MaterialAccordion component
- Test coverage: --%
- Known bugs: Rounded corners will not be applied unless
tags are the only siblings on their level. As such they should be nested in aMaterialAccordionGroup
or simply adiv
, even for a single accordion. - Zeroheight:
import { MaterialAccordion, MaterialAccordionGroup } from '@tdcerhverv/accordion';
Accordions should be made children of a MaterialAccordion.Group
element. Even when using a single accordion this should be nested as a child to one of these components, and should not have any siblings.
If there are any non-MaterialAccordion siblings on the same level this will break the MaterialAccordion styling
Simple usage:
<MaterialAccordion title={'Click here to toggle accordion'}>
<p>Some paragraph or any valid React child element</p>
Detailed usage:
const props = {
title: 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit',
initialOpen: true,
onToggle: myHandlerMethod,
children: 'Some paragraph or any valid React child element',
<MaterialAccordion {...props}/>
Putting children
in props
makes it easier to iterate over items:
{ => <MaterialAccordion {...props}/>)}
Otherwise, Accordions can manually be added:
<MaterialAccordion {...props}/>
<MaterialAccordion {...props}/>
<MaterialAccordion {...props}/>
...even more accordions
interface IMUIAccordion extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
title: ReactNode & string;
initialOpen?: boolean; // default false
onToggle?: (isOpen: boolean) => void;
Note that it extends and accepts all valid attributes for a div
element. Any attribute not in the extended interface will be applied to the root div
Furthermore this component is built upon a Material-UI accordion, and accepts relevant props. See Material-UI Accrodion API docs for more.
Accordion component
- Test coverage: --%
- Known bugs: --
- Storybook:
- Zeroheight: --
import { Accordion } from '@tdcerhverv/accordion';
Simple usage:
<Accordion title={'Click here to toggle accordion'}>
<p>Some paragraph or any valid React child element</p>
Detailed usage:
const accordionItemProps = {
title: 'Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit',
initialOpen: true,
onToggle: myHandlerMethod,
large: true,
children: 'Some paragraph or any valid React child element',
footer: 'Some text or any valid React element'
<Accordion {...props}/>
Putting children
in props
makes it easier ti iterate over items:
{ => <Accordion {...props}/>)}
Example with the Accordion.Group:
<Accordion {...props}/>
<Accordion {...props}/>
<Accordion {...props}/>
...even more accordions
interface IAccordion extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
title: ReactNode & string;
withMarker?: boolean; // adds alternative styling for active state
initialOpen?: boolean; // default false
onToggle?: (isOpen: boolean) => void;
large?: boolean; // default false
footer?: ReactNode;
Note that it extends and accepts all valid attributes for a div
element. Any attribute not in the extended interface will be applied to the root div