Telestai wallet library for JavaScript. Non-custodial. By default it interacts with the Telestai blockchain using public RPC services from You are free to use any RPC-service you like, including your own. See section Run your own blockchain node for more info
This lib could use a lot of testing before being used for production purposes. All test cases have passed for the Telestai chain.
To run these code examples
- Create an empty npm project
- Install
- Create a .mjs file called
import TelestaiWallet from "@telestai-project/telestai-jswallet";
mnemonic: "horse sort develop lab chest talk gift damp session sun festival squirrel",
network: "tls"
.then(wallet => wallet.getBalance())
import TelestaiWallet from "@telestai-project/telestai-jswallet";
const wallet = await TelestaiWallet.createInstance({
"horse sort develop lab chest talk gift damp session sun festival squirrel",
network: "tls",
//OK now you have your wallet
//Example, get your addresses
const addresses = wallet.getAddresses();
//Address objects contains meta data about addresses, such as path/private key
const addressObjects = wallet.getAddressObjects();
//Get assets the wallet holds (not including mempool transactions)
const assets = await wallet.getAssets();
//Get balance of base currency, like TLS, not including mempool transactions
const balance = await wallet.getBalance();
const changeAddress = await wallet.getChangeAddress();
const receiveAddress = await wallet.getReceiveAddress();
const firstPrivateKey = wallet.getPrivateKeyByAddress(addresses[0]);
//History, is the list of deltas for all the addresses in this wallet
const history = await wallet.getHistory();
//Get this wallets entries in the mempool right now
const mempool = await wallet.getMempool();
//Example send and print out the id, will throw exception if fails
const sendResult = await wallet.send({
toAddress: "TrNsYVQGCPM3vFgE7KcvPzS6ZsKmUmspx2",
amount: 1,
In this example we run a local node in testnet mode, and RPC port is set to 8888
const wallet = await TelestaiWallet.createInstance({
network: "tls",
rpc_password: "mypassword",
rpc_username: "myuser",
rpc_url: "http://localhost:8888",
//index.mjs very important that file extension is .mjs
import TelestaiWallet from "@telestai-project/telestai-jswallet";
const options = {
"mesh beef tuition ensure apart picture rabbit tomato ancient someone alter embrace",
network: "tls-test",
const wallet = await TelestaiWallet.createInstance(options);
const addy = await wallet.getReceiveAddress();
console.log("My receive address", addy);
//Send 100 TLS
await wallet.send({
//Send 100 TLS
toAddress: "mhBKhj5FxzBu1h8U6pSB16pwmjP7xo4ehG",
amount: 100,
//Send 313 BUTTER tokens
const transactionId = await wallet.send({
assetName: "BUTTER",
amount: 313,
toAddress: "mhBKhj5FxzBu1h8U6pSB16pwmjP7xo4ehG",
console.log("Sending", transactionId);
//index.mjs very important that file extension is .mjs
import TelestaiWallet from "@telestai-project/telestai-jswallet";
const options = {
"mesh beef tuition ensure apart picture rabbit tomato ancient someone alter embrace",
network: "tls-test",
const wallet = await TelestaiWallet.createInstance(options);
//Send asset BUTTER to multiple recipients
const result = await wallet.sendMany({
assetName: "BUTTER",
outputs: {
muTv54qzXc6ozEc1RH2JbM92jzpBtVJBbw: 1,
mhWahrbRX6xBBrRjCo6ZkazaugXftD1CbM: 2,
console.log("Sending", result.transactionId);
When you create your instance of a wallet you can specify some stuff.
You can specify your own RPC node URL and username/password.
export interface IOptions {
mnemonic: string;
network?: ChainType; (that is "tls" | "tls-test")
rpc_username?: string;
rpc_password?: string;
rpc_url?: string;
Check the TypeScript definitions for all the details
If you want to run your own internet exposed Node, checkout our RPC proxy. With RPC proxy and Cloudlare you can get a secure endpoint like checkout
You have access to the underlaying RPC function, wallet.rpc. See example
import TelestaiWallet from "@telestai-project/telestai-jswallet";
async function main(){
const wallet = await TelestaiWallet.createInstance({
mnemonic: "horse sort develop lab chest talk gift damp session sun festival squirrel",
network: "tls-test",
const blockhash = await wallet.rpc("getbestblockhash", []);
const block = await wallet.rpc("getblock", [blockhash]);