
1.0.0-alpha.19 • Public • Published


Accessible DOM state toggling for off-canvas and show/hide UI patterns using aria-expanded.


For page-level state toggling (e.g. an off-canvas menu)

Create a target and related button(s) in HTML

<button class="js-toggle-btn">Menu</button>
<nav id="primary-navigation" aria-label="Main navigation" class="js-toggle" data-toggle="js-toggle-btn">...</nav>

Install the package

npm i -S @stormid/toggle

Import the module

import toggle from '@stormid/toggle';

Initialise the module via selector string

const [ instance ] = toggle('.js-toggle');

Initialise with a DOM element

const element = document.querySelector('.js-toggle');
const [ instance ] = toggle(element);

Initialise with a Node list

const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.js-toggle');
const [ instance ] = toggle(elements);

Initialise with an Array of elements

const elements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.js-toggle'));
const [ instance ] = toggle(elements);

Local toggle

To localise a toggle state to part of the document (e.g. show/hide panel)

Create a target and related button(s) in HTML

<div class="parent">
    <button type="button" class="js-toggle__btn"></button>
    <div id="child" class="js-toggle__local" data-toggle="js-toggle__btn"></div>

Example MVP CSS

.child {
    display: none
.parent.is--active .child {
    display: static;


    delay: 0, //duration of animating out of toggled state
    startOpen: false,  //initial toggle state
    local: false, // encapsulate in small part of document
    prehook: false, //function to fire before each toggle
    callback: false, //function to fire after each toggle
    focus: false, //focus on first focusable child node of the target element
    trapTab: false, //trap tab in the target element
    closeOnBlur: false, //close the target node on losing focus from the target node and any of the toggles
    closeOnClick: false, //close the target element when a non-child element is clicked


const [ instance ] = toggle('.js-toggle', {
    startOpen: true

Options can also be set on an instance by adding data-attributes to the toggle element, e.g.

<div class="parent">
    <button type="button" class="js-toggle__btn"></button>
    <div class="js-toggle__local" data-toggle="js-toggle__btn" data-start-open="true"></div>

A toggle can also be started open usng the active className alone, e.g.

<div class="parent is--active">
    <button type="button" class="js-toggle__btn"></button>
    <div class="js-toggle__local" data-toggle="js-toggle__btn"></div>

Developer note 06 Sep 2022: Use of closeOnBlur

It should be noted that at the time of writing, the availaibility of the blur event was limited on mobile assistive tech, specifically iOS VoiceOver.

When a user is swiping through content in VoiceOver, the focus/blur events will only fire if the focus is moving to or from a form input element or button. The focus/blur events will not fire when moving between links, headings or in-page content. Any use of the closeOnBlur setting should be carefully tested to make sure that the behaviour is as expected on these devices.


toggle() returns an array of instances. Each instance exposes the interface

    node, DOMElement, the text area
    startToggle, a Function that starts the toggle lifecycle with prehook, toggle, and post-toggle callback
    toggle, a Function that just executes the toggle
    getState, a Function that returns the current state Object


There are two custom events that an instance of the toggle dispatches:

  • toggle.open when it opens
  • toggle.close when closes

The events are dispatched on the same element used to initialise the toggle and bubble for event delegation. The a reference to the getState function of the instance is contained in the custom event detail.

const [ instance ] = toggle('.js-toggle');

//event bubbles so can delegate
//could also add event listener to document.querySelector('.js-toggle')
document.addEventListener('toggle.open', e => {
  const { node, toggles } = e.detail.getState();
  // do something


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  • sarah-storm
  • mjbp
  • stormid-admin
  • lynchjames