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Studio Hyperdrive HAL Toolset


WARNING: This package has been renamed to @studiohyperdrive/nodejs-hal-tools.

This repo contains a set of tools for working with HAL standards.

It is build with:

  • node: v12.20.0 ( ~ lts/erbium)
  • npm: 6.14.8

For a complete list of packages and version check out the package.json file.



You can install this package by doing:

$ npm install @studiohyperdrive/hal-tools

or if you use Yarn:

$ yarn add @studiohyperdrive/hal-tools

In your code

In your code, you can use this package and it's interfaces like this:

import { HALFormat } from '@studiohyperdrive/hal-tools';

class DoSomething {
  public async findAll(page: number, size: number): Promise<IHALFormat<MyEntity>> {
    const [entities, totalElements] = await this.MyEntitiyRepository.findAndCount(
      calculateTakeSkip(page, size),
    const key = 'my-entities';
    const path = `https://my-api.com/v1/api/${key}`;

    return HALFormat<MyEntity>({

This will transform your entities and count to a HAL formatted response which you can return to the client.

What's in the package?

This package exposes the following functions:

  • calculateTotalPages: This function will calculate the total amount of pages based on the pagesize & total amount of items.
  • calculatePagination: This function will calculate and return all pagination properties.
  • calculateNextPage: This function will calculate your next page or, when there is none, return your current page.
  • createHalLinks: This function will create a set of links required by the HAL Format.
  • HALFormat: This function is the main one which will use the above and your input to transform your input to a HAL-formatted object.

And the following interfaces:

  • IHALLink: An interface for a single HAL link.
  • IHALLinks: An interface for the _links property.
  • IHALEntities: An interface for the _embedded property, takes in an optional T.
  • IHALPagination: An interface for the _page property.
  • IHALFormat: An interface for the HAL formatted object containing the above properties.
  • IHALFormatParams: An interface for the arguments of the HALFormat function.

Setup for contribution

Clone and install dependencies

To setup this project, clone the repo and run npm i to install the dependencies.


The available commands for building the project are:

command runs
build This script runs tsc to compile and your code (target to the dist folder).
prepare This script runs the npm run build command, it is a hook on the npm publish.

The available commands for testing the project are:

command runs
lint This script will run linting and fix what it can.
test This script will run your Jest tests for the library and create a coverage report.
test This script will run your Jest tests but with the --watchAll flag. It does not create a coverage report.


This project can be published to the npm registry. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Run npm version <major | minor | patch> to create a new version and commit + tag it.
  2. Open a Merge Request on Github.
  3. Once your changes have been commited to the main-branch, you can publish to the repo.
  4. Run npm publish.


This project has been created by:

It is currently maintained by:




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  • npieter
  • wouterheirstrate
  • ekincia
  • bertyhell
  • shd-developer
  • ian-emsens-shd
  • jeroenvalcke
  • tom-odb
  • brilniels
  • thomasbormans
  • sanderh
  • laurenspeeters
  • rednas
  • denisvalcke
  • ibenvandeveire