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1.0.0-alpha.11 • Public • Published


Slashtags Core Data is abstraction library that encapsulates logic related to managing data on Slashtags.


npm install @synonymdev/slashtags-core-data



const SlashtagsCoreData = require('@synonymdev/slashtags-core-data')
const coreData = new SlashtagsCoreData()

// Wait for instance to be ready 
await coreData.ready
const data = Buffer.from('bar')

await coreData.create('/public/foo', data)
const url = coreData.createURL('/public/foo')
// slash:<key>/public/foo

You can now share the URL generated from above example and read it.

const SlashtagsCoreData = require('@synonymdev/slashtags-core-data')

const reader = new SlashtagsCoreData({ key }) // Key from the writer

const resolved = await reader.readRemote(url) // url shared from the writer
// <Buffer 62 61 72>


const coreData = new SlashtagsCoreData(opts)

Create a new Slashtags Core Data instance.

opts is an object that includes:

  • keyPair Optional keyPair {secretKey: Uint8Array, publicKey: Uint8Array} to generate local drives. keys have to be 32 bytes.
  • seeders Optional list of seeder's public keys, where local drives will by synced with for backup and availability.
  • storage Optinal storage path or RandomAccessStorage instance (defaults to RandomAccessMemory).
  • bootstrap Optional Hyperswarm bootstrapping nodes, mostly for testing in a testnet.
  • seedersTopic Optional topic for discovery of other seeders providing remote drives that aren't announced on their own discoveryKeys, defaults to 3b9f8ccd062ca9fc0b7dd407b4cd287ca6e2d8b32f046d7958fa7bea4d78fd75.

await coreData.createURL(path)

Create a Slashtags URL for the data stored at that path.

await coreData.ready()

Await for the instance to be ready to be used.

await coreData.close()

Gracefully close connection and instance.

await coreData.create(path, data, opts)

Same as await coreData.update(path, data, [opts])

opts is an object that includes:

  • skipSeederSync Default to false, if set to true function will resolve without waiting for at least one seeder to reach full sync.

await coreData.update(path, data, [opts])

Updates a file. key should be a string, and data param should be Uint8Array.

If path starts with /public/ it will be unencrypted, otherwise it will a private encrypted drive.

opts is an object that includes:

  • skipSeederSync Default to false, if set to true function will resolve without waiting for at least one seeder to reach full sync.

await coreData.delete(path, [opts])

Deletes the value from drive.

opts is an object that includes:

  • skipSeederSync Default to false, if set to true function will resolve without waiting for at least one seeder to reach full sync.

await coreData.readRemote(url, opts)

opts include:

  • timeout how long to wait to find the data before quitting. Default 10 seconds

Read the data from either a local writable drive or a remote drive shared with you.

const unsubscribe = coreData.subscribe(url, onupdate)

Watch updates to a local or a remote file, and call onupdate(value) function with the current value.

Call unsubscribe() to remove all related listeners and close resources created in subscribe.

Example Scripts

There is a bundled example showing how to read and write a JSON file in Slashtags.

How to use

First start by running Slashtags endpoint that will listen on a key and serve JSON data.

node ./JSONFile.js

Copy the slash:// outputed by the script and open a new terminal.

node ./JSONFile.js --url <slash:// url>

The script should output the JSON written by the first script.

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