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🌲 Timber - Node.js logging

Beta: Ready for testing Speed: Blazing ISC License

New to Timber? Here's a low-down on logging in Javascript.


This NPM library is for logging in Node.js.

If you have a universal or client-side app that requires logging in the browser, check out @timberio/browser or @timberio/js (which combines the two packages.)

Here's how to get started:


Install the package directly from NPM:

npm i @timberio/node


In ES6/Typescript, import the Timber class:

import { Timber } from "@timberio/node";

For CommonJS, require the package:

const { Timber } = require("@timberio/node");

Creating a client

Simply pass your Timber.io organization API + source keys as parameters to a new Timber instance (you can grab both from the Timber.io console):

const timber = new Timber("timber-organization-key", "timber-source-key");


This Node.js library extends @timberio/core, which provides a simple API for logging, adding middleware and more.

Visit the relevant readme section for more info/how-to:


In addition to .log|debug|info|warn|error() returning a Promise, the Node.js logger offers a .pipe() function for piping successfully synchronized logs to any writable stream.

This makes it trivial to additionally save logs to a file, stream logs over the network, or interface with other loggers that accept streamed data.

Here's a simple example of saving logs to a logs.txt file:

// Import the Node.js `fs` lib
import * as fs from "fs";

// Import the Node.js Timber library
import { Timber } from "@timberio/node";

// Open a writable stream to `logs.txt`
const logsTxt = fs.createWriteStream("./logs.txt");

// Create a new Timber instance, and pipe output to `logs.txt`
const timber = new Timber("timber-organization-key", "timber-source-key");

// When you next log, `logs.txt` will get a JSON string copy
timber.log("This will also show up in logs.txt");

Streamed logs passed to your write stream's .write() function will be JSON strings in the format of type ITimberLog, and always contain exactly one complete log after it has been transformed by middleware and synced with Timber.io.


{"dt":"2018-12-29T08:38:33.272Z","level":"info","message":"message 1"}

If you want to further process logs in your stream, remember to JSON.parse(chunk.toString()) the written 'chunk', to turn it back into an ITimberLog object.

Calls to .pipe() will return the passed writable stream, allowing you to chain multiple .pipe() operations or access any other stream function:

// Import a 'pass-through' stream, to prove it works
import { PassThrough } from "stream";

// This stream won't do anything, except copy input -> output
const passThroughStream = new PassThrough();

// Passing to multiple streams works...



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