 as a parameter.

const { general, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const seed = general.getSeedPhrase(256);

general.create_normaltx(wif, destaddress, amount, network, peers) - creates and signs transaction locally, amount is in satoshi, peers parameter is returned from nspvConnect, see connection example above

const { general, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const txHex = await general.create_normaltx(

CC Utils

getNormalUtxos(peers, address, skipCount, maxrecords) - get normal (non-CC) utxos from an address

const { ccutils, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const response = await ccutils.getNormalUtxos(peers, 'myaddress', 0, 0);

getCCUtxos(peers, address, skipCount, maxrecords) - get CC utxos from an address

const { ccutils, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const response = await ccutils.getCCUtxos(peers, 'myaddress', 0, 0);

getTxids(peers, address, isCC, skipCount, maxrecords) - returns txos (tx outputs bith spent and unspent) for an address

const { ccutils, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const response = await ccutils.getTxids(peers, 'myaddress', 0, 0, 0);

pubkey2NormalAddressKmd(mypk) - makes komodo normal address from a pubkey. Mypk - my public key.

const { ccutils, networks } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const network = networks.tkltest;
const mynormaladdress = ccutils.pubkey2NormalAddressKmd('mypublickey');

getRawTransaction(peers, mypk, txid) - Get transaction both in hex and decoded

getTransactionsMany(peers, mypk, args) - Get many transactions (in hex), args - JSON array of txids


getTransactionsManyDecoded(peers, mypk, args) - Get many transactions decoded with extra info on inputs and outputs, args - JSON array of txids


const { ccutils } = require('@tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib');
const uniqueIds = [


Response sample

    "txid": "69449770e102a1e1fd907900034f47146cbbf3a682a24fa7b088b9e408e951b9",
    "recipients": ["RAAF8xJ7Ya9hferR3ibtQDJHBFCXY4CSJE", "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK"],
    "senders": ["RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK"],
    "value": 1000000000,
    "fees": "10000",
    "ins": [
            "hash": Buffer,
            "index": 0,
            "script": Buffer,
            "sequence": 4294967295,
            "witness": [],
            "txid": "e932fdacaa16906e1ad70c4bfe52779094c565cec52c69b3182cbe081cf9f94b",
            "tx": {
                "value": 600000000,
                "script": Buffer,
                "address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
                "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
            "hash": Buffer,
            "index": 0,
            "script": Buffer,
            "sequence": 4294967295,
            "witness": [],
            "txid": "19f0ec147502bdd012d89f471d8a175ea7e689611faaefe26a9eba3d4375b70f",
            "tx": {
                "value": 300000000,
                "script": Buffer,
                "address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
                "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
            "hash": Buffer,
            "index": 0,
            "script": Buffer,
            "sequence": 4294967295,
            "witness": [],
            "txid": "2a145529738c82be0516b3dd6c4229d1a98b946dd6b80f0152da7dcbed0d9f21",
            "tx": {
                "value": 150000000,
                "script": Buffer,
                "address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
                "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
    "outs": [
            "value": 1000000000,
            "script": Buffer,
            "address": "RAAF8xJ7Ya9hferR3ibtQDJHBFCXY4CSJE",
            "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 09a7c48f0db7e8b54bf4494c01ed66b99f3216a6 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
            "value": 49990000,
            "script": Buffer,
            "address": "RH6VbDu9kzndwZBWR6PHAfntkBM3crKvKK",
            "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 55bb0c93f279e815f9b792861e2a21ad18a23fde OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"

CC Tokens

CC Tokens Tokel

Advanced API


In the samples folder are included a several examples of CC usage.

  1. faucet.js - example of how to create cc faucet and get transactions.
  2. normaltx.js - example of how to conduct chain transactions
  3. tokens.js - example of how to run tokensv2 cc functions
  4. tokenstokel.js - example of how to run tokensv2tokel cc functions

To test this you need a komodod chain with cc modules enabled (Note about the correct komodod repo with an nspv patch, see below)

Build test app to run in nodejs

Build the cryptoconditions wasm module:
Setup the rust nightly build to build cryptoconditions:

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly

Change to cryptoconditions-js directory and build the cryptoconditions wasm module for nodejs target:

cd ./node_modules/cryptoconditions-js
wasm-pack build -t nodejs

Run the testapp in nodejs:

node ./ccfaucetpoc.js

How to use the test app in the browser:

To run the test app in the browser you will need a webserver to host an html sample page and the test app ccfaucetpocbr.js. Also you need a websocket proxy to convert websockets into nspv p2p protocol.

Setting up a web server

I use the webpack dev server running in nodejs.
To setup a webpack sample config make a dir like 'webpack' and create inside it two files with the following content:


  "scripts": {
    "serve": "webpack-dev-server"
  "dependencies": {
    "cryptoconditions-js": "git+https://github.com/dimxy/cryptoconditions-js.git#master"
  "devDependencies": {
    "webpack": "^4.44.2",
    "webpack-cli": "^3.3.12",
    "webpack-dev-server": "^3.11.0"


const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  entry: "./ccfaucetpocbr.js",
  output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"),
    filename: "ccfaucetpocbr-bundle.js",
    library: 'myLibrary'
  mode: "development",
  //to serve from any external address (do not add this devServer config to serve only locally):
  devServer: {
    port: 8080,
    host: ''

(Both those package.json and webpack.config.js files may be found in webpack-test subdir of bitgo-komodo-cc-lib dir) Inside the webpack dir run:

npm install

(ignore printed errors)

Set again the nightly rust version for this repo:

rustup default nightly

Change to ./node_modules/cryptoconditions-js subdir and run the following command to build cryptconditions lib wasm for browserify.

cd ./node_modules/cryptoconditions-js
wasm-pack build

Now go to bitgo-komodo-cc-lib repo dir.
Rebuild sources and build the test app for browser:

npm run build
browserify ./samples/ccfaucetpoc.js --standalone faucet -o ccfaucetpocbr.js

Copy created ccfaucetpocbr.js into your webpack dir. Copy the example of an index.html page from the webpack-test dir to your webpack dir. Inside your webpack dir run the web server with a command:

npm run serve

The web server should be available at http://localhost:8080 url (if you installed the webpack on the same PC).

Use the correct komodod version

The last thing is to make sure you run a komodod version with an extension to nSPV getutxos call (it should additionally return script for each utxo).
Use this komodod branch for this: https://github.com/dimxy/komodo/tree/nspv-utxo-ext

I recommed to run komodod with -debug=net to easily discover wrong magic errors and observe communication dynamic. Basically komodod should print ver/verack and ping/pong exchanges in the debug.log, if connection is okay

What should happen in the test

When you run the chain, webpack and webcoin-bridge, you might go to the test page url in browser (http://localhost:8080).
It allows first to connect to a peer and then create cc faucet transactions.

Info about new and updated packages

Some dependent packages were modified to add support for komodo:

  • bitcoin-protocol

Links to these packages in package.json are updated to load them from forked github repositories (see package.json).

Also added a new package cryptoconditions-js link that currently is loaded from a github repo.

Original Bitgo-utxo-lib readme

Read the original readme here.


Package Sidebar


npm i @tokel/bitgo-komodo-cc-lib

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