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3.5.8 • Public • Published


A command line tool to interact with Switchboard.

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Run the following command to install the sb binary in your $PATH.

npm install -g @switchboard-xyz/cli

You can re-run this command to upgrade your CLI version or run the command:

sb update stable



# Devnet
sb config set solana devnet rpc https://api.devnet.solana.com
sb config set solana devnet default-account "~/.config/solana/id.json"

# Mainnet
sb config set solana mainnet-beta rpc https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com
sb config set solana mainnet-beta default-account "~/.config/solana/id.json"


# Testnet
sb config set aptos testnet rpc https://fullnode.testnet.aptoslabs.com/v1
sb config set aptos testnet default-account ".aptos/config.yaml"

# Devnet
sb config set aptos devnet rpc https://fullnode.devnet.aptoslabs.com/v1
sb config set aptos devnet default-account ".aptos/config.yaml"


# Testnet
sb config set near testnet rpc https://rpc.testnet.near.org
sb config set near testnet default-account my-named-account.testnet

# Mainnet
sb config set near mainnet rpc https://rpc.mainnet.near.org
sb config set near mainnet default-account my-named-account.near


To test commands:

node bin/dev print GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR
# node bin/dev [COMMAND ARGS --flags]


sb anchor test

run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel

  $ sb anchor test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster localnet|devnet] [-u <value>] [--mainnetRpcUrl
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [-d <value>] [--oracleKey <value>] [-k <value>] [--releaseChannel testnet|mainnet |
    --nodeImage <value>] [-t <value>] [--detach] [--testValidatorArgs <value>]

  -d, --switchboardDir=<value>  directory with switchboard.env to load a switchboard environment
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>         keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
                                alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                  suppress docker logging
  -t, --timeout=<value>         [default: 120] number of seconds before ending the docker process
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>          alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                 log everything
  --cluster=<option>            [default: localnet] cluster
                                <options: localnet|devnet>
  --detach                      keep the localnet rpc running
  --mainnetBeta                 WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --mainnetRpcUrl=<value>       [default: https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/] Solana mainnet RPC URL to use for the
                                oracle task runner
  --nodeImage=<value>           [default: dev-v2-RC_04_11_23_17_12] public key of the oracle to start-up
  --oracleKey=<value>           public key of the oracle to start-up
  --programId=<value>           alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --releaseChannel=<option>     [default: testnet] the oracle release channel
                                <options: testnet|mainnet>
  --testValidatorArgs=<value>   additional args passed to the local solana validator

  run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel

  $ sb anchor test

sb aptos account airdrop

request an airdrop

  $ sb aptos account airdrop --address <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
    [-u <value>] [--json] [-n <value>]

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -n, --amount=<value>  [default: 1000000] number of airdrops to request, 10_000 coins each
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --address=<value>     (required) HexString address of account to fund
  --networkId=<option>  [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                        <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --programId=<value>   Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  request an airdrop

See code: dist/commands/aptos/account/airdrop.js

sb aptos aggregator add job AGGREGATORHEXSTRING

add a job to an aggregator

  $ sb aptos aggregator add job AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [-a <value>] [--name <value> | --jobKey <value>]
    [--metadata <value> | ] [--jobDefinition <value> | ] [--jobWeight <value>]

  AGGREGATORHEXSTRING  HexString address of the aggregator

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --jobDefinition=<value>  filesystem path of job json definition file
  --jobKey=<value>         public key of an existing job account to add to an aggregator
  --jobWeight=<value>      [default: 1] job weight
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the job account
  --name=<value>           name of the job account
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  add a job to an aggregator

  $ sb aptos aggregator job add

See code: dist/commands/aptos/aggregator/add/job.js

sb aptos aggregator create QUEUEHEXSTRING

create an aptos aggregator for a given queue

  $ sb aptos aggregator create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
    devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>]
    [--crankAddress <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--batchSize <value>]
    [--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [-j <value>] [--new]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the queue

  -a, --authority=<value>      alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
  -h, --help                   Show CLI help.
  -j, --job=<value>...         filesystem path to job definition file
  -s, --silent                 suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>         alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                log everything
  --batchSize=<value>          number of oracles requested for each open round call
  --crankAddress=<value>       optional, address of the crank to add the aggregator to
  --forceReportPeriod=<value>  Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept new
                               responses from oracles.
  --keypair=<value>            (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>           metadata of the aggregator for easier identification
  --minJobs=<value>            number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
  --minOracles=<value>         number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
  --name=<value>               name of the aggregator for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>         [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                               <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                        create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>        [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
                               to load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>          Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --updateInterval=<value>     (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
  --varianceThreshold=<value>  [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round
                               before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low

  --json  Format output as json.

  create an aptos aggregator for a given queue

  $ sb aptos create aggregator

See code: dist/commands/aptos/aggregator/create.js

sb aptos aggregator job add AGGREGATORHEXSTRING

add a job to an aggregator

  $ sb aptos aggregator job add AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [-a <value>] [--name <value> | --jobKey <value>]
    [--metadata <value> | ] [--jobDefinition <value> | ] [--jobWeight <value>]

  AGGREGATORHEXSTRING  HexString address of the aggregator

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --jobDefinition=<value>  filesystem path of job json definition file
  --jobKey=<value>         public key of an existing job account to add to an aggregator
  --jobWeight=<value>      [default: 1] job weight
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the job account
  --name=<value>           name of the job account
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  add a job to an aggregator

  $ sb aptos aggregator job add

sb aptos aggregator update AGGREGATORHEXSTRING

request a new value on-chain for an aggregator

  $ sb aptos aggregator update AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>]

  AGGREGATORHEXSTRING  HexString address of the aggregator

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  request a new value on-chain for an aggregator

  $ sb aptos update aggregator

See code: dist/commands/aptos/aggregator/update.js

sb aptos crank create QUEUEHEXSTRING

create a new crank

  $ sb aptos crank create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--maxRows
    <value>] [--new]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString of the oracle queue to create a crank for

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --maxRows=<value>      [default: 100] maximum number of rows on the crank
  --metadata=<value>     metadata of the queue for easier identification
  --name=<value>         name of the queue for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                  create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new crank

  $ sb aptos create crank

See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/create.js

sb aptos crank list CRANKHEXSTRING

sort the crank

  $ sb aptos crank list CRANKHEXSTRING [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u
    <value>] [--json]

  CRANKHEXSTRING  HexString address of the crank

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --networkId=<option>  [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                        <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --programId=<value>   Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  sort the crank

  $ sb aptos list crank

See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/list.js

sb aptos crank pop CRANKHEXSTRING

pop the crank

  $ sb aptos crank pop CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]

  CRANKHEXSTRING  HexString address of the crank

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  pop the crank

  $ sb aptos pop crank

See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/pop.js

sb aptos crank push CRANKHEXSTRING

push an aggregator onto the crank

  $ sb aptos crank push CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> -a <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
    devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]

  CRANKHEXSTRING  HexString address of the crank

  -a, --aggregatorHexString=<value>  (required) HexString address of the aggregator
  -h, --help                         Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                       suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>               alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                      log everything
  --keypair=<value>                  (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>               [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                                     <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>              [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional
                                     profile to load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>                Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  push an aggregator onto the crank

  $ sb aptos push crank

See code: dist/commands/aptos/crank/push.js

sb aptos create aggregator QUEUEHEXSTRING

create an aptos aggregator for a given queue

  $ sb aptos create aggregator QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
    devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>]
    [--crankAddress <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--batchSize <value>]
    [--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [-j <value>] [--new]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the queue

  -a, --authority=<value>      alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
  -h, --help                   Show CLI help.
  -j, --job=<value>...         filesystem path to job definition file
  -s, --silent                 suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>         alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                log everything
  --batchSize=<value>          number of oracles requested for each open round call
  --crankAddress=<value>       optional, address of the crank to add the aggregator to
  --forceReportPeriod=<value>  Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept new
                               responses from oracles.
  --keypair=<value>            (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>           metadata of the aggregator for easier identification
  --minJobs=<value>            number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
  --minOracles=<value>         number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
  --name=<value>               name of the aggregator for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>         [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                               <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                        create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>        [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
                               to load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>          Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --updateInterval=<value>     (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
  --varianceThreshold=<value>  [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round
                               before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low

  --json  Format output as json.

  create an aptos aggregator for a given queue

  $ sb aptos create aggregator

sb aptos create crank QUEUEHEXSTRING

create a new crank

  $ sb aptos create crank QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--maxRows
    <value>] [--new]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString of the oracle queue to create a crank for

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --maxRows=<value>      [default: 100] maximum number of rows on the crank
  --metadata=<value>     metadata of the queue for easier identification
  --name=<value>         name of the queue for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                  create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new crank

  $ sb aptos create crank


create a new job

  $ sb aptos create job QUEUEHEXSTRING JOBDEFINITION --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
    devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name
    <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--new] [--weight <value>]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the queue
  JOBDEFINITION   filesystem path to job definition

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate named account that will be the authority for the job account
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the job for easier identification
  --name=<value>           name of the job for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                    create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --weight=<value>         [default: 1] job weight to assign

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new job

  $ sb aptos create job

sb aptos create oracle QUEUEHEXSTRING

create a oracle for a given queue

  $ sb aptos create oracle QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata
    <value>] [--new]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the queue

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the oracle for easier identification
  --name=<value>           name of the oracle for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                    create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a oracle for a given queue

  $ sb aptos create oracle

sb aptos create queue

create a new oracle queue

  $ sb aptos create queue --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
    [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--minStake
    <value>] [-r <value>] [--oracleTimeout <value>] [--queueSize <value>] [--slashingEnabled] [--unpermissionedFeeds]
    [--unpermissionedVrf] [--enableBufferRelayers] [--lockLeaseFunding] [--new]

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate account HexString that will be the authority for the queue
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -r, --reward=<value>     oracle rewards for successfully responding to an update request
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --enableBufferRelayers   enable oracles to fulfill buffer relayer requests
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --lockLeaseFunding       lock lease funding
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the queue for easier identification
  --minStake=<value>       minimum stake required by an oracle to join the queue
  --name=<value>           name of the queue for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                    create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --oracleTimeout=<value>  [default: 180] number of oracles to add to the queue
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --queueSize=<value>      [default: 100] maximum number of oracles the queue can support
  --slashingEnabled        permit slashing malicous oracles
  --unpermissionedFeeds    permit unpermissioned feeds
  --unpermissionedVrf      permit unpermissioned VRF accounts

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new oracle queue

  $ sb aptos create queue


create a new job

  $ sb aptos job create QUEUEHEXSTRING JOBDEFINITION --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
    devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name
    <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--new] [--weight <value>]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the queue
  JOBDEFINITION   filesystem path to job definition

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate named account that will be the authority for the job account
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the job for easier identification
  --name=<value>           name of the job for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                    create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --weight=<value>         [default: 1] job weight to assign

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new job

  $ sb aptos create job

See code: dist/commands/aptos/job/create.js

sb aptos list crank CRANKHEXSTRING

sort the crank

  $ sb aptos list crank CRANKHEXSTRING [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u
    <value>] [--json]

  CRANKHEXSTRING  HexString address of the crank

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --networkId=<option>  [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                        <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --programId=<value>   Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  sort the crank

  $ sb aptos list crank

sb aptos oracle create QUEUEHEXSTRING

create a oracle for a given queue

  $ sb aptos oracle create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata
    <value>] [--new]

  QUEUEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the queue

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the oracle for easier identification
  --name=<value>           name of the oracle for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                    create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a oracle for a given queue

  $ sb aptos create oracle

See code: dist/commands/aptos/oracle/create.js

sb aptos oracle metrics ORACLEHEXSTRING

list oracle metrics

  $ sb aptos oracle metrics ORACLEHEXSTRING [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u
    <value>] [--json]

  ORACLEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the oracle

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --networkId=<option>  [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                        <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --programId=<value>   Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  list oracle metrics

See code: dist/commands/aptos/oracle/metrics.js

sb aptos oracle up ORACLEHEXSTRING

start an aptos docker oracle

  $ sb aptos oracle up ORACLEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [-d <value>] [--releaseChannel testnet|mainnet |
    --nodeImage <value>]

  ORACLEHEXSTRING  HexString address of the oracle

  -d, --switchboardDir=<value>  directory with switchboard.env to load a switchboard environment
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                  suppress docker logging
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>          alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                 log everything
  --keypair=<value>             (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>          [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                                <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --nodeImage=<value>           [default: dev-v2-RC_04_11_23_17_12] public key of the oracle to start-up
  --profileName=<value>         [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
                                to load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>           Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --releaseChannel=<option>     [default: testnet] the oracle release channel
                                <options: testnet|mainnet>

  start an aptos docker oracle

See code: dist/commands/aptos/oracle/up.js

sb aptos permission create GRANTER

create a new permission

  $ sb aptos permission create GRANTER --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId
    <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--aggregator <value> | --oracle <value>] [--enable]

  GRANTER  HexString of the oracle queue to create a permission for

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --aggregator=<value>   HexString of  the aggregator address to create a permission for
  --enable               whether to enable the permissions after creation
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --oracle=<value>       HexString of  the aggregator address to create a permission for
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new permission

See code: dist/commands/aptos/permission/create.js

sb aptos permission set GRANTER

create a new permission

  $ sb aptos permission set GRANTER --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId
    <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [--aggregator <value> | --oracle <value>] [--enable]

  GRANTER  HexString of the oracle queue to create a permission for

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --aggregator=<value>   HexString of  the aggregator address to create a permission for
  --enable               whether to enable the permissions after creation
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --oracle=<value>       HexString of  the aggregator address to create a permission for
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new permission

See code: dist/commands/aptos/permission/set.js

sb aptos pop crank CRANKHEXSTRING

pop the crank

  $ sb aptos pop crank CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]

  CRANKHEXSTRING  HexString address of the crank

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  pop the crank

  $ sb aptos pop crank


print an aptos account

  $ sb aptos print ACCOUNTTYPE ADDRESS [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
    [-u <value>] [--json]

  ACCOUNTTYPE  (queue|aggregator|crank|oracle|permission|lease|job|state) account type to print
  ADDRESS      HexString address of the account to print

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --networkId=<option>  [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                        <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --programId=<value>   Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  print an aptos account

  $ sb aptos print

See code: dist/commands/aptos/print.js

sb aptos push crank CRANKHEXSTRING

push an aggregator onto the crank

  $ sb aptos push crank CRANKHEXSTRING --keypair <value> -a <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
    devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json]

  CRANKHEXSTRING  HexString address of the crank

  -a, --aggregatorHexString=<value>  (required) HexString address of the aggregator
  -h, --help                         Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                       suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>               alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                      log everything
  --keypair=<value>                  (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>               [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                                     <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>              [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional
                                     profile to load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>                Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  --json  Format output as json.

  push an aggregator onto the crank

  $ sb aptos push crank

sb aptos queue create

create a new oracle queue

  $ sb aptos queue create --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
    [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--minStake
    <value>] [-r <value>] [--oracleTimeout <value>] [--queueSize <value>] [--slashingEnabled] [--unpermissionedFeeds]
    [--unpermissionedVrf] [--enableBufferRelayers] [--lockLeaseFunding] [--new]

  -a, --authority=<value>  alternate account HexString that will be the authority for the queue
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -r, --reward=<value>     oracle rewards for successfully responding to an update request
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --enableBufferRelayers   enable oracles to fulfill buffer relayer requests
  --keypair=<value>        (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --lockLeaseFunding       lock lease funding
  --metadata=<value>       metadata of the queue for easier identification
  --minStake=<value>       minimum stake required by an oracle to join the queue
  --name=<value>           name of the queue for easier identification
  --networkId=<option>     [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                           <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --new                    create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
  --oracleTimeout=<value>  [default: 180] number of oracles to add to the queue
  --profileName=<value>    [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                           load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>      Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
  --queueSize=<value>      [default: 100] maximum number of oracles the queue can support
  --slashingEnabled        permit slashing malicous oracles
  --unpermissionedFeeds    permit unpermissioned feeds
  --unpermissionedVrf      permit unpermissioned VRF accounts

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new oracle queue

  $ sb aptos create queue

See code: dist/commands/aptos/queue/create.js

sb aptos update aggregator AGGREGATORHEXSTRING

request a new value on-chain for an aggregator

  $ sb aptos update aggregator AGGREGATORHEXSTRING --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet]
    [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>]

  AGGREGATORHEXSTRING  HexString address of the aggregator

  -h, --help             Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent           suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>   alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose          log everything
  --keypair=<value>      (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
  --networkId=<option>   [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
                         <options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
  --profileName=<value>  [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
                         load. If none provided, default will be used
  --programId=<value>    Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network

  request a new value on-chain for an aggregator

  $ sb aptos update aggregator

sb config print

print cli config

  $ sb config print [-h] [-v] [-s] [--json]

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent   suppress cli prompts
  -v, --verbose  log everything

  --json  Format output as json.

  print cli config

  $ sb config:print

See code: dist/commands/config/print.js


set a configuration option

  $ sb config set CHAIN NETWORK PARAMETER [VALUE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [-r]

  CHAIN      chain to set a config parameter
  NETWORK    network of chain to set parameter
  PARAMETER  (rpc|default-account|account) parameter to set
  VALUE      value of the param to set

  -h, --help     Show CLI help.
  -r, --reset    remove value or set to default rpc
  -s, --silent   suppress cli prompts
  -v, --verbose  log everything

  set a configuration option

See code: dist/commands/config/set.js

sb evm enclave print ENCLAVEKEY

Print an enclave's state

  $ sb evm enclave print ENCLAVEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
    --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  ENCLAVEKEY  address of the enclave

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Print an enclave's state

  $ sb evm enclave print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/enclave/print.js

sb evm function add-enclave FUNCTIONKEY

Add MrEnclave to a function account

  $ sb evm function add-enclave FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain
    coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network
    mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --account=<value>     (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --mrEnclave=<value>   (required) The MrEnclave to add
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Add MrEnclave to a function account

  $ sb evm function add-enclave $FUNCTION_ID --chain arbitrum --network testnet --mrEnclave $MEASUREMENT --account ../.kp.txt --programId $SWITCHBOARD_ADDRESS

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/add-enclave.js

sb evm function configure FUNCTIONKEY

Configure a function account

  $ sb evm function configure FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
    --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
    | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--name <value>] [--authority <value>] [--containerRegistry <value>]
    [--container <value>] [--version <value>]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -h, --help                   Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                 suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>         alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                log everything
  --account=<value>            (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum                   use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora                     use the aurora chain
  --authority=<value>          update the authority for the function
  --base                       use the base chain
  --chain=<option>             the evm chain to interact with
                               <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --container=<value>          update the container for the function
  --containerRegistry=<value>  update the container registry for the function
  --coredao                    use the coredao chain
  --mainnet                    use the mainnet network
  --name=<value>               update the name for the function
  --network=<option>           the EVM network to connect to
                               <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism                   use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>          alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet                    use the testnet network
  --version=<value>            update the container version for the function

  --json  Format output as json.

  Configure a function account

  $ sb evm function fund 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --fundAmount 0.02 --account ~/.arbitrum-kp.txt --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/configure.js

sb evm function create QUEUEKEY

create a new function account for a given queue

  $ sb evm function create QUEUEKEY --account <value> --container <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain
    coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network
    mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [-n <value>] [-a
    <value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--containerRegistry dockerhub|ipfs] [--version <value>] [--mrEnclave <value>]

  QUEUEKEY  address of the attestation queue account

  -a, --authority=<value>       keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -n, --name=<value>            name of the function for easier identification
  -s, --silent                  suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>          alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                 log everything
  --account=<value>             (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum                    use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora                      use the aurora chain
  --base                        use the base chain
  --chain=<option>              the evm chain to interact with
                                <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --container=<value>           (required) the location of the container (Ex. switchboardlabs/basic-oracle-function)
  --containerRegistry=<option>  [default: dockerhub] the registry to pull the container from (Ex. Docker or IPFS)
                                <options: dockerhub|ipfs>
  --coredao                     use the coredao chain
  --fundAmount=<value>          [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
  --mainnet                     use the mainnet network
  --mrEnclave=<value>           the MrEnclave value to set for the function - if not provided, will be set automatically
                                after its first run
  --network=<option>            the EVM network to connect to
                                <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism                    use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>           alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet                     use the testnet network
  --version=<value>             [default: latest] the version of the container to pull from the registry (Ex. 'latest'
                                or 'mainnet')

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new function account for a given queue

  $ sb evm function create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --name function-1 --fundAmount 0.25 --container switchboardlabs/basic-oracle-function --version latest

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/create.js

sb evm function fund FUNCTIONKEY

Fund a function account

  $ sb evm function fund FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
    --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
    | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--fundAmount <value>]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --account=<value>     (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --fundAmount=<value>  [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Fund a function account

  $ sb evm function fund 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --fundAmount 0.02 --account ~/.arbitrum-kp.txt --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/fund.js

sb evm function print FUNCTIONKEY

Print a function account

  $ sb evm function print FUNCTIONKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
    --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Print a function account

  $ sb evm function print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/print.js

sb evm function remove-enclave FUNCTIONKEY

Remove MrEnclave to a function account

  $ sb evm function remove-enclave FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain
    coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network
    mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --account=<value>     (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --mrEnclave=<value>   (required) The MrEnclave to remove
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Remove MrEnclave to a function account

  $ sb evm function removeMrEnclave 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --removeMrEnclace 0xDEADBEEF --account ~/.arbitrum-kp.txt --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/remove-enclave.js

sb evm function test

Test a local function before publishing

  $ sb evm function test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao | --arbitrum |
    --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--json] [--parameters <value>]

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --parameters=<value>  Parameters to pass to the run
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Test a local function before publishing

  $ sb evm function test --parameters 'uint256:1,string:hello

See code: dist/commands/evm/function/test.js

sb evm queue print QUEUEKEY

Print an attestation queue account

  $ sb evm queue print QUEUEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
    --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  QUEUEKEY  address of the attestation queue

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Print an attestation queue account

  $ sb evm queue print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/queue/print.js

sb evm request print REQUESTKEY

Print a function request

  $ sb evm request print REQUESTKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
    --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  REQUESTKEY  address of the request account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Print a function request

  $ sb evm request print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/request/print.js

sb evm request send FUNCTIONKEY

create a new function account for a given queue

  $ sb evm request send FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
    --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
    | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--params <value>]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -a, --authority=<value>  keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
  -h, --help               Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent             suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>     alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose            log everything
  --account=<value>        (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum               use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora                 use the aurora chain
  --base                   use the base chain
  --chain=<option>         the evm chain to interact with
                           <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao                use the coredao chain
  --fundAmount=<value>     [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
  --mainnet                use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>       the EVM network to connect to
                           <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism               use the optimism chain
  --params=<value>         The parameters to send in this request
  --programId=<value>      alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet                use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new function account for a given queue

  $ sb evm function send F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.01 --params abc123

See code: dist/commands/evm/request/send.js

sb evm routine create FUNCTIONKEY

create a new routine account for a given function

  $ sb evm routine create FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
    --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
    | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--authority <value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--schedule <value>]
    [--params <value>]

  FUNCTIONKEY  address of the function account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --account=<value>     (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --authority=<value>   keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --fundAmount=<value>  [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --params=<value>      the parameters this routine should pass to the function
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --schedule=<value>    the cron schedule to execute the function periodically (Ex. '15 * * * * *' will execute the
                        function every 15 seconds)
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new routine account for a given function

  $ sb evm routine create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.25 --container "mgild/randomness" --version latest

See code: dist/commands/evm/routine/create.js

sb evm routine fund ROUTINEKEY

create a new routine account for a given function

  $ sb evm routine fund ROUTINEKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
    --coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet
    | ] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--fundAmount <value>]

  ROUTINEKEY  address of the routine account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --account=<value>     (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --fundAmount=<value>  [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new routine account for a given function

  $ sb evm routine fund F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.25

See code: dist/commands/evm/routine/fund.js

sb evm routine print ROUTINEKEY

Print a function routine

  $ sb evm routine print ROUTINEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora | --coredao |
    --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet|sepolia | --mainnet | --testnet | ] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--json]

  ROUTINEKEY  address of the routine account

  -h, --help            Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent          suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>  alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose         log everything
  --arbitrum            use the arbitrum chain
  --aurora              use the aurora chain
  --base                use the base chain
  --chain=<option>      the evm chain to interact with
                        <options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
  --coredao             use the coredao chain
  --mainnet             use the mainnet network
  --network=<option>    the EVM network to connect to
                        <options: mainnet|testnet|sepolia>
  --optimism            use the optimism chain
  --programId=<value>   alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --testnet             use the testnet network

  --json  Format output as json.

  Print a function routine

  $ sb evm routine print 0xaA43ba6f18b138A0B3313dDbFaC2b920D240108E --chain arbitrum --network testnet --programId 0x4F706C62535d171883A6cc9384f3f3d926A6BA49

See code: dist/commands/evm/routine/print.js

sb function-init TEMPLATE

initialize a new function template

  $ sb function-init TEMPLATE [-h] [-v] [-s] [-d <value>]

  TEMPLATE  (solana|solana-anchor|evm-rust|evm-typescript) type of template to initialize

  -d, --dir=<value>  name of the directory to initialize the new function template
  -h, --help         Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent       suppress cli prompts
  -v, --verbose      log everything

  initialize a new function template

See code: dist/commands/function-init.js

sb help [COMMANDS]

Display help for sb.

  $ sb help [COMMANDS] [-n]

  COMMANDS  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for sb.

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

sb job test

test a job definition against the Switchboard task-runner

  $ sb job test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--json] [-d] [--job <value>]

  -d, --devnet      test against a devnet task-runner
  -h, --help        Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent      suppress cli prompts
  -v, --verbose     log everything
  --job=<value>...  filesystem path to job definition file

  --json  Format output as json.

  test a job definition against the Switchboard task-runner

  $ sb job:test

See code: dist/commands/job/test.js


fetch logs for a switchboard oracle

  $ sb oracle logs NETWORK SEARCHSTRING -f <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--force] [--json] [--csv]

  NETWORK       (solana-mainnet|solana-devnet|aptos-mainnet|aptos-testnet) network to parse logs for
  SEARCHSTRING  string to search for in the oracle logs

  -f, --outputFile=<value>  (required) output file to save aggregator pubkeys to
  -h, --help                Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent              suppress cli prompts
  -v, --verbose             log everything
  --csv                     output aggregator accounts in csv format
  --force                   overwrite output file if exists
  --json                    output aggregator accounts in json format

  fetch logs for a switchboard oracle

See code: dist/commands/oracle/logs.js

sb solana aggregator add history AGGREGATORKEY

add a history buffer to an aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator add history AGGREGATORKEY --historyLimit <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--force] [-a <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --force                             overwrite an existing history buffer if one already exists
  --historyLimit=<value>              (required) the number of samples to store before overwriting old samples
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  add a history buffer to an aggregator

  $ sb solana:aggregator:add:history

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/add/history.js

sb solana aggregator add job AGGREGATORKEY

add jobs to an aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator add job AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
    [--jobDefinition <value>] [--jobKey <value>] [-a <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --jobDefinition=<value>...          filesystem path of job json definition file
  --jobKey=<value>...                 public key of an existing job account to add to an aggregator
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  add jobs to an aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator add job

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/add/job.js

sb solana aggregator authority AGGREGATORKEY

  $ sb solana aggregator authority AGGREGATORKEY --newAuthority <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
                                      config changes
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --newAuthority=<value>              (required)
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/authority.js

sb solana aggregator close AGGREGATORKEY

close an aggregator and associated PDA accounts on devnet

  $ sb solana aggregator close AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
                                      config changes
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  close an aggregator and associated PDA accounts on devnet

  $ sb solana aggregator close J7j9xX8JP2B2ErvUzuqGAKBGeggsxPyFXj5MqZcYDxfa --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/close.js

sb solana aggregator create QUEUEKEY

create an aggregator account

  $ sb solana aggregator create QUEUEKEY --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [-a <value>] [--aggregatorKeypair <value>] [--name <value>]
    [--metadata <value>] [--batchSize <value>] [--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>]
    [--varianceThreshold <value>] [--historyLimit <value>] [--crankKey <value> | --disableCrank] [--queueAuthority
    <value>] [--enable] [--leaseAmount <value>] [-j <value>] [--jobKey <value>] [--slidingWindow] [--basePriorityFee
    <value>] [--priorityFeeBump <value>] [--priorityFeeBumpPeriod <value>] [--maxPriorityFeeMultiplier <value>]

  QUEUEKEY  public key of the oracle queue to create an aggregator on

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -j, --job=<value>...                filesystem path to job definition file
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --aggregatorKeypair=<value>         keypair to use for aggregator account. This will be the account's publicKey
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --batchSize=<value>                 [default: 1] number of oracles requested for each open round call
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --crankKey=<value>                  public key of the crank to join
  --disableCrank                      whether the newly created feed can be pushed onto a crank. irreversible
  --enable                            set permissions to PERMIT_ORACLE_QUEUE_USAGE
  --forceReportPeriod=<value>         Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept
                                      new responses from oracles.
  --historyLimit=<value>              number of historical samples to store
  --jobKey=<value>...                 public key of existing job account
  --leaseAmount=<value>               [default: 0] amount of funds to deposit into the lease, ex: 1.5 would deposit 1.5
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --metadata=<value>                  metadata of the aggregator
  --minJobs=<value>                   [default: 1] number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
  --minOracles=<value>                [default: 1] number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted
  --name=<value>                      name of the aggregator
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queueAuthority=<value>            alternative keypair to use for queue authority
  --slidingWindow                     enable sliding window resolution mode
  --updateInterval=<value>            (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
  --varianceThreshold=<value>         [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next
                                      round before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost
                                      during low volatility

  --json  Format output as json.

  create an aggregator account

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/create/index.js

sb solana aggregator create json DEFINITIONFILE

create an aggregator from a json file

  $ sb solana aggregator create json DEFINITIONFILE [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [-q <value>] [-a <value>] [--leaseAmount <value>]

  DEFINITIONFILE  filesystem path of queue definition json file

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that will be the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -q, --queueKey=<value>              public key of the oracle queue to create aggregator for
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --leaseAmount=<value>               [default: 0] amount of funds to deposit into the lease, ex: 1.5 would deposit 1.5
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  create an aggregator from a json file

  $ sb solana json create aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator create json examples/aggregator.json --keypair ../payer-keypair.json --queueKey GhYg3R1V6DmJbwuc57qZeoYG6gUuvCotUF1zU3WCj98U --outputFile aggregator.schema.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/create/json.js

sb solana aggregator deposit AGGREGATORKEY

fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator deposit AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator fund
  $ sb solana aggregator deposit
  $ sb solana aggregator extend

  $ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

sb solana aggregator extend AGGREGATORKEY

fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator extend AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator fund
  $ sb solana aggregator deposit
  $ sb solana aggregator extend

  $ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

sb solana aggregator fund AGGREGATORKEY

fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator fund AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator fund
  $ sb solana aggregator deposit
  $ sb solana aggregator extend

  $ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

sb solana aggregator history AGGREGATORKEY

print an aggregator's history'

  $ sb solana aggregator history AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--metrics]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --metrics                           print metrics on an aggregators history like average update interval
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print an aggregator's history'

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/history.js

sb solana aggregator lease set AGGREGATORKEY

set a lease's withdraw authority

  $ sb solana aggregator lease set AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
    <value>] [--queuePubkey <value>] [--newAuthority <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --newAuthority=<value>              new lease withdraw authority. if not set, defaults to the aggregator authority
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queuePubkey=<value>               override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
                                      moving to a new queue

  set a lease's withdraw authority

  $ sb solana aggregator lease set

  $ sb solana:lease:set GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

sb solana aggregator list AUTHORITYKEY

get a list of aggregators from a provided authority pubkey

  $ sb solana aggregator list AUTHORITYKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  AUTHORITYKEY  public key of the aggregator authority

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  get a list of aggregators from a provided authority pubkey

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/list.js

sb solana aggregator lock AGGREGATORKEY

lock an aggregator's configuration and prevent further changes

  $ sb solana aggregator lock AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  lock an aggregator's configuration and prevent further changes

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/lock.js

sb solana aggregator metrics AGGREGATORKEY

print an aggregator's metrics'

  $ sb solana aggregator metrics AGGREGATORKEY --period <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --period=<value>...                 (required) the period to collect metrics for. Ex. 3600 will collect update metrics
                                      for the last 1hr
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print an aggregator's metrics'

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/metrics.js

sb solana aggregator mode AGGREGATORKEY

set an aggregators resolution mode config

  $ sb solana aggregator mode AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [-a <value>] [--slidingWindow | --roundResolution]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
                                      config changes
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --roundResolution                   enable sliding window mode
  --slidingWindow                     enable sliding window mode

  --json  Format output as json.

  set an aggregators resolution mode config

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/mode.js

sb solana aggregator open-round AGGREGATORKEY

request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles

  $ sb solana aggregator open-round AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles

  $ sb solana aggregator open-round

  $ sb solana aggregator update J7j9xX8JP2B2ErvUzuqGAKBGeggsxPyFXj5MqZcYDxfa --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

sb solana aggregator permission create AGGREGATORKEY

create a permission account for an aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator permission create AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  create a permission account for an aggregator

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/permission/create.js

sb solana aggregator print AGGREGATORKEY

print an aggregator and it's associated accounts

  $ sb solana aggregator print AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--queuePubkey <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queuePubkey=<value>               override the aggregators current queue. useful for viewing permission lease
                                      accounts if an aggregator has moved queues

  --json  Format output as json.

  print an aggregator and it's associated accounts

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/print.js

sb solana aggregator remove job AGGREGATORKEY JOBKEY

remove a switchboard job account from an aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator remove job AGGREGATORKEY JOBKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account
  JOBKEY         public key of an existing job account to remove from an aggregator

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  remove a switchboard job account from an aggregator

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/remove/job.js

sb solana aggregator set AGGREGATORKEY

set an aggregators config

  $ sb solana aggregator set AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--batchSize <value>] [--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>]
    [--updateInterval <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--basePriorityFee <value>]
    [--priorityFeeBump <value>] [--priorityFeeBumpPeriod <value>] [--maxPriorityFeeMultiplier <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
                                      config changes
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --batchSize=<value>                 number of oracles requested for each open round call
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --enableSlidingWindow               set the aggregator resolution mode
  --forceReportPeriod=<value>         Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept
                                      new responses from oracles.
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --metadata=<value>                  metadata of the aggregator
  --minJobs=<value>                   number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
  --minOracles=<value>                number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
  --name=<value>                      name of the aggregator
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --updateInterval=<value>            set an aggregator's minimum update delay
  --varianceThreshold=<value>         percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round before an
                                      oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low volatility

  --json  Format output as json.

  set an aggregators config

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/set.js

sb solana aggregator transfer AGGREGATORKEY

transfer an aggregator to a new queue

  $ sb solana aggregator transfer AGGREGATORKEY --newQueue <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>] [--newCrank <value>] [--loadAmount <value>] [--enable]
    [--queueAuthority <value>] [--force]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --enable                            enable permissions on the new queue
  --force                             skip permission checks
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --loadAmount=<value>                [default: 0.0] amount of funds to load into the new lease, in addition to the
                                      funds remaining in the old lease account
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --newCrank=<value>                  publicKey of the crank to transfer to
  --newQueue=<value>                  (required) publicKey of the new queue to transfer to
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queueAuthority=<value>            alternate keypair that is the authority for the queue. only used if enabling
                                      permissions in one transaction

  transfer an aggregator to a new queue

  $ sb solana aggregator transfer GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --mainnetBeta --loadAmount 0.1 --newQueue 3HBb2DQqDfuMdzWxNk1Eo9RTMkFYmuEAd32RiLKn9pAn --newCrank GdNVLWzcE6h9SPuSbmu69YzxAj8enim9t6mjzuqTXgLd --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/transfer.js

sb solana aggregator update AGGREGATORKEY

request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles

  $ sb solana aggregator update AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  request a new aggregator result from a set of oracles

  $ sb solana aggregator open-round

  $ sb solana aggregator update J7j9xX8JP2B2ErvUzuqGAKBGeggsxPyFXj5MqZcYDxfa --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/update.js

sb solana aggregator watch AGGREGATORKEY

watch an aggregator account and stream the results

  $ sb solana aggregator watch AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-t <value>] [-f <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -f, --outfile=<value>               save results to a file
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -t, --timeout=<value>               time to watch feed for updates
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  watch an aggregator account and stream the results

See code: dist/commands/solana/aggregator/watch.js

sb solana aggregator withdraw AGGREGATORKEY

withdraw funds from an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator withdraw AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>] [--queuePubkey <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    (required) token amount to withdraw from lease account
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queuePubkey=<value>               override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
                                      moving to a new queue

  withdraw funds from an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator withdraw

  $ sb solana:aggregator:withdraw GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

sb solana anchor test

run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel

  $ sb solana anchor test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster localnet|devnet] [-u <value>] [--mainnetRpcUrl
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [-d <value>] [--oracleKey <value>] [-k <value>] [--releaseChannel testnet|mainnet |
    --nodeImage <value>] [-t <value>] [--detach] [--testValidatorArgs <value>]

  -d, --switchboardDir=<value>  directory with switchboard.env to load a switchboard environment
  -h, --help                    Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>         keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority if no
                                alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                  suppress docker logging
  -t, --timeout=<value>         [default: 120] number of seconds before ending the docker process
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>          alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                 log everything
  --cluster=<option>            [default: localnet] cluster
                                <options: localnet|devnet>
  --detach                      keep the localnet rpc running
  --mainnetBeta                 WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --mainnetRpcUrl=<value>       [default: https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/] Solana mainnet RPC URL to use for the
                                oracle task runner
  --nodeImage=<value>           [default: dev-v2-RC_04_11_23_17_12] public key of the oracle to start-up
  --oracleKey=<value>           public key of the oracle to start-up
  --programId=<value>           alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --releaseChannel=<option>     [default: testnet] the oracle release channel
                                <options: testnet|mainnet>
  --testValidatorArgs=<value>   additional args passed to the local solana validator

  run anchor test and a switchboard oracle in parallel

  $ sb anchor test

See code: dist/commands/solana/anchor/test.js

sb solana crank create QUEUEKEY

create a new crank account

  $ sb solana crank create QUEUEKEY -s <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [-n <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--crankKeypair <value>]
    [--dataBufferKeypair <value>]

  QUEUEKEY  public key of the oracle queue to create a crank on

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -n, --name=<value>                  name of the crank for easier identification
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -s, --size=<value>                  (required) maximum number of rows a crank can support
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --crankKeypair=<value>              keypair to use for the crank account. This will be the account's publicKey
  --dataBufferKeypair=<value>         keypair to use for the crank data buffer account.
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --metadata=<value>                  metadata of the crank for easier identification
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new crank account

See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/create.js

sb solana crank events AGGREGATORKEY

watch an aggregator account and stream the on-chain events

  $ sb solana crank events AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-t <value>] [-f <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -f, --outfile=<value>               save results to a file
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -t, --timeout=<value>               time to watch feed for updates
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  watch an aggregator account and stream the on-chain events

See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/events.js

sb solana crank pop CRANKKEY

pop the crank

  $ sb solana crank pop CRANKKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  CRANKKEY  public key of the crank account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  pop the crank

See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/pop.js

sb solana crank print CRANKKEY

print a crank

  $ sb solana crank print CRANKKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--rows]

  CRANKKEY  public key of the crank account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --rows                              print the crank rows in order

  --json  Format output as json.

  print a crank

See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/print.js

sb solana crank push AGGREGATORKEY

push the crank

  $ sb solana crank push AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]
    [--crankKey <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --crankKey=<value>                  push onto a new crank, if provided
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  push the crank

See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/push.js

sb solana crank reset AGGREGATORKEY

reset an aggregators crank

  $ sb solana crank reset AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that is the authority for the aggregator and required to make
                                      config changes
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  reset an aggregators crank

See code: dist/commands/solana/crank/reset.js

sb solana job create

create a job account

  $ sb solana job create --jobDefinition <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--jobKeypair <value>] [-a <value>] [-n <value>]

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that will be the buffer relayer authority
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -n, --name=<value>                  name of the buffer account
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --jobDefinition=<value>             (required) filesystem path to job definition
  --jobKeypair=<value>                keypair to use for the job account. This will be the account's publicKey
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a job account

See code: dist/commands/solana/job/create.js

sb solana job print JOBKEY

print an job and it's associated accounts

  $ sb solana job print JOBKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  JOBKEY  public key of the job account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print an job and it's associated accounts

See code: dist/commands/solana/job/print.js

sb solana json create aggregator DEFINITIONFILE

create an aggregator from a json file

  $ sb solana json create aggregator DEFINITIONFILE [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [-q <value>] [-a <value>] [--leaseAmount <value>]

  DEFINITIONFILE  filesystem path of queue definition json file

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair that will be the authority for the aggregator
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -q, --queueKey=<value>              public key of the oracle queue to create aggregator for
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --leaseAmount=<value>               [default: 0] amount of funds to deposit into the lease, ex: 1.5 would deposit 1.5
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  create an aggregator from a json file

  $ sb solana json create aggregator

  $ sb solana aggregator create json examples/aggregator.json --keypair ../payer-keypair.json --queueKey GhYg3R1V6DmJbwuc57qZeoYG6gUuvCotUF1zU3WCj98U --outputFile aggregator.schema.json

sb solana lease create AGGREGATORKEY

fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana lease create AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--amount

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    token amount to load into the lease escrow. If decimals provided, amount will be
                                      normalized to raw tokenAmount
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana lease create GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.5 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/create.js

sb solana lease extend AGGREGATORKEY

fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana lease extend AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    (required) amount to deposit into the lease escrow
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  fund and re-enable an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator fund
  $ sb solana aggregator deposit
  $ sb solana aggregator extend

  $ sb solana:aggregator:fund GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/extend.js

sb solana lease print LEASEKEY

print a lease account

  $ sb solana lease print LEASEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  LEASEKEY  public key of the lease account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print a lease account

See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/print.js

sb solana lease set AGGREGATORKEY

set a lease's withdraw authority

  $ sb solana lease set AGGREGATORKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet]
    [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a
    <value>] [--queuePubkey <value>] [--newAuthority <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             alternate keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --newAuthority=<value>              new lease withdraw authority. if not set, defaults to the aggregator authority
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queuePubkey=<value>               override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
                                      moving to a new queue

  set a lease's withdraw authority

  $ sb solana aggregator lease set

  $ sb solana:lease:set GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/set.js

sb solana lease withdraw AGGREGATORKEY

withdraw funds from an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana lease withdraw AGGREGATORKEY --amount <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [-a <value>] [--queuePubkey <value>]

  AGGREGATORKEY  public key of the aggregator account

  -a, --authority=<value>             keypair delegated as the authority for managing the lease account
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --amount=<value>                    (required) token amount to withdraw from lease account
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queuePubkey=<value>               override the aggregators current queue. useful for withdrawing from a lease after
                                      moving to a new queue

  withdraw funds from an aggregator lease

  $ sb solana aggregator withdraw

  $ sb solana:aggregator:withdraw GvDMxPzN1sCj7L26YDK2HnMRXEQmQ2aemov8YBtPS7vR --amount 1.1 --keypair ../payer-keypair.json

See code: dist/commands/solana/lease/withdraw.js

sb solana network create

create an oracle queue

  $ sb solana network create --configFile <value> --schemaFile <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--force]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --configFile=<value>                (required)
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --schemaFile=<value>                (required)

  --json  Format output as json.

  create an oracle queue

See code: dist/commands/solana/network/create.js

sb solana network save

save an existing switchboard network

  $ sb solana network save --queueKey <value> --outputFile <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --outputFile=<value>                (required) outputFile to save accounts in JSON format
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queueKey=<value>                  (required) queue account to load

  --json  Format output as json.

  save an existing switchboard network

See code: dist/commands/solana/network/save.js

sb solana network start

start a switchboard network from a JSON file

  $ sb solana network start [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
    <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--configFile
    <value>] [--schemaFile <value>] [--nodeImage <value>] [--arm] [-t <value>] [--mainnetRpcUrl <value>]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress docker logging
  -t, --timeout=<value>               [default: 300] number of seconds before ending the docker process
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --arm                               apple silicon needs to use a docker image for linux/arm64
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --mainnetRpcUrl=<value>             [default: https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/] Solana mainnet RPC URL to use for
                                      the oracle task runner
  --nodeImage=<value>                 [default: dev-v2-RC_02_24_23_18_43] public key of the oracle to start-up
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  start a switchboard network from a JSON file

See code: dist/commands/solana/network/start.js

sb solana on-demand guardian create

Create a guardian account

  $ sb solana on-demand guardian create [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
    <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--price

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --price=<value>                     [default: 10000] set the computeUnitPrice to boost transaction priority fees
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create a guardian account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/guardian/create.js

sb solana on-demand guardian register

register or deregister a guardian on a queue

  $ sb solana on-demand guardian register --guardian <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>]
    [--disable] [--asProposal] [-k <value>]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               file containing the authority keypair. Required if `asProposal` is false
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        print the transaction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --disable                           disable the specified guardian
  --guardian=<value>                  (required) new guardian account to register
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  register or deregister a guardian on a queue

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/guardian/register.js

sb solana on-demand oracle create

Create an oracle account

  $ sb solana on-demand oracle create --queue <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--price <value>]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --price=<value>                     [default: 10000] set the computeUnitPrice to boost transaction priority fees
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queue=<value>                     (required) public key of the queue account

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create an oracle account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/oracle/create.js

sb solana on-demand oracle print ORACLEKEY

print a oracle account

  $ sb solana on-demand oracle print ORACLEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--oracles]

  ORACLEKEY  public key of the oracle account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --oracles                           print the oracle oracles
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print a oracle account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/oracle/print.js

sb solana on-demand oracle setDelegationAccounts [ORACLE]

SetDelegationAccounts an oracle account. To be used on switch mint changes

  $ sb solana on-demand oracle setDelegationAccounts [ORACLE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [--stakePool <value>] [--mint <value>] [--asProposal]

  ORACLE  The oracle account to configure

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --mint=<value>                      The mint account to create a reward pool for
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --stakePool=<value>                 The stake pool account to use

  --json  Format output as json.

  SetDelegationAccounts an oracle account. To be used on switch mint changes

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/oracle/setDelegationAccounts.js

sb solana on-demand permission set

set a switchboard on-demand permission

  $ sb solana on-demand permission set --granter <value> --grantee <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>]
    [--disable] [--asProposal] [-k <value>]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               file containing the authority keypair. Required if `asProposal` is false
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        print the transaction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --disable                           disable the specified permission
  --grantee=<value>                   (required) public key of the grantee account
  --granter=<value>                   (required) public key of the granter account
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  set a switchboard on-demand permission

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/permission/set.js

sb solana on-demand queue addMrEnclave [QUEUE]

Add allowed measurement to the queue

  $ sb solana on-demand queue addMrEnclave [QUEUE] --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--asProposal]

  QUEUE  The queue account to configure

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --mrEnclave=<value>                 (required) Hex encoded mrEnclave
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  Add allowed measurement to the queue

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/addMrEnclave.js

sb solana on-demand queue configure [QUEUE]

Configure a queue account

  $ sb solana on-demand queue configure [QUEUE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [--authority <value>] [--reward <value>] [--nodeTimeout <value>] [--asProposal]

  QUEUE  The queue account to configure

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --authority=<value>                 new authority for the queue account
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --nodeTimeout=<value>               timeout before oracles can be removed from queue
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --reward=<value>                    new reward for the queue account

  --json  Format output as json.

  Configure a queue account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/configure.js

sb solana on-demand queue init

Init a queue account

  $ sb solana on-demand queue init [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
    <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--reward
    <value>] [--nodeTimeout <value>] [--asProposal]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --nodeTimeout=<value>               timeout before oracles can be removed from queue
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --reward=<value>                    reward for the queue account

  --json  Format output as json.

  Init a queue account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/init.js

sb solana on-demand queue initDelegationGroup [QUEUE]

Add delegation group for a specific stake pool

  $ sb solana on-demand queue initDelegationGroup [QUEUE] [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [--asProposal] [--stakePool <value>]

  QUEUE  The queue account to configure

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --stakePool=<value>                 The stake pool to use for the switchboard program

  --json  Format output as json.

  Add delegation group for a specific stake pool

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/initDelegationGroup.js

sb solana on-demand queue print QUEUEKEY

print a queue account

  $ sb solana on-demand queue print QUEUEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json] [--oracles]

  QUEUEKEY  public key of the queue account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --oracles                           print oracles currently registered on this queue
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print a queue account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/print.js

sb solana on-demand queue rmMrEnclave [QUEUE]

Remove allowed measurement from the queue

  $ sb solana on-demand queue rmMrEnclave [QUEUE] --mrEnclave <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster
    devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>]
    [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k
    <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--asProposal]

  QUEUE  The queue account to configure

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --mrEnclave=<value>                 (required) Hex encoded mrEnclave
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  Remove allowed measurement from the queue

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/queue/rmMrEnclave.js

sb solana on-demand staking stake-pool init

Create an stake pool account

  $ sb solana on-demand staking stake-pool init [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
    <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create an stake pool account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/staking/stake-pool/init.js

sb solana on-demand state configure

Create an oracle account

  $ sb solana on-demand state configure [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
    <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json] [--authority
    <value>] [--guardianQueue <value>] [--stakeProgram <value>] [--stakePool <value>] [--switchMint <value>]
    [--asProposal] [--permitAdvisory <value>] [--denyAdvisory <value>] [--testOnlyDisableMrEnclaveCheck] [--epochLength
    <value>] [--resetEpochs] [--enableStaking <value>]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --asProposal                        output the instruction as a proposal
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --authority=<value>                 new authority for the state account
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --denyAdvisory=<value>              Adds a new denied advisory for oracles
  --enableStaking=<value>             Enable staking
  --epochLength=<value>               Epoch length in seconds
  --guardianQueue=<value>             guardian queue id
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --permitAdvisory=<value>            Adds a new allowed advisory for oracles
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --resetEpochs                       Reset the epoch
  --stakePool=<value>                 stake pool id
  --stakeProgram=<value>              stake program id
  --switchMint=<value>                switchboard mint address
  --testOnlyDisableMrEnclaveCheck     Disables the mr enclave check for testing

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create an oracle account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/state/configure.js

sb solana on-demand state print

print the state account

  $ sb solana on-demand state print [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u <value>]
    [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--priorityFee
    <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

  --json  Format output as json.

  print the state account

See code: dist/commands/solana/on-demand/state/print.js

sb solana oracle create QUEUEKEY

create a new oracle account for a given queue

  $ sb solana oracle create QUEUEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [-k <value>] [--ledgerPath <value> --ledger] [--json]
    [-n <value>] [--metadata <value>] [-a <value>] [--enable] [--queueAuthority <value>] [--stakeAmount <value>]

  QUEUEKEY  public key of the oracle queue account

  -a, --authority=<value>             keypair to delegate authority to for managing the oracle account
  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -k, --keypair=<value>               keypair that will pay for onchain transactions. defaults to new account authority
                                      if no alternate authority provided
  -n, --name=<value>                  name of the oracle for easier identification
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --enable                            enable oracle heartbeat permissions
  --ledger                            enable ledger support
  --ledgerPath=<value>                HID path to the ledger
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --metadata=<value>                  metadata of the oracle for easier identification
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
  --queueAuthority=<value>            alternative keypair to use for queue authority
  --stakeAmount=<value>               token amount to load into the oracle's staking wallet.

  --json  Format output as json.

  create a new oracle account for a given queue

  $ sb solana:oracle:create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --name oracle-1 --stakeAmount 1

See code: dist/commands/solana/oracle/create.js

sb solana oracle print ORACLEKEY

print an oracle account

  $ sb solana oracle print ORACLEKEY [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet] [-u
    <value>] [--programId <value>] [--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed]
    [--priorityFee <value>] [--computeUnitLimitMultiple <value>] [--json]

  ORACLEKEY  public key of the oracle account

  -h, --help                          Show CLI help.
  -s, --silent                        suppress cli prompts
  -u, --rpcUrl=<value>                alternate RPC url
  -v, --verbose                       log everything
  --attestationProgramId=<value>      alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
  --cluster=<option>                  the solana cluster to connect to
                                      <options: devnet|mainnet-beta|mainnet|localnet>
  --commitment=<option>               [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
                                      <options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
  --computeUnitLimitMultiple=<value>  [default: 1.25] set `computeUnitLimitMultiple` to add some room for on-chain
                                      instructions to be executed
  --mainnetBeta                       WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
  --priorityFee=<value>               [default: 10000] set `computeUnitPrice` to boost transactions landing chances
                                      ('priority fees')
  --programId=<value>                 alternative Switchboard program ID t



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