
2.2.4 • Public • Published

MoSQL Yaml Generator for Keystone

Tools for generating a MoSQL-compatible YAML document describing the lists configured for your Keystone 4 instance. This can be useful for exporting data from a Keystone instance or streaming updates to a reporting database in near real-time.

You'll need to install MoSQL and PostgreSQL separately.


Generating the Config

const keystone = require('keystone');
const mosqlYaml = require('@thinkmill/keystone-mosql-yaml-gen');

// Create a generator instance
const yamlGenerator = new mosqlYaml.YamlGenerator(keystone);

// Extract the MoSQL YAML for your lists
const collectionsYaml = yamlGenerator.generateYaml();

Express Endpoint

A drop-in ExpressJS endpoint is included. This can be useful if your schema is often changing; a process could be configured to periodically download an up-to-date config.

Add the endpoint to your Express app like this:

const keystone = require('keystone');
const mosqlYaml = require('@thinkmill/keystone-mosql-yaml-gen');

app.get('/api/keystoneListsYaml', mosqlYaml.createMosqlYamlEndpoint(keystone));

Alternatively, create your own endpoint:

const keystone = require('keystone');
const mosqlYaml = require('@thinkmill/keystone-mosql-yaml-gen');

const endpoint = function (req, res, next) {
	const yamlGenerator = new mosqlYaml.YamlGenerator(keystone);
	const collectionsYaml = yamlGenerator.generateYaml();

	res.set('content-disposition', `attachment; filename="${yamlGenerator.getFilename()}"`);
	res.set('content-Type', 'application/x-yaml');

Consuming the Config

The config generated describes the collections and fields to copy. It's supplied to mosql like this:

mosql -c 180502-keystone-MoSQL.yaml [--sql postgres://sql-server/sql-db] [--mongo mongodb://mongo-uri]

See the MoSQL docs for more options.



Unlike other database systems, in PostgreSQL, there is no performance difference between varchar, varchar(n) and text types. We preference text.


Numbers in JavaScript are 64-bit floating points; equivalent to PGs double precision type.

Note that for Money fields are also imported as double precision. These values should be converted to a lossless type before being manipulated (eg. numeric(20, 4) or similar).


JavaScript Date objects have no timezone information -- they're epoch-base and effectively in UTC. Importing as timestamp with time zone will maintaining the correct value while defaulting the time zone stored to UTC.

Date objects also maintain only millisecond precision (ie. 1/1,000 of a second). PostgreSQL on the other hand, defaults to microsecond precision for it's timestamp types (ie. 1/1,000,000 of a second). This tool sticks with the Postgres default but column types could later be altered to timestamp (3) with time zone without any data loss.


Currently passwords are intentionally excluded from the dumped fields.

(TODO: Add configuration options for this)

Simple Type Mappings

Values are mapped to individual columns where possible:

Keystone Type PostgreSQL Type Notes
datetime timestamp with time zone See Dates above
date timestamp with time zone
number double precision
relationship text When many !== true
relationship text array When many === true
select text
text text
boolean boolean
code text
email text
html text
markdown text
textarea text
money double precision See Numbers above
geopoint double precision array
textarray text array

Complex Type Mappings

Some of the more complex, multi-value types are mapped to multiple columns:

name Type

Keystone Field Column Name PostgreSQL Type
(key).first (key)_first text
(key).last (key)_last text

location Type

Keystone Field Column Name PostgreSQL Type
(key).street1 (key)_street1 text
(key).street2 (key)_street2 text
(key).name (key)_building_name text
(key).shop (key)_shop text
(key).number (key)_number text
(key).state (key)_state text
(key).postcode (key)_postcode text
(key).suburb (key)_suburb text
(key).geo (key)_geo double precision array

s3file Type

Keystone Field Column Name PostgreSQL Type
(key).filename (key)_filename text
(key).originalname (key)_originalname text
(key).path (key)_path text
(key).size (key)_size int
(key).filetype (key)_filetype text
(key).url (key)_url text

cloudinaryimage Type

Keystone Field Column Name PostgreSQL Type
(key).public_id (key)_public_id text
(key).version (key)_version int
(key).signature (key)_signature text
(key).width (key)_width int
(key).height (key)_height int
(key).format (key)_format text
(key).resource_type (key)_resource_type text
(key).url (key)_url text
(key).secure_url (key)_secure_url text


Column names are forced to lowercase and restricted to the character set [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Any whitespace, hyphens or stops are replaced with underscores.

(TODO: Add configuration options for this)

Developed by John Molomby at Thinkmill for Keystone.js.

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npm i @thinkmill/keystone-mosql-yaml-gen

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