Syngrisi WebdriverIO SDK
The Syngrisi SDK for WebdriverIO, @syngrisi/wdio-sdk
provides a simple and powerful way to integrate visual regression
testing into your WebdriverIO tests. By using this SDK, you can send snapshots from your browser tests to the Syngrisi
server for comparison against baseline images, and easily manage visual testing sessions.
- Start and stop test sessions seamlessly within your test flows.
- Perform visual checks with automatic baseline comparison.
- Fetch baseline and snapshot data programmatically.
- Easily extendable to fit any WebdriverIO-based testing framework.
To install the Syngrisi WebdriverIO SDK, run:
npm install @syngrisi/wdio-sdk
Base Workflow Overview
There is 3 basic step for particular test:
The following is a standard workflow to use the SDK in your tests:
1. Initialize the Driver
Before starting your test session, initialize the driver with the necessary configuration.
const { SyngrisiDriver } = require('@syngrisi/wdio-sdk');
const config = {
apiKey: 'your-api-key',
serverUrl: 'your-singrisi-url'
const driver = new SyngrisiDriver(config);
2. Start a Test Session
Start a test session with the desired parameters.
const sessionParams = {
os: 'Windows',
viewport: '1920x1080',
browserName: 'chrome',
browserVersion: '89.0',
test: 'Homepage Test',
app: 'Your App',
run: 'Run 1',
branch: 'main',
runident: 'unique-run-identifier',
suite: 'My Test Suite',
tags: ['tag1', 'tag2']
await driver.startTestSession({ params: sessionParams });
3. Perform a visual Check
Perform a visual check by providing the check name, image buffer, and any additional parameters.
checkName: 'Header',
imageBuffer: await $('#header').saveScreenshot(),
params: {
viewport: '1200x800',
browserName: 'chrome',
os: 'Windows',
app: 'MyProject',
branch: 'develop'
await driver.check({ 'About Page', await $('#header').saveScreenshot(), params: {/* other parameters */ } });
4. Stop the Test Session
Once all checks are completed, stop the test session.
await driver.stopTestSession();
Environment variables
Environment variables are used to modify the behavior of the Syngrisi WebdriverIO SDK without code changes.
Example: To set the log level to debug, use the following command:
Windows: set SYNGRISI_LOG_LEVEL=debug
macOS/Linux: export SYNGRISI_LOG_LEVEL=debug
- will add to platform property, you can use this to set some unique platform name for particular
- logging level ("trace" | "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error"
For detailed information about all available methods, parameters, and configurations, please refer to the [Syngrisi packages documentation](TODO ADD LINK TO ROOT docs folder published on
This project is licensed under the MIT License.