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19.0.0 • Public • Published

# Angular Tools: NgxCookies (@studiohyperdrive/ngx-cookies)

This library provides a quick and easy wrapper for CookieConsent V3.


Install the package first:

npm install @studiohyperdrive/ngx-cookies

Add the CookieConsent CSS to the build step.

        "styles": [

Versioning and build information

This package will follow a semver-like format, major.minor.patch, in which:

  • major: Follows the Angular major version
  • minor: Introduces new features and (potential) breaking changes
  • patch: Introduces bugfixes and minor non-breaking changes

For more information about the build process, authors, contributions and issues, we refer to the hyperdrive-opensource repository.


The ngx-cookies package was made as an extension on top of the vanilla CookieConsent in order to provide several Angular based functionalities such as a setup through a server, Observables for the provided events and a directive to handle cookie based content.

The package refrains from adding too much custom logic and is entirely based on the existing CookieConsent API. We refer to the documentation of said package for more information regarding the setup of the cookie handler.


To find more information regarding this package, we refer to our documentation platform.

Package Sidebar


npm i @studiohyperdrive/ngx-cookies

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  • jeroenvalcke
  • tom-odb
  • brilniels
  • shd-developer
  • thomasbormans
  • sanderh
  • laurenspeeters
  • rednas
  • denisvalcke
  • ibenvandeveire
  • ian-emsens-shd
  • wouterheirstrate
  • bertyhell
  • ekincia
  • npieter
  • wouterbas
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