Most Web Framework CSV Handler
npm install @themost/csv
Note: If you want to install the previous version (0.1.x) of most-web-csv module use:
npm install most-web-csv
Use this handler by extending HttpDataController class:
//# http-data-controller-extensions.js
import {HttpDataController} from '@themost/web/controllers/data';
Object.assign(HttpDataController.prototype, {
* @this HttpDataController
csv:(data)=> {
return new HttpCsvResult(data);
//# server.js
import './http-data-controller-extensions';
Register default route for /[controller]/[action].csv requests in config/routes.json:
{ "url":"/:controller/:action.json", "mime":"application/json" },
{ "url":"/:controller/:action.xml" },
{ "url":"/:controller/:action.csv", "mime":"application/csv" },
and finally add csv content type in application content types (config/app.json#mimes)
"extension": ".ttf",
"type": "application/octet-stream"
"extension": ".csv",
"type": "application/csv"