
0.0.4 • Public • Published

Subsocial Starter

The start of your Web3 social journey.

The starter is the foundational layer for using the Subsocial JS SDK in a React app.

It provides you with all set of methods, APIs, connections, etc. that you might need while building viral social web apps for your users.

Getting started is easy, just follow the steps:

Creating a new starter project

  • Run the command:
  npx create-react-app my-app --template @subsocial/starter

Running the project

  • Change the directory to my-app
  • Run the command yarn to install all the packages
  • Run the command yarn start to start the local project
  • Congratulations, now your first Subsocial App is up and running.

Congratulations, now your first Subsocial App is up and running

Open the my-app directory in a code-editor like VS Code or IDE and start building your favourite decenteralized social network. Read the comments inside the project for help.

Other helpful resources:

Package Sidebar


npm i @subsocial/cra-template-starter

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  • dappforce
  • olehmell
  • asiman
  • f3joule