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id: table title: Table

Table UI Component


<iframe src="/storybook-static/iframe.html?id=components-table--default"></iframe>



Property Description Type Default
bordered Whether to show all table borders boolean false
childrenColumnName The column contains children to display string / [] children
columns Columns of table ColumnProps[] -
components Override default table elements TableComponents -
dataSource Data record array to be displayed any / [] -
dataSourceFull If dataSource prop is a subset of a larger array (via search component for example), but you want selection row to operate on the full data array (selection onChange handler will return keys that are not in the current subset but have been selected prior to searching) same as dataSource -
defaultExpandAllRows Expand all rows initially boolean false
defaultExpandedRowKeys Initial expanded row keys string / [] -
disableColumnNamesLineBreak Disable line break when rendering column names boolean false
expandedRowKeys Current expanded row keys string / [] -
expandedRowRender Expanded container render for each row (record, index, indent, expanded) => React.ReactNode -
expandIcon Customize row expand Icon. Ref example (props) => React.ReactNode -
expandRowByClick Whether to expand row by clicking anywhere in the whole row boolean false
footer Table footer renderer (currentPageData) => React.ReactNode
indentSize Indent size in pixels of tree data number 15
loading Loading status of table boolean / object false
locale i18n text including filter, sort, empty text, etc object filterConfirm: 'Ok'
filterReset: 'Reset'
emptyText: 'No Data'
pagination Config of pagination. You can ref table pagination config or full pagination document, hide it by setting it to false object
rowClassName Row's className (record, index: number) => string -
rowKey Row's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a string string / (record) => string key
scroll Set horizontal or vertical scrolling, can also be used to specify the width and height of the scroll area, could be number, percent value, true and 'max-content' { x: number / true, y: number } -
showHeader Whether to show table header boolean true
size Size of table default / middle / small default
title Table title renderer string / React.ReactNode
hideTitleBar Wheter to hide table title bar boolean -
headerWithBorderTop Wheter to add line above table title bar boolean -
itemsMenu Components or text visible when any of table itams are selected, usually used for bulk actions string / React.ReactNode -
search Search query string -
cellSize Defines padding size of each row in table small / medium / default default
roundedHeader Wheter to round table header boolean false
selection Config of rows selection RowSelection -
filters Array of filters cofings, earch of them will be rendered in table title bar Filter[] -
searchComponent SearchComponent React.ReactNode -
filterComponent FilterItemComponent React.ReactNode -
grouped Whether to render table as GroupedTable of DefaultTable boolean -
onChange Callback executed when pagination, filters or sorter is changed (pagination, filters, sorter, extra: { currentDataSource: [] }) => void
onExpand Callback executed when the row expand icon is clicked (expanded, record) => void
onExpandedRowsChange Callback executed when the expanded rows change (expandedRows) => void
onHeaderRow Set props on per header row (column, index) => object -
onRow Set props on per row (record, index) => object -
onSort Callback executed when sorter is changed (sortedColumn: {columnKey: string; order: descend \ ascend \ null}, sortState: [key: string]: { sortOrder: descend \ ascend \ null; multiple: number \ false;}) => void -
getPopupContainer the render container of dropdowns in table (triggerNode) => HTMLElement () => TableHtmlElement
renderSelectionTitle Function to render a custom title in table header when some items are selected ({selection: RowSelection, filters:Filter[] }) => React.ReactNode -
rowStar Configuration of row starring RowStar -


Property Description Type Default
columns Columns of table ColumnProps[] -
scroll Whether the table can be scrollable, config {x?: number, y: number} -
onRowClick Callback executed when row is clicked (row) => void -
onListRefChange Callback executed when a ref to the List (react-window package) component changes (ref: RefObject) => void -
cellHeight Defines height of single cell number -
initialWidth Initial width of table number -


Display tree structure data in Table when there is field key children in dataSource.


This type of table requires a specific type of dataSource which has to contain a structure as the following:

Property Description Type Default
column Key of grouped column string -
key Key of group React.ReactText -
value Value of group ex. specific value or group name React.ReactText\boolean\object -
rows Data of items in group, like standard dataSource any[] -
groupType Type of active grouping value / ranges / interval / undefined -


Property Description Type Default
fixed Whether to show selection column as fixed or not boolean -
selectedRowKeys Array of selected row keys React.ReactText []
selections Selections options available in table title SelectionItem[] -
onChange Callback executed when selection changes (selectedRowKeys: React.ReactText[], selectedRows: T[]) => void -
limit Max length of selection rows array number -
independentSelectionExpandedRows Allows to select parent and child rows independently boolean -


Property Description Type Default
className Classname of star component string -
starredRowKeys Array of keys of starred rows string[] -
renderCell Overrides render method ColumnType<T>['render'] -
onClick Callback called when user clicks on star component (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>) => void -
onChange Callback called when user change starred status of row (starredRowKeys: string[], starredKey: string, isStarred: boolean) => void -
disableForExpandedRows Hides star components on child rows boolean -


Type which contains: DSTable.SELECTION_ALL | DSTable.SELECTION_INVERT | Selection | null | undefined;


Allows to create custom selection

Property Description Type Default
key Unique key of this selection string -
label Display name of this selection string -
onClick Callback executed when this selection is clicked () => void -


Property Description Type Default
tooltips Object contains varius tooltips titles {default: string, clear: string, define: string, list: string} -
openedLabel Label visible list of filters is opened string -
key Key of filter string -
icon Icon of filter React.ReactNode -
showList Function executed when user clicks on showList icon () => void -
show Function executed when user clicks on filter icon () => void -
handleClear Function executed when user clicks on clear filter icon () => void -
selected Name of selected filter {name: string} -
disabled Whether to disable filter icon boolean -

onRow usage

Same as onRow onHeaderRow onCell onHeaderCell

  onRow={(record, rowIndex) => {
    return {
      onClick: event => {}, // click row
      onDoubleClick: event => {}, // double click row
      onContextMenu: event => {}, // right button click row
      onMouseEnter: event => {}, // mouse enter row
      onMouseLeave: event => {}, // mouse leave row
  onHeaderRow={column => {
    return {
      onClick: () => {}, // click header row


One of the Table columns prop for describing the table's columns, Column has the same API.

Property Description Type Default Version
align specify which way that column is aligned left / right / center left 3.3.2
className className of this column string -
colSpan Span of this column's title number
dataIndex Display field of the data record, could be set like a.b.c, a[0].b.c[1] string -
defaultSortOrder Default order of sorted values ascend / descend -
filterDropdown Customized filter overlay ReactNode -
filterDropdownVisible Whether filterDropdown is visible boolean -
filtered Whether the dataSource is filtered boolean false
filteredValue Controlled filtered value, filter icon will highlight string / [] -
filterIcon Customized filter icon React.ReactNode / (filtered: boolean) => React.ReactNode false
filterMultiple Whether multiple filters can be selected boolean true
filters Filter menu config object / [] -
fixed Set column to be fixed: true(same as left) 'left' 'right' boolean / string false
itemsMenu Component with menu for selected items React.ReactNode -
key Unique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique dataIndex string -
maxWidth Maximal width of this column string / number -
minWidth Minimal of this column. If not provided, defaults to width property. string / number -
render Renderer of the table cell. The return value should be a ReactNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config (value, record, index) => React.ReactNode -
childRender Renderer of the table cell in child row - available only on virtual tables. The return value should be a ReactNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config (value, record, index) => React.ReactNode -
search Search input value string -
sorter Sort function for local sort, see Array.sort's compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to true.
Use object for multi sorting:
{ compare: (a, b) => a.math - b.math, <br />multiple: 2 }
function / boolean / object -
sortOrder Order of sorted values: 'ascend' 'descend' false boolean / string -
sortDirections supported sort way, could be 'ascend', 'descend' Array ['ascend', 'descend'] 3.15.2
sortRender How to render sort buttons and options. Values: 'default', 'string', (sortStateApi: SortStateAPI, column: DSColumnType<T>) => React.ReactElement string / function / 'default' 'default'
title Title of this column React.ReactNode / ({ sortOrder, filters }) => React.ReactNode -
width Width of this column string / number -
onCell Set props on per cell (record, rowIndex: number) => object -
onFilter Callback executed when the confirm filter button is clicked () => void -
onFilterDropdownVisibleChange Callback executed when filterDropdownVisible is changed (visible: boolean) => void -
onHeaderCell Set props on per header cell (column) => object -


Property Description Type Default
title Title of the column group string\ReactNode -


Properties for pagination.

Property Description Type Default
position specify the position of Pagination 'top' \ 'bottom' \ 'both' 'bottom'

More about pagination, please check Pagination.




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