Run the following command to install the sb
binary in your $PATH.
npm install -g @switchboard-xyz/cli
You can re-run this command to upgrade your CLI version or run the command:
sb update stable
# Devnet
sb config set solana devnet rpc
sb config set solana devnet default-account "~/.config/solana/id.json"
# Mainnet
sb config set solana mainnet-beta rpc
sb config set solana mainnet-beta default-account "~/.config/solana/id.json"
# Testnet
sb config set aptos testnet rpc
sb config set aptos testnet default-account ".aptos/config.yaml"
# Devnet
sb config set aptos devnet rpc
sb config set aptos devnet default-account ".aptos/config.yaml"
# Testnet
sb config set near testnet rpc
sb config set near testnet default-account my-named-account.testnet
# Mainnet
sb config set near mainnet rpc
sb config set near mainnet default-account my-named-account.near
To test commands:
node bin/dev print GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR
# node bin/dev [COMMAND ARGS --flags]
sb anchor test
sb aptos account airdrop
sb aptos aggregator add job AGGREGATORHEXSTRING
sb aptos aggregator create QUEUEHEXSTRING
sb aptos aggregator job add AGGREGATORHEXSTRING
sb aptos aggregator update AGGREGATORHEXSTRING
sb aptos crank create QUEUEHEXSTRING
sb aptos crank list CRANKHEXSTRING
sb aptos crank pop CRANKHEXSTRING
sb aptos crank push CRANKHEXSTRING
sb aptos create aggregator QUEUEHEXSTRING
sb aptos create crank QUEUEHEXSTRING
sb aptos create oracle QUEUEHEXSTRING
sb aptos create queue
sb aptos list crank CRANKHEXSTRING
sb aptos oracle create QUEUEHEXSTRING
sb aptos oracle metrics ORACLEHEXSTRING
sb aptos oracle up ORACLEHEXSTRING
sb aptos permission create GRANTER
sb aptos permission set GRANTER
sb aptos pop crank CRANKHEXSTRING
sb aptos push crank CRANKHEXSTRING
sb aptos queue create
sb aptos update aggregator AGGREGATORHEXSTRING
sb config print
sb evm enclave print ENCLAVEKEY
sb evm function add-enclave FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm function configure FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm function create QUEUEKEY
sb evm function fund FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm function print FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm function remove-enclave FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm function test
sb evm queue print QUEUEKEY
sb evm request print REQUESTKEY
sb evm request send FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm routine create FUNCTIONKEY
sb evm routine fund ROUTINEKEY
sb evm routine print ROUTINEKEY
sb function-init TEMPLATE
sb help [COMMANDS]
sb job test
sb solana aggregator add history AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator add job AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator authority AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator close AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator create QUEUEKEY
sb solana aggregator create json DEFINITIONFILE
sb solana aggregator deposit AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator extend AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator fund AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator history AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator lease set AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator list AUTHORITYKEY
sb solana aggregator lock AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator metrics AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator mode AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator open-round AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator permission create AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator print AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator remove job AGGREGATORKEY JOBKEY
sb solana aggregator set AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator transfer AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator update AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator watch AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana aggregator withdraw AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana anchor test
sb solana crank create QUEUEKEY
sb solana crank events AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana crank pop CRANKKEY
sb solana crank print CRANKKEY
sb solana crank push AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana crank reset AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana job create
sb solana job print JOBKEY
sb solana json create aggregator DEFINITIONFILE
sb solana lease create AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana lease extend AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana lease print LEASEKEY
sb solana lease set AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana lease withdraw AGGREGATORKEY
sb solana network create
sb solana network save
sb solana network start
sb solana on-demand guardian create
sb solana on-demand guardian register
sb solana on-demand oracle create
sb solana on-demand oracle print ORACLEKEY
sb solana on-demand oracle setDelegationAccounts [ORACLE]
sb solana on-demand permission set
sb solana on-demand queue addMrEnclave [QUEUE]
sb solana on-demand queue configure [QUEUE]
sb solana on-demand queue init
sb solana on-demand queue initDelegationGroup [QUEUE]
sb solana on-demand queue print QUEUEKEY
sb solana on-demand queue rmMrEnclave [QUEUE]
sb solana on-demand staking stake-pool init
sb solana on-demand state configure
sb solana on-demand state print
sb solana oracle create QUEUEKEY
sb solana oracle print ORACLEKEY
sb solana oracle up
sb solana oracle withdraw ORACLEKEY
sb solana permission create
sb solana permission grant PERMISSIONKEY
sb solana permission print PERMISSIONKEY
sb solana permission revoke PERMISSIONKEY
sb solana print PUBKEY
sb solana queue create
sb solana queue print QUEUEKEY
sb solana queue set QUEUEKEY
sb solana secrets add-mrenclave
sb solana secrets create SECRETNAME
sb solana secrets delete SECRETNAME
sb solana secrets print
sb solana verifier-oracle create QUEUEKEY
sb solana verifier-oracle print VERIFIERKEY
sb solana version
sb solana vrf open-round VRFKEY
sb solana vrf print VRFKEY
sb solana vrf request VRFKEY
sb solana vrf update VRFKEY
sb starknet function add-enclave FUNCTIONID
sb starknet function addMrEnclave FUNCTIONID
sb starknet function configure FUNCTIONID
sb starknet function create ATTESTATIONQUEUEID
sb starknet function print FUNCTIONID
sb starknet function remove-enclave FUNCTIONID
sb starknet function rmMrEnclave FUNCTIONID
sb starknet queue print ATTESTATIONQUEUEID
sb starknet request create FUNCTIONID
sb starknet request print REQUESTID
sb starknet routine create FUNCTIONID
sb starknet routine fund ROUTINEKEY
sb starknet routine print ROUTINEID
sb starknet verifier print VERIFIERID
sb update [CHANNEL]
sb version
run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel
$ sb anchor test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster localnet|devnet] [-u <value>] [--mainnetRpcUrl
<value>] [--programId <value>] [-d <value>] [--oracleKey <value>] [-k <value>] [--releaseChannel testnet|mainnet |
--nodeImage <value>] [-t <value>] [--detach] [--testValidatorArgs <value>]
-d, --switchboardDir=<value> directory with switchboard.env to load a switchboard environment
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress docker logging
-t, --timeout=<value> [default: 120] number of seconds before ending the docker process
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--cluster=<option> [default: localnet] cluster
<options: localnet|devnet>
--detach keep the localnet rpc running
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--mainnetRpcUrl=<value> [default:] Solana mainnet RPC URL to use for the
oracle task runner
--nodeImage=<value> [default: dev-v2-RC_04_11_23_17_12] public key of the oracle to start-up
--oracleKey=<value> public key of the oracle to start-up
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--releaseChannel=<option> [default: testnet] the oracle release channel
<options: testnet|mainnet>
--testValidatorArgs=<value> additional args passed to the local solana validator
run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel
$ sb anchor test
request an airdrop
$ sb aptos account airdrop --address <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
[-u <value>] [--json] [-n <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --amount=<value> [default: 1000000] number of airdrops to request, 10_000 coins each
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--address=<value> (required) HexString address of account to fund
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
request an airdrop
See code: dist/commands/aptos/account/airdrop.js
add a job to an aggregator
$ sb aptos aggregator add job AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [-a <value>] [--name <value> | --jobKey <value>]
[--metadata <value> | ] [--jobDefinition <value> | ] [--jobWeight <value>]
AGGREGATORHEXSTRING HexString address of the aggregator
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--jobDefinition=<value> filesystem path of job json definition file
--jobKey=<value> public key of an existing job account to add to an aggregator
--jobWeight=<value> [default: 1] job weight
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the job account
--name=<value> name of the job account
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
add a job to an aggregator
$ sb aptos aggregator job add
See code: dist/commands/aptos/aggregator/add/job.js
create an aptos aggregator for a given queue
$ sb aptos aggregator create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>]
[--crankAddress <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--batchSize <value>]
[--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [-j <value>] [--new]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue
-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --job=<value>... filesystem path to job definition file
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--batchSize=<value> number of oracles requested for each open round call
--crankAddress=<value> optional, address of the crank to add the aggregator to
--forceReportPeriod=<value> Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept new
responses from oracles.
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the aggregator for easier identification
--minJobs=<value> number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
--minOracles=<value> number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
--name=<value> name of the aggregator for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
to load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--updateInterval=<value> (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
--varianceThreshold=<value> [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round
before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low
--json Format output as json.
create an aptos aggregator for a given queue
$ sb aptos create aggregator
See code: dist/commands/aptos/aggregator/create.js
add a job to an aggregator
$ sb aptos aggregator job add AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [-a <value>] [--name <value> | --jobKey <value>]
[--metadata <value> | ] [--jobDefinition <value> | ] [--jobWeight <value>]
AGGREGATORHEXSTRING HexString address of the aggregator
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--jobDefinition=<value> filesystem path of job json definition file
--jobKey=<value> public key of an existing job account to add to an aggregator
--jobWeight=<value> [default: 1] job weight
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the job account
--name=<value> name of the job account
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
add a job to an aggregator
$ sb aptos aggregator job add
request a new value on-chain for an aggregator
$ sb aptos aggregator update AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>]
AGGREGATORHEXSTRING HexString address of the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
request a new value on-chain for an aggregator
$ sb aptos update aggregator
See code: dist/commands/aptos/aggregator/update.js
create a new crank
$ sb aptos crank create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--maxRows
<value>] [--new]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString of the oracle queue to create a crank for
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--maxRows=<value> [default: 100] maximum number of rows on the crank
--metadata=<value> metadata of the queue for easier identification
--name=<value> name of the queue for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
create a new crank
$ sb aptos create crank
See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/create.js
sort the crank
$ sb aptos crank list CRANKHEXSTRING [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u
<value>] [--json]
CRANKHEXSTRING HexString address of the crank
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
sort the crank
$ sb aptos list crank
See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/list.js
pop the crank
$ sb aptos crank pop CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]
CRANKHEXSTRING HexString address of the crank
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
pop the crank
$ sb aptos pop crank
See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/pop.js
push an aggregator onto the crank
$ sb aptos crank push CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> -a <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]
CRANKHEXSTRING HexString address of the crank
-a, --aggregatorHexString=<value> (required) HexString address of the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional
profile to load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
push an aggregator onto the crank
$ sb aptos push crank
See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/push.js
create an aptos aggregator for a given queue
$ sb aptos create aggregator QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>]
[--crankAddress <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--batchSize <value>]
[--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [-j <value>] [--new]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue
-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --job=<value>... filesystem path to job definition file
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--batchSize=<value> number of oracles requested for each open round call
--crankAddress=<value> optional, address of the crank to add the aggregator to
--forceReportPeriod=<value> Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept new
responses from oracles.
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the aggregator for easier identification
--minJobs=<value> number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
--minOracles=<value> number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
--name=<value> name of the aggregator for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
to load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--updateInterval=<value> (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
--varianceThreshold=<value> [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round
before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low
--json Format output as json.
create an aptos aggregator for a given queue
$ sb aptos create aggregator
create a new crank
$ sb aptos create crank QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--maxRows
<value>] [--new]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString of the oracle queue to create a crank for
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--maxRows=<value> [default: 100] maximum number of rows on the crank
--metadata=<value> metadata of the queue for easier identification
--name=<value> name of the queue for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
create a new crank
$ sb aptos create crank
create a new job
$ sb aptos create job QUEUEHEXSTRING JOBDEFINITION --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name
<value>] [--metadata <value>] [--new] [--weight <value>]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue
JOBDEFINITION filesystem path to job definition
-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the job account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the job for easier identification
--name=<value> name of the job for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--weight=<value> [default: 1] job weight to assign
--json Format output as json.
create a new job
$ sb aptos create job
create a oracle for a given queue
$ sb aptos create oracle QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata
<value>] [--new]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue
-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the oracle for easier identification
--name=<value> name of the oracle for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
create a oracle for a given queue
$ sb aptos create oracle
create a new oracle queue
$ sb aptos create queue --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
[-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--minStake
<value>] [-r <value>] [--oracleTimeout <value>] [--queueSize <value>] [--slashingEnabled] [--unpermissionedFeeds]
[--unpermissionedVrf] [--enableBufferRelayers] [--lockLeaseFunding] [--new]
-a, --authority=<value> alternate account HexString that will be the authority for the queue
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-r, --reward=<value> oracle rewards for successfully responding to an update request
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--enableBufferRelayers enable oracles to fulfill buffer relayer requests
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--lockLeaseFunding lock lease funding
--metadata=<value> metadata of the queue for easier identification
--minStake=<value> minimum stake required by an oracle to join the queue
--name=<value> name of the queue for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--oracleTimeout=<value> [default: 180] number of oracles to add to the queue
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--queueSize=<value> [default: 100] maximum number of oracles the queue can support
--slashingEnabled permit slashing malicous oracles
--unpermissionedFeeds permit unpermissioned feeds
--unpermissionedVrf permit unpermissioned VRF accounts
--json Format output as json.
create a new oracle queue
$ sb aptos create queue
create a new job
$ sb aptos job create QUEUEHEXSTRING JOBDEFINITION --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name
<value>] [--metadata <value>] [--new] [--weight <value>]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue
JOBDEFINITION filesystem path to job definition
-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the job account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the job for easier identification
--name=<value> name of the job for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--weight=<value> [default: 1] job weight to assign
--json Format output as json.
create a new job
$ sb aptos create job
See code: dist/commands/aptos/job/create.js
sort the crank
$ sb aptos list crank CRANKHEXSTRING [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u
<value>] [--json]
CRANKHEXSTRING HexString address of the crank
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
sort the crank
$ sb aptos list crank
create a oracle for a given queue
$ sb aptos oracle create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata
<value>] [--new]
QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue
-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the oracle for easier identification
--name=<value> name of the oracle for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
create a oracle for a given queue
$ sb aptos create oracle
See code: dist/commands/aptos/oracle/create.js
list oracle metrics
$ sb aptos oracle metrics ORACLEHEXSTRING [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u
<value>] [--json]
ORACLEHEXSTRING HexString address of the oracle
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
list oracle metrics
See code: dist/commands/aptos/oracle/metrics.js
start an aptos docker oracle
$ sb aptos oracle up ORACLEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [-d <value>] [--releaseChannel testnet|mainnet |
--nodeImage <value>]
ORACLEHEXSTRING HexString address of the oracle
-d, --switchboardDir=<value> directory with switchboard.env to load a switchboard environment
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress docker logging
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--nodeImage=<value> [default: dev-v2-RC_04_11_23_17_12] public key of the oracle to start-up
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
to load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--releaseChannel=<option> [default: testnet] the oracle release channel
<options: testnet|mainnet>
start an aptos docker oracle
See code: dist/commands/aptos/oracle/up.js
create a new permission
$ sb aptos permission create GRANTER --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId
<value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--aggregator <value> | --oracle <value>] [--enable]
GRANTER HexString of the oracle queue to create a permission for
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--aggregator=<value> HexString of the aggregator address to create a permission for
--enable whether to enable the permissions after creation
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--oracle=<value> HexString of the aggregator address to create a permission for
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
create a new permission
See code: dist/commands/aptos/permission/create.js
create a new permission
$ sb aptos permission set GRANTER --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId
<value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--aggregator <value> | --oracle <value>] [--enable]
GRANTER HexString of the oracle queue to create a permission for
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--aggregator=<value> HexString of the aggregator address to create a permission for
--enable whether to enable the permissions after creation
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--oracle=<value> HexString of the aggregator address to create a permission for
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
create a new permission
See code: dist/commands/aptos/permission/set.js
pop the crank
$ sb aptos pop crank CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]
CRANKHEXSTRING HexString address of the crank
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
pop the crank
$ sb aptos pop crank
print an aptos account
$ sb aptos print ACCOUNTTYPE ADDRESS [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
[-u <value>] [--json]
ACCOUNTTYPE (queue|aggregator|crank|oracle|permission|lease|job|state) account type to print
ADDRESS HexString address of the account to print
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
print an aptos account
$ sb aptos print
See code: dist/commands/aptos/print.js
push an aggregator onto the crank
$ sb aptos push crank CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> -a <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]
CRANKHEXSTRING HexString address of the crank
-a, --aggregatorHexString=<value> (required) HexString address of the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional
profile to load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--json Format output as json.
push an aggregator onto the crank
$ sb aptos push crank
create a new oracle queue
$ sb aptos queue create --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
[-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--minStake
<value>] [-r <value>] [--oracleTimeout <value>] [--queueSize <value>] [--slashingEnabled] [--unpermissionedFeeds]
[--unpermissionedVrf] [--enableBufferRelayers] [--lockLeaseFunding] [--new]
-a, --authority=<value> alternate account HexString that will be the authority for the queue
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-r, --reward=<value> oracle rewards for successfully responding to an update request
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--enableBufferRelayers enable oracles to fulfill buffer relayer requests
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--lockLeaseFunding lock lease funding
--metadata=<value> metadata of the queue for easier identification
--minStake=<value> minimum stake required by an oracle to join the queue
--name=<value> name of the queue for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--oracleTimeout=<value> [default: 180] number of oracles to add to the queue
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--queueSize=<value> [default: 100] maximum number of oracles the queue can support
--slashingEnabled permit slashing malicous oracles
--unpermissionedFeeds permit unpermissioned feeds
--unpermissionedVrf permit unpermissioned VRF accounts
--json Format output as json.
create a new oracle queue
$ sb aptos create queue
See code: dist/commands/aptos/queue/create.js
request a new value on-chain for an aggregator
$ sb aptos update aggregator AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
[--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>]
AGGREGATORHEXSTRING HexString address of the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
request a new value on-chain for an aggregator
$ sb aptos update aggregator
print cli config
$ sb config print [-h] [-v] [-s] [--json]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-v, --verbose log everything
--json Format output as json.
print cli config
$ sb config:print
See code: dist/commands/config/print.js
set a configuration option
$ sb config set CHAIN NETWORK PARAMETER [VALUE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [-r]
CHAIN chain to set a config parameter
NETWORK network of chain to set parameter
PARAMETER (rpc|default-account|account) parameter to set
VALUE value of the param to set
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-r, --reset remove value or set to default rpc
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-v, --verbose log everything
set a configuration option
See code: dist/commands/config/set.js
Print an enclave's state
$ sb evm enclave print ENCLAVEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
--arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
ENCLAVEKEY address of the enclave
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Print an enclave's state
$ sb evm enclave print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/enclave/print.js
Add MrEnclave to a function account
$ sb evm function add-enclave FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain
coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network
mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--mrEnclave=<value> (required) The MrEnclave to add
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Add MrEnclave to a function account
$ sb evm function add-enclave $FUNCTION_ID --chain arbitrum --network testnet --mrEnclave $MEASUREMENT --account ../.kp.txt --programId $SWITCHBOARD_ADDRESS
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/add-enclave.js
Configure a function account
$ sb evm function configure FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
--coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
| ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--name <value>] [--authority <value>] [--containerRegistry <value>]
[--container <value>] [--version <value>]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--authority=<value> update the authority for the function
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--container=<value> update the container for the function
--containerRegistry=<value> update the container registry for the function
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--name=<value> update the name for the function
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--version=<value> update the container version for the function
--json Format output as json.
Configure a function account
$ sb evm function fund 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --fundAmount 0.02 --account ~/.arbitrum-kp.txt --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/configure.js
create a new function account for a given queue
$ sb evm function create QUEUEKEY --account <value> --container <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain
coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network
mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [-n <value>] [-a
<value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--containerRegistry dockerhub|ipfs] [--version <value>] [--mrEnclave <value>]
QUEUEKEY address of the attestation queue account
-a, --authority=<value> keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> name of the function for easier identification
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--container=<value> (required) the location of the container (Ex. switchboardlabs/basic-oracle-function)
--containerRegistry=<option> [default: dockerhub] the registry to pull the container from (Ex. Docker or IPFS)
<options: dockerhub|ipfs>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--fundAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--mrEnclave=<value> the MrEnclave value to set for the function - if not provided, will be set automatically
after its first run
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--version=<value> [default: latest] the version of the container to pull from the registry (Ex. 'latest'
or 'mainnet')
--json Format output as json.
create a new function account for a given queue
$ sb evm function create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --name function-1 --fundAmount 0.25 --container switchboardlabs/basic-oracle-function --version latest
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/create.js
Fund a function account
$ sb evm function fund FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
--coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
| ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--fundAmount <value>]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--fundAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Fund a function account
$ sb evm function fund 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --fundAmount 0.02 --account ~/.arbitrum-kp.txt --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/fund.js
Print a function account
$ sb evm function print FUNCTIONKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
--arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Print a function account
$ sb evm function print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/print.js
Remove MrEnclave to a function account
$ sb evm function remove-enclave FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain
coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network
mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--mrEnclave=<value> (required) The MrEnclave to remove
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Remove MrEnclave to a function account
$ sb evm function removeMrEnclave 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --removeMrEnclace 0xDEADBEEF --account ~/.arbitrum-kp.txt --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/remove-enclave.js
Test a local function before publishing
$ sb evm function test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum |
--optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--json] [--parameters <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--parameters=<value> Parameters to pass to the run
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Test a local function before publishing
$ sb evm function test --parameters 'uint256:1,string:hello
See code: dist/commands/evm/function/test.js
Print an attestation queue account
$ sb evm queue print QUEUEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
--arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
QUEUEKEY address of the attestation queue
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Print an attestation queue account
$ sb evm queue print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/queue/print.js
Print a function request
$ sb evm request print REQUESTKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
--arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
REQUESTKEY address of the request account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Print a function request
$ sb evm request print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/request/print.js
create a new function account for a given queue
$ sb evm request send FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
--coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
| ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--params <value>]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-a, --authority=<value> keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--fundAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--params=<value> The parameters to send in this request
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
create a new function account for a given queue
$ sb evm function send F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.01 --params abc123
See code: dist/commands/evm/request/send.js
create a new routine account for a given function
$ sb evm routine create FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
--coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
| ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--authority <value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--schedule <value>]
[--params <value>]
FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--authority=<value> keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--fundAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--params=<value> the parameters this routine should pass to the function
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--schedule=<value> the cron schedule to execute the function periodically (Ex. '15 * * * * *' will execute the
function every 15 seconds)
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
create a new routine account for a given function
$ sb evm routine create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.25 --container "mgild/randomness" --version latest
See code: dist/commands/evm/routine/create.js
create a new routine account for a given function
$ sb evm routine fund ROUTINEKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
--coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
| ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--fundAmount <value>]
ROUTINEKEY address of the routine account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--fundAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
create a new routine account for a given function
$ sb evm routine fund F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.25
See code: dist/commands/evm/routine/fund.js
Print a function routine
$ sb evm routine print ROUTINEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
--arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]
ROUTINEKEY address of the routine account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--testnet use the testnet network
--json Format output as json.
Print a function routine
$ sb evm routine print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49
See code: dist/commands/evm/routine/print.js
initialize a new function template
$ sb function-init TEMPLATE [-h] [-v] [-s] [-d <value>]
TEMPLATE (solana|solana-anchor|evm-rust|evm-typescript) type of template to initialize
-d, --dir=<value> name of the directory to initialize the new function template
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-v, --verbose log everything
initialize a new function template
See code: dist/commands/function-init.js
Display help for sb.
$ sb help [COMMANDS] [-n]
COMMANDS Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for sb.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
test a job definition against the Switchboard task-runner
$ sb job test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--json] [-d] [--job <value>]
-d, --devnet test against a devnet task-runner
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-v, --verbose log everything
--job=<value>... filesystem path to job definition file
--json Format output as json.
test a job definition against the Switchboard task-runner
$ sb job:test
See code: dist/commands/job/test.js
fetch logs for a switchboard oracle
$ sb oracle logs NETWORK SEARCHSTRING -f <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--force] [--json] [--csv]
NETWORK (solana-mainnet|solana-devnet|aptos-mainnet|aptos-testnet) network to parse logs for
SEARCHSTRING string to search for in the oracle logs
-f, --outputFile=<value> (required) output file to save aggregator pubkeys to
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-v, --verbose log everything
--csv output aggregator accounts in csv format
--force overwrite output file if exists
--json output aggregator accounts in json format
fetch logs for a switchboard oracle
See code: dist/commands/oracle/logs.js
add a history buffer to an aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator add history AGGREGATORKEY --historyLimit <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--force] [-a <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--force overwrite an existing history buffer if one already exists
--historyLimit=<value> (required) the number of samples to store before overwriting old samples
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
add a history buffer to an aggregator
$ sb solana:aggregator:add:history
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/add/history.js
add jobs to an aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator add job AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
[--jobDefinition <value>] [--jobKey <value>] [-a <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--jobDefinition=<value>... filesystem path of job json definition file
--jobKey=<value>... public key of an existing job account to add to an aggregator
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
add jobs to an aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator add job
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/add/job.js
$ sb solana aggregator authority AGGREGATORKEY --newAuthority <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
config changes
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--newAuthority=<value> (required)
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/authority.js
close an aggregator and associated PDA accounts on devnet
$ sb solana aggregator close AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
config changes
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
close an aggregator and associated PDA accounts on devnet
$ sb solana aggregator close J7j9xX8JP2B2ErvUzuqGAKBGeggsxPyFXj5MqZcYDxfa --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/close.js
create an aggregator account
$ sb solana aggregator create QUEUEKEY --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [-a <value>] [--aggregatorKeypair <value>] [--name <value>]
[--metadata <value>] [--batchSize <value>] [--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>]
[--varianceThreshold <value>] [--historyLimit <value>] [--crankKey <value> | --disableCrank] [--queueAuthority
<value>] [--enable] [--leaseAmount <value>] [-j <value>] [--jobKey <value>] [--slidingWindow] [--basePriorityFee
<value>] [--priorityFeeBump <value>] [--priorityFeeBumpPeriod <value>] [--maxPriorityFeeMultiplier <value>]
QUEUEKEY public key of the oracle queue to create an aggregator on
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --job=<value>... filesystem path to job definition file
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--aggregatorKeypair=<value> keypair to use for aggregator account. This will be the account's publicKey
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--batchSize=<value> [default: 1] number of oracles requested for each open round call
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--crankKey=<value> public key of the crank to join
--disableCrank whether the newly created feed can be pushed onto a crank. irreversible
--enable set permissions to PERMIT_ORACLE_QUEUE_USAGE
--forceReportPeriod=<value> Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept
new responses from oracles.
--historyLimit=<value> number of historical samples to store
--jobKey=<value>... public key of existing job account
--leaseAmount=<value> [default: 0] amount of funds to deposit into the lease, ex: 1.5 would deposit 1.5
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--metadata=<value> metadata of the aggregator
--minJobs=<value> [default: 1] number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
--minOracles=<value> [default: 1] number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted
--name=<value> name of the aggregator
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queueAuthority=<value> alternative keypair to use for queue authority
--slidingWindow enable sliding window resolution mode
--updateInterval=<value> (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
--varianceThreshold=<value> [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next
round before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost
during low volatility
--json Format output as json.
create an aggregator account
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/create/index.js
create an aggregator from a json file
$ sb solana aggregator create json DEFINITIONFILE [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[-q <value>] [-a <value>] [--leaseAmount <value>]
DEFINITIONFILE filesystem path of queue definition json file
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that will be the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-q, --queueKey=<value> public key of the oracle queue to create aggregator for
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--leaseAmount=<value> [default: 0] amount of funds to deposit into the lease, ex: 1.5 would deposit 1.5
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
create an aggregator from a json file
$ sb solana json create aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator create json examples/aggregator.json --keypair ../payer-keypair.json --queueKey GhYg3R1V6DmJbwuc57qZeoYG6gUuvCotUF1zU3WCj98U --outputFile aggregator.schema.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/create/json.js
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator deposit AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator fund
$ sb solana aggregator deposit
$ sb solana aggregator extend
$ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator extend AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator fund
$ sb solana aggregator deposit
$ sb solana aggregator extend
$ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator fund AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator fund
$ sb solana aggregator deposit
$ sb solana aggregator extend
$ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
print an aggregator's history'
$ sb solana aggregator history AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--metrics]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--metrics print metrics on an aggregators history like average update interval
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print an aggregator's history'
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/history.js
set a lease's withdraw authority
$ sb solana aggregator lease set AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
<value>] [--queuePubkey <value>] [--newAuthority <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--newAuthority=<value> new lease withdraw authority. if not set, defaults to the aggregator authority
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queuePubkey=<value> override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
moving to a new queue
set a lease's withdraw authority
$ sb solana aggregator lease set
$ sb solana:lease:set GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
get a list of aggregators from a provided authority pubkey
$ sb solana aggregator list AUTHORITYKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
AUTHORITYKEY public key of the aggregator authority
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
get a list of aggregators from a provided authority pubkey
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/list.js
lock an aggregator's configuration and prevent further changes
$ sb solana aggregator lock AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
lock an aggregator's configuration and prevent further changes
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/lock.js
print an aggregator's metrics'
$ sb solana aggregator metrics AGGREGATORKEY --period <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--period=<value>... (required) the period to collect metrics for. Ex. 3600 will collect update metrics
for the last 1hr
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print an aggregator's metrics'
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/metrics.js
set an aggregators resolution mode config
$ sb solana aggregator mode AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[-a <value>] [--slidingWindow | --roundResolution]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
config changes
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--roundResolution enable sliding window mode
--slidingWindow enable sliding window mode
--json Format output as json.
set an aggregators resolution mode config
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/mode.js
request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles
$ sb solana aggregator open-round AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles
$ sb solana aggregator open-round
$ sb solana aggregator update J7j9xX8JP2B2ErvUzuqGAKBGeggsxPyFXj5MqZcYDxfa --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
create a permission account for an aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator permission create AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
create a permission account for an aggregator
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/permission/create.js
print an aggregator and it's associated accounts
$ sb solana aggregator print AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--queuePubkey <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queuePubkey=<value> override the aggregators current queue. useful for viewing permission lease
accounts if an aggregator has moved queues
--json Format output as json.
print an aggregator and it's associated accounts
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/print.js
remove a switchboard job account from an aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator remove job AGGREGATORKEY JOBKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
JOBKEY public key of an existing job account to remove from an aggregator
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
remove a switchboard job account from an aggregator
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/remove/job.js
set an aggregators config
$ sb solana aggregator set AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--batchSize <value>] [--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>]
[--updateInterval <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--basePriorityFee <value>]
[--priorityFeeBump <value>] [--priorityFeeBumpPeriod <value>] [--maxPriorityFeeMultiplier <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
config changes
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--batchSize=<value> number of oracles requested for each open round call
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--enableSlidingWindow set the aggregator resolution mode
--forceReportPeriod=<value> Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept
new responses from oracles.
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--metadata=<value> metadata of the aggregator
--minJobs=<value> number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
--minOracles=<value> number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
--name=<value> name of the aggregator
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--updateInterval=<value> set an aggregator's minimum update delay
--varianceThreshold=<value> percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round before an
oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low volatility
--json Format output as json.
set an aggregators config
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/set.js
transfer an aggregator to a new queue
$ sb solana aggregator transfer AGGREGATORKEY --newQueue <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>] [--newCrank <value>] [--loadAmount <value>] [--enable]
[--queueAuthority <value>] [--force]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--enable enable permissions on the new queue
--force skip permission checks
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--loadAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] amount of funds to load into the new lease, in addition to the
funds remaining in the old lease account
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--newCrank=<value> publicKey of the crank to transfer to
--newQueue=<value> (required) publicKey of the new queue to transfer to
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queueAuthority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the queue. only used if enabling
permissions in one transaction
transfer an aggregator to a new queue
$ sb solana aggregator transfer GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --mainnetBeta --loadAmount 0.1 --newQueue 3HBb2DQqDfuMdzWxNk1Eo9RTMkFYmuEAd32RiLKn9pAn --newCrank GdNVLWzcE6h9SPuSbmu69YzxAj8enim9t6mjzuqTXgLd --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/transfer.js
request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles
$ sb solana aggregator update AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles
$ sb solana aggregator open-round
$ sb solana aggregator update J7j9xX8JP2B2ErvUzuqGAKBGeggsxPyFXj5MqZcYDxfa --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/update.js
watch an aggregator account and stream the results
$ sb solana aggregator watch AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-t <value>] [-f <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-f, --outfile=<value> save results to a file
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-t, --timeout=<value> time to watch feed for updates
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
watch an aggregator account and stream the results
See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/watch.js
withdraw funds from an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator withdraw AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>] [--queuePubkey <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> (required) token amount to withdraw from lease account
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queuePubkey=<value> override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
moving to a new queue
withdraw funds from an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator withdraw
$ sb solana:aggregator:withdraw GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel
$ sb solana anchor test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster localnet|devnet] [-u <value>] [--mainnetRpcUrl
<value>] [--programId <value>] [-d <value>] [--oracleKey <value>] [-k <value>] [--releaseChannel testnet|mainnet |
--nodeImage <value>] [-t <value>] [--detach] [--testValidatorArgs <value>]
-d, --switchboardDir=<value> directory with switchboard.env to load a switchboard environment
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress docker logging
-t, --timeout=<value> [default: 120] number of seconds before ending the docker process
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--cluster=<option> [default: localnet] cluster
<options: localnet|devnet>
--detach keep the localnet rpc running
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--mainnetRpcUrl=<value> [default:] Solana mainnet RPC URL to use for the
oracle task runner
--nodeImage=<value> [default: dev-v2-RC_04_11_23_17_12] public key of the oracle to start-up
--oracleKey=<value> public key of the oracle to start-up
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--releaseChannel=<option> [default: testnet] the oracle release channel
<options: testnet|mainnet>
--testValidatorArgs=<value> additional args passed to the local solana validator
run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel
$ sb anchor test
See code: dist/commands/solana/anchor/test.js
create a new crank account
$ sb solana crank create QUEUEKEY -s <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [-n <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--crankKeypair <value>]
[--dataBufferKeypair <value>]
QUEUEKEY public key of the oracle queue to create a crank on
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-n, --name=<value> name of the crank for easier identification
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-s, --size=<value> (required) maximum number of rows a crank can support
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--crankKeypair=<value> keypair to use for the crank account. This will be the account's publicKey
--dataBufferKeypair=<value> keypair to use for the crank data buffer account.
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--metadata=<value> metadata of the crank for easier identification
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
create a new crank account
See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/create.js
watch an aggregator account and stream the on-chain events
$ sb solana crank events AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-t <value>] [-f <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-f, --outfile=<value> save results to a file
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-t, --timeout=<value> time to watch feed for updates
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
watch an aggregator account and stream the on-chain events
See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/events.js
pop the crank
$ sb solana crank pop CRANKKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
CRANKKEY public key of the crank account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
pop the crank
See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/pop.js
print a crank
$ sb solana crank print CRANKKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--rows]
CRANKKEY public key of the crank account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--rows print the crank rows in order
--json Format output as json.
print a crank
See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/print.js
push the crank
$ sb solana crank push AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
[--crankKey <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--crankKey=<value> push onto a new crank, if provided
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
push the crank
See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/push.js
reset an aggregators crank
$ sb solana crank reset AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
config changes
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
reset an aggregators crank
See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/reset.js
create a job account
$ sb solana job create --jobDefinition <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--jobKeypair <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>]
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that will be the buffer relayer authority
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-n, --name=<value> name of the buffer account
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--jobDefinition=<value> (required) filesystem path to job definition
--jobKeypair=<value> keypair to use for the job account. This will be the account's publicKey
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
create a job account
See code: dist/commands/solana/job/create.js
print an job and it's associated accounts
$ sb solana job print JOBKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
JOBKEY public key of the job account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print an job and it's associated accounts
See code: dist/commands/solana/job/print.js
create an aggregator from a json file
$ sb solana json create aggregator DEFINITIONFILE [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[-q <value>] [-a <value>] [--leaseAmount <value>]
DEFINITIONFILE filesystem path of queue definition json file
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair that will be the authority for the aggregator
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-q, --queueKey=<value> public key of the oracle queue to create aggregator for
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--leaseAmount=<value> [default: 0] amount of funds to deposit into the lease, ex: 1.5 would deposit 1.5
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
create an aggregator from a json file
$ sb solana json create aggregator
$ sb solana aggregator create json examples/aggregator.json --keypair ../payer-keypair.json --queueKey GhYg3R1V6DmJbwuc57qZeoYG6gUuvCotUF1zU3WCj98U --outputFile aggregator.schema.json
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana lease create AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--amount
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> token amount to load into the lease escrow. If decimals provided, amount will be
normalized to raw tokenAmount
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana lease create GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.5 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/create.js
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana lease extend AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
fund and re-enable an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator fund
$ sb solana aggregator deposit
$ sb solana aggregator extend
$ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/extend.js
print a lease account
$ sb solana lease print LEASEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
LEASEKEY public key of the lease account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print a lease account
See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/print.js
set a lease's withdraw authority
$ sb solana lease set AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
[-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
<value>] [--queuePubkey <value>] [--newAuthority <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> alternate keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--newAuthority=<value> new lease withdraw authority. if not set, defaults to the aggregator authority
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queuePubkey=<value> override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
moving to a new queue
set a lease's withdraw authority
$ sb solana aggregator lease set
$ sb solana:lease:set GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/set.js
withdraw funds from an aggregator lease
$ sb solana lease withdraw AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>] [--queuePubkey <value>]
AGGREGATORKEY public key of the aggregator account
-a, --authority=<value> keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--amount=<value> (required) token amount to withdraw from lease account
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queuePubkey=<value> override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
moving to a new queue
withdraw funds from an aggregator lease
$ sb solana aggregator withdraw
$ sb solana:aggregator:withdraw GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json
See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/withdraw.js
create an oracle queue
$ sb solana network create --configFile <value> --schemaFile <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--force]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--configFile=<value> (required)
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--schemaFile=<value> (required)
--json Format output as json.
create an oracle queue
See code: dist/commands/solana/network/create.js
save an existing switchboard network
$ sb solana network save --queueKey <value> --outputFile <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--outputFile=<value> (required) outputFile to save accounts in JSON format
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queueKey=<value> (required) queue account to load
--json Format output as json.
save an existing switchboard network
See code: dist/commands/solana/network/save.js
start a switchboard network from a JSON file
$ sb solana network start [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
<value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--configFile
<value>] [--schemaFile <value>] [--nodeImage <value>] [--arm] [-t <value>] [--mainnetRpcUrl <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress docker logging
-t, --timeout=<value> [default: 300] number of seconds before ending the docker process
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--arm apple silicon needs to use a docker image for linux/arm64
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--mainnetRpcUrl=<value> [default:] Solana mainnet RPC URL to use for
the oracle task runner
--nodeImage=<value> [default: dev-v2-RC_02_24_23_18_43] public key of the oracle to start-up
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
start a switchboard network from a JSON file
See code: dist/commands/solana/network/start.js
Create a guardian account
$ sb solana on-demand guardian create [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
<value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--price
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--price=<value> [default: 10000] set the computeUnitPrice to boost transaction priority fees
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
Create a guardian account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/guardian/create.js
register or deregister a guardian on a queue
$ sb solana on-demand guardian register --guardian <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>]
[--disable] [--asProposal] [-k <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> file containing the authority keypair. Required if `asProposal` is false
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal print the transaction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--disable disable the specified guardian
--guardian=<value> (required) new guardian account to register
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
register or deregister a guardian on a queue
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/guardian/register.js
Create an oracle account
$ sb solana on-demand oracle create --queue <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--price <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--price=<value> [default: 10000] set the computeUnitPrice to boost transaction priority fees
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queue=<value> (required) public key of the queue account
--json Format output as json.
Create an oracle account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/oracle/create.js
print a oracle account
$ sb solana on-demand oracle print ORACLEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--oracles]
ORACLEKEY public key of the oracle account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--oracles print the oracle oracles
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print a oracle account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/oracle/print.js
SetDelegationAccounts an oracle account. To be used on switch mint changes
$ sb solana on-demand oracle setDelegationAccounts [ORACLE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[--stakePool <value>] [--mint <value>] [--asProposal]
ORACLE The oracle account to configure
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--mint=<value> The mint account to create a reward pool for
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--stakePool=<value> The stake pool account to use
--json Format output as json.
SetDelegationAccounts an oracle account. To be used on switch mint changes
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/oracle/setDelegationAccounts.js
set a switchboard on-demand permission
$ sb solana on-demand permission set --granter <value> --grantee <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>]
[--disable] [--asProposal] [-k <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> file containing the authority keypair. Required if `asProposal` is false
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal print the transaction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--disable disable the specified permission
--grantee=<value> (required) public key of the grantee account
--granter=<value> (required) public key of the granter account
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
set a switchboard on-demand permission
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/permission/set.js
Add allowed measurement to the queue
$ sb solana on-demand queue addMrEnclave [QUEUE] --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--asProposal]
QUEUE The queue account to configure
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--mrEnclave=<value> (required) Hex encoded mrEnclave
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
Add allowed measurement to the queue
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/addMrEnclave.js
Configure a queue account
$ sb solana on-demand queue configure [QUEUE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[--authority <value>] [--reward <value>] [--nodeTimeout <value>] [--asProposal]
QUEUE The queue account to configure
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--authority=<value> new authority for the queue account
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--nodeTimeout=<value> timeout before oracles can be removed from queue
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--reward=<value> new reward for the queue account
--json Format output as json.
Configure a queue account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/configure.js
Init a queue account
$ sb solana on-demand queue init [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
<value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--reward
<value>] [--nodeTimeout <value>] [--asProposal]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--nodeTimeout=<value> timeout before oracles can be removed from queue
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--reward=<value> reward for the queue account
--json Format output as json.
Init a queue account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/init.js
Add delegation group for a specific stake pool
$ sb solana on-demand queue initDelegationGroup [QUEUE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[--asProposal] [--stakePool <value>]
QUEUE The queue account to configure
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--stakePool=<value> The stake pool to use for the switchboard program
--json Format output as json.
Add delegation group for a specific stake pool
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/initDelegationGroup.js
print a queue account
$ sb solana on-demand queue print QUEUEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--oracles]
QUEUEKEY public key of the queue account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--oracles print oracles currently registered on this queue
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print a queue account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/print.js
Remove allowed measurement from the queue
$ sb solana on-demand queue rmMrEnclave [QUEUE] --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
[--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
<value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--asProposal]
QUEUE The queue account to configure
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--mrEnclave=<value> (required) Hex encoded mrEnclave
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
Remove allowed measurement from the queue
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/rmMrEnclave.js
Create an stake pool account
$ sb solana on-demand staking stake-pool init [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
<value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
Create an stake pool account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/staking/stake-pool/init.js
Create an oracle account
$ sb solana on-demand state configure [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
<value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--authority
<value>] [--guardianQueue <value>] [--stakeProgram <value>] [--stakePool <value>] [--switchMint <value>]
[--asProposal] [--permitAdvisory <value>] [--denyAdvisory <value>] [--testOnlyDisableMrEnclaveCheck] [--epochLength
<value>] [--resetEpochs] [--enableStaking <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--asProposal output the instruction as a proposal
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--authority=<value> new authority for the state account
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--denyAdvisory=<value> Adds a new denied advisory for oracles
--enableStaking=<value> Enable staking
--epochLength=<value> Epoch length in seconds
--guardianQueue=<value> guardian queue id
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--permitAdvisory=<value> Adds a new allowed advisory for oracles
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--resetEpochs Reset the epoch
--stakePool=<value> stake pool id
--stakeProgram=<value> stake program id
--switchMint=<value> switchboard mint address
--testOnlyDisableMrEnclaveCheck Disables the mr enclave check for testing
--json Format output as json.
Create an oracle account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/state/configure.js
print the state account
$ sb solana on-demand state print [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
[--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
<value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--json Format output as json.
print the state account
See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/state/print.js
create a new oracle account for a given queue
$ sb solana oracle create QUEUEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
[-n <value>] [--metadata <value>] [-a <value>] [--enable] [--queueAuthority <value>] [--stakeAmount <value>]
QUEUEKEY public key of the oracle queue account
-a, --authority=<value> keypair to delegate authority to for managing the oracle account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-k, --keypair=<value> keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
if no alternate authority provided
-n, --name=<value> name of the oracle for easier identification
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--enable enable oracle heartbeat permissions
--ledger enable ledger support
--ledgerPath=<value> HID path to the ledger
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--metadata=<value> metadata of the oracle for easier identification
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--queueAuthority=<value> alternative keypair to use for queue authority
--stakeAmount=<value> token amount to load into the oracle's staking wallet.
--json Format output as json.
create a new oracle account for a given queue
$ sb solana:oracle:create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --name oracle-1 --stakeAmount 1
See code: dist/commands/solana/oracle/create.js
print an oracle account
$ sb solana oracle print ORACLEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
[--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]
ORACLEKEY public key of the oracle account
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<option> the solana cluster to connect to
<options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value> [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
instructions to be executed
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--priorityFee=<value> [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
('priority fees')
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID t