
1.0.1 • Public • Published

Video.js Crop Plugin

The Video.js Crop Plugin enhances video playback by adding visual cropping functionality. It enables users to interactively select a specific crop area within the video by dragging a visual overlay.



This plugin version is compatible with Video.js v8.x.

Getting Started


Make sure you have Video.js installed in your project before using this plugin.


Include the Video.js library and the videojs-crop files in your HTML file:

<!-- Video.js library -->
<link href="https://vjs.zencdn.net/8.6.1/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://vjs.zencdn.net/8.6.1/video.min.js"></script>

<!-- Video.js Crop plugin -->
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Teyuto/videojs-crop@main/src/videojs-crop.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Teyuto/videojs-crop@main/src/videojs-crop.min.js"></script>


Initialize Video.js as you normally would and add the Video.js Crop Plugin:

// Create a video player
var player = videojs('my-video');

// Activate the Video JS Crop plugin
    aspectRatios: ['9:16', '16:9', '3:4', '1:1'],
    defaultAspectRatio: '9:16',
    onCropChange: (cropParams) => {
        console.log('Crop Parameters:', cropParams);

// Optional: Handle event to monitor crop changes
onCropChange: (cropParams) => {
    console.log('Crop Parameters:', cropParams);

Make sure to replace 'my-video' with your actual video player ID.

Recommended Video Formats

It is recommended to use video/mp4 format for the cropping functionality to ensure compatibility and performance. However, if you wish to use different formats such as HLS, ensure that you select the maximum version of the video or one that matches the encoding settings you will be using.


Configuration Options

Option Type Description
aspectRatios Array Array of aspect ratios available for cropping.
defaultAspectRatio String The default aspect ratio to be selected on load.
onCropChange Function Callback function triggered on crop change.

Crop Parameters Explained

The onCropChange callback provides an object containing the following parameters:

Parameter Description
aspectRatio.real The real aspect ratio of the selected crop (e.g., 1.77 for 16:9).
aspectRatio.string The selected aspect ratio as a string (e.g., "16:9").
position.player The dimensions and position of the crop in the player’s coordinate system.
position.player.w Width of the crop overlay in the player.
position.player.h Height of the crop overlay in the player.
position.player.x X position of the crop overlay in the player.
position.player.y Y position of the crop overlay in the player.
position.video The dimensions and position of the crop in the video’s coordinate system.
position.video.w Width of the crop overlay in the video.
position.video.h Height of the crop overlay in the video.
position.video.x X position of the crop overlay in the video.
position.video.y Y position of the crop overlay in the video.

Use the cordinates of the video and not the player to make the crop for example with ffmpeg.


Check the provided HTML examples/index.html file for a working example.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

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npm i @teyuto/videojs-crop

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  • teyuto