Get the package
npm i --save-dev @stegopop/media-picker
yarn add -D @stegopop/media-picker
You can use package from jsDelivr CDN.
<script src=""></script>
Add a new Tool to the tools
property of the Editor.js initial config.
var editor = EditorJS({
* Tools list
tools: {
mediaPicker: {
class: MediaPicker,
config: {
endpoint: 'https://localhost:8080/api/media/search',
queryParam: 'search',
pageParam: 'page',
Search requests will be sent to the server by GET
requests with 2 query string params. One for searching, and another for paging.
List of server connection params which may be configured.
Param | Required | Default | Description |
endpoint |
Yes | null | URL of the server's endpoint for getting image media. |
queryParam |
No | 'search' | Param name to be sent with the search string. |
pageParam |
No | 'page' | Param name to be sent with the page string. |
For endpoint requests server must answer with a JSON containing following properties:
) — state of processing:true
({url: string, alt: string|null, filename: string, extension: string}
) — an array of found files. Each file must contain aurl
, andextension
params. -
) - the current page. -
) - the total number of pages resulting from the search.
Content-Type: application/json
"success": true,
"files": [
"url": "https://localhost:8080/url/to/your/image.webp",
"alt": null,
"filename": "image",
"extension": "webp"
"url": "https://localhost:8080/url/to/your/image2.png",
"alt": null,
"filename": "image2",
"extension": "png"
"page": 1,
"totalPages": 1
Everything you need to render the image will be in the output data. You may use this data to create your own html, or use the html
or htmlWithCaption
that are also provided.
"type" : "mediaPicker",
"data" : {
"src" : "https://localhost:8080/url/to/your/image.webp",
"alt" : "",
"filename" : "image",
"extension" : "webp",
"caption" : "My caption.",
"html" : "<img class=\"mediapicker-image\" src=\"https://localhost:8080/url/to/your/image.webp\" alt=\"\" data-filename=\"20230205_142334\" data-extension=\"webp\">",
"htmlWithCaption" : "<figure class=\"mediapicker-figure\"><img class=\"mediapicker-image\" src=\"https://localhost:8080/url/to/your/image.webp\" alt=\"\" data-filename=\"image\" data-extension=\"webp\"><figcaption>My caption.</figcaption></figure>"
There are a few phrases to be translated.
UI items:
Media Library
- The name of the tool in the editor menu. -
— Placeholder for the search input field. -
— Placeholder for the caption input field. -
View Details
- Tooltip text when hovering over the library preview expand button. -
Select New File
- Tooltip text when hovering over the replace button after selecting an image. -
- The text inside the tab key when a caption has pulled a suggestion from available alt text. -
- A label in the expanded preview to show details about the file. -
Alt Text
- A label in the expanded preview to show details about the file. -
- Button text for going back to the first page. -
- Button text for going to the last page.
Error messages:
Cannot process search request because of
— Message before error's text in notification for a bad server response. -
Server responded with invalid data
— Notification text for a bad server response.
i18n: {
messages: {
toolNames: {
"Media Picker": "Image Select"
tools: {
"mediaPicker": {
'Search': 'Buscar',
'Caption': 'Subtítulo',
'View Details': 'Ver Detalles',
'Select New File': 'Seleccionar nuevo archivo',
'tab': 'Tab',
'Filename': 'Nombre del archivo',
'Alt Text': 'Texto alternativo',
'First': 'Primera',
'Last': 'Última',
'Cannot process search request because of': 'No se puede procesar la solicitud de bùsqueda debido a',
'Server responded with invalid data': 'El servidor respondió con datos no válidos',