NetSuite Token Based Authentication Module
modification of netsuite-tba-oauth
which defaults to SHA-256 and optionally allows you
to provide your own signature_method and hash function.
This auxiliary module abstracts the authentication mechanism used by NetSuite Restlets.
Supported authentication methods:
- Token Based Authentication (TBA) via OAuth1.0a
- Note: NLAuth not supported. Use the netsuite-restlet module if you need NLAuth authentication.
Supported Restlet methods:
GET (get function) POST (post function) PUT (put function)
via npm:
npm install @suitegeezus/netsuite-tba-oauth --save-dev
Example of GET request
const NetSuiteOauth = require('@suitegeezus/netsuite-tba-oauth');
const url = 'restlet-url';
const method = 'GET';
const consumerKey = 'your-consumer-key';
const consumerSecret = 'your-consumer-secret';
const tokenId = 'token-id';
const tokenSecret = 'token-secret';
const account = 'account Id'; //aka realm
const signature_method = 'HMAC-256'; // optional -- defaults to HMAC-256
const oauth = new NetSuiteOauth(url, method, consumerKey, consumerSecret, tokenId, tokenSecret, account);
oauth.get().then(response => console.log(response));
Example of POST request
const NetSuiteOauth = require('@suitegeezus/netsuite-tba-oauth');
const url = 'restlet-url';
const method = 'POST';
const consumerKey = 'your-consumer-key';
const consumerSecret = 'your-consumer-secret';
const tokenId = 'token-id';
const tokenSecret = 'token-secret';
const account = 'account Id';
const oauth = new NetSuiteOauth(url, method, consumerKey, consumerSecret, tokenId, tokenSecret, account);
const data = {key: 'value'};
oauth.post(data).then(response => console.log(response));
will return an error of your request method does not match the method