React Infinite Calendar
Examples available here:Features
- Infinite scroll – Just keep scrollin', just keep scrollin'
- Flexible – Min/max date, disabled dates, disabled days, etc.
- Extensible – Add date range-selection, multiple date selection, or create your own HOC!
- Localization and translation – En français, s'il vous plaît!
- Customizeable – Customize and theme to your heart's content.
- Year selection – For rapidly jumping from year to year
Keyboard support –
⬆️ ⬇️ ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ➡️ ⬅️ ➡️ ↩️ - Events and callbacks – beforeSelect, onSelect, onScroll, etc.
- Mobile-friendly – Silky smooth scrolling on mobile
Getting Started
Using npm:
npm install @teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar react-addons-css-transition-group --save
ES6, CommonJS, and UMD builds are available with each distribution. For example:
import InfiniteCalendar from '@teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar';
import '@teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar/styles.css'; // Make sure to import the default stylesheet
You can also use a global-friendly UMD build:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="@teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar/styles.css">
<script src="@teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar/umd/react-infinite-calendar.js"></script>
var InfiniteCalendar = window.InfiniteCalendar.default;
Basic Example
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import InfiniteCalendar from '@teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar';
import '@teikametrics/react-infinite-calendar/styles.css'; // only needs to be imported once
// Render the Calendar
var today = new Date();
var lastWeek = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() - 7);
For more usage examples, see or check out some code examples.
Prop Types
Property | Type | Default | Description |
selected | Date or Boolean | new Date() |
Value of the date that appears to be selected. Set to false if you don't wish to have a date initially selected. |
width | Number | 400 |
Width of the calendar, in pixels |
height | Number | 600 |
Height of the calendar, in pixels |
min | Date | new Date(1980, 0, 1) |
The minimum month that can be scrolled to. |
max | Date | new Date(2050, 11, 31) |
The maximum month that can be scrolled to. |
minDate | Date | new Date(1980, 0, 1) |
The minimum date that is selectable. |
maxDate | Date | new Date(2050, 11, 31) |
The maximum date that is selectable. |
disabledDays | Array | Array of days of the week that should be disabled. For example, to disable Monday and Sunday: [0, 6]
disabledDates | Array | Array of dates that should be disabled. For example: [new Date(2017, 1, 8), new Date(), new Date(2017, 5, 17)]
display | String | 'days' |
Whether to display the years or days view. |
displayOptions | Object | See default displayOptions | See display options section for more details. |
locale | Object | See default locale | By default, React Infinite Calendar comes with the English locale. You can use this to change the language, or change the first day of the week. See date-fns documentation for more details |
theme | Object | See default theme | Basic customization of the colors |
className | String | Optional CSS class name to append to the root InfiniteCalendar element. |
onSelect | Function | Callback invoked after beforeSelect() returns true, but before the state of the calendar updates | |
onScroll | Function | Callback invoked when the scroll offset changes. function (scrollTop: number) {}
onScrollEnd | Function | Callback invoked 150ms after the last onScroll event is triggered. function (scrollTop: number) {}
rowHeight | Number | 56 |
Height of each row in the calendar (each week is considered a row ) |
autoFocus | Boolean | true |
Whether the Calendar root should be auto-focused when it mounts. This is useful when keyboardSupport is enabled (the calendar must be focused to listen for keyboard events) |
tabIndex | Number | 1 |
Tab-index of the calendar |
Display Options
Property | Type | Default | Description |
layout | String | 'portrait' |
Layout of the calendar. Should be one of 'portrait' or 'landscape'
showHeader | Boolean | true |
Show/hide the header |
shouldHeaderAnimate | Boolean | true |
Enable/Disable the header animation |
showOverlay | Boolean | true |
Show/hide the month overlay when scrolling |
showTodayHelper | Boolean | true |
Show/hide the floating back to Today helper |
showWeekdays | Boolean | true |
Show/hide the weekdays in the header |
hideYearsOnSelect | Boolean | true |
Whether to automatically hide the years view on select. |
overscanMonthCount | Number | 4 |
Number of months to render above/below the visible months. Tweaking this can help reduce flickering during scrolling on certain browers/devices. |
todayHelperRowOffset | Number | 4 |
This controls the number of rows to scroll past before the Today helper appears |
showLabelsBetweenMonths | Boolean | true |
This will show month labels between each month |
Example usage of display options:
layout: 'landscape',
showOverlay: false,
shouldHeaderAnimate: false
React Infinite Calendar has very few dependencies. It relies on react-tiny-virtual-list
for virtualization and date-fns
for handling date manipulation. It also uses recompose for extending the default functionality. It also has the following peerDependencies: react
, and react-addons-css-transition-group
Yes please! Feature requests / pull requests are welcome. Learn how to contribute
react-infinite-calendar is available under the MIT License.