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1.0.13 • Public • Published

Simple State Machine

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A lightweight and flexible state management library designed from scratch in Typescript, for modern JavaScript and TypeScript applications. It is built around reactive programming (RxJs) and Command pattern. The simple-state-machine decouples business logic from the UI code, as it allows state manipulation only as part of execution of logic via Commands. This enables a clean, maintainable, and testable application architecture.

This project is the core library in the state-management suite, and it includes wrappers for popular frameworks:

  • state-machine-react: React wrapper providing hooks like fromState and useDispatcher. This package has been tested with React versions 17.x and 18.x. It is expected to work with newer React versions as well, but compatibility with versions beyond 18.x has not been explicitly verified.
  • ngx-state-machine: Angular wrapper making the state machine injectable into angular components as a service. This package will work with Angular 12.x and above. It has been tested with Angular 18.x.

By combining simple-state-machine with these wrappers, you can seamlessly integrate state management into your preferred framework.

Implementation Examples

  • Sample React Web App that you can clone. It is a React web app example with unit tests, showcasing the implementation of simple-state-machine via the state-machine-react wrapper.
  • Sample React Native Mobile App that you can clone. It is a React Native mobile app example with unit tests, showcasing the implementation of simple-state-machine using the state-machine-react wrapper.
  • Sample Angular Web App that you can clone. It is an Angular web app example with unit tests, showcasing the implementation of simple-state-machine using the ngx-state-machine wrapper.


State management code, that is lot less scary, easy to read, easy to trace, and very easy to change and unit test.


This single most important feature that we wanted to design correctly is traceability of code. When trying to identify an issue, we should be able to go through the code, and identify the cause, without having to open ten different files. We should be able to use the IDE's "find references" or even the simple Find (Ctrl + F) feature to quickly identify what StateKeys are changed by which Commands.

This is invaluable while identifying issues in code. This also reduces the dependency on debugging tools and time spent in debugging.

Most importantly the state management code looks a lot less scary, it is easy to read, and it is very easy to change and unit test.

Important Technical Features:

  • State Management: Centralize application state management using the Commands and Observables.
  • Command Pattern: Encapsulate state-changing logic in isolated, testable command objects. This allows you to separate business logic from UI code.
  • Type-Safe API: Leverages TypeScript for strong typing and compile-time safety.
  • Testability: Designed for easy testing of state-related logic.
  • Observable State: Uses reactive (RxJS) for state observation and subscriptions.
  • Framework-Agnostic: Core library in Typescript, that can be extended to React, Angular, or other frameworks.


Install the library via npm:

npm install @state-management/simple-state-machine


yarn add @state-management/simple-state-machine

For Angular Applications

For Angular applications use the Angular wrapper which provides it as an injectable module:

npm install @state-management/ngx-state-machine


yarn add @state-management/ngx-state-machine

For ReactJs and React Native Applications

For react and react native applications use the react wrapper which provides it react hooks:

npm install @state-management/state-machine-react


yarn add @state-management/state-machine-react



A sample constants file for all state keys,

import { StateKey } from '@state-management/simple-state-machine';

# NOTE: the generics in the StateKey defines the data type of the value stored against this key.
export const CounterKey = new StateKey<number>('Counter');


A sample Command class, contains application logic, and it updates the state with output.

import { Command } from '@state-management/simple-state-machine';
import { CounterKey } from './StateKeys.constants';

# NOTE: the generics "<number>" here defines the data type of the execution context, that is the parameter passed to the "execute" method.
export class IncrementCounterCommand extends Command<number> {
  execute(incrementBy:number): void {
    const currentValue = this.getLatest(CounterKey) || 0;
    # NOTE: ONLY command can call "putState" to modify the state.
    # The data type of the value must match the generics of the Key.       
    this.putState(CounterKey, currentValue + incrementBy);

Usage in application - Dispatch Command and Change State

import { StateMachine } from '@state-management/simple-state-machine';

const stateMachine = StateMachine.getInstance();

# dispatch the command object along with the parameter object it operates on, 
# in this case its a number.  The datatype of the parameter must match the generics of the Command class.
stateMachine.dispatch(new IncrementCounterCommand(1));

Usage in application - Observe state change

import { StateMachine } from '@state-management/simple-state-machine';
import { CounterKey } from './pathTo/StateKeys.constants';

const stateMachine = StateMachine.getInstance();

stateMachine.onChange(CounterKey, value => {

Usage in application - Quick state change

Quickly update state without creating a new Command Object.

import { StateMachine, UpdateStateCommand} from '@state-management/simple-state-machine';
import { CounterKey } from './pathTo/StateKeys.constants';

const stateMachine = StateMachine.getInstance();

# set the initial value of the counter.
stateMachine.dispatch(new UpdateStateCommand({stateKey: CounterKey, value: 0}));

# Please Note:  For easy tracing and debugging it is recommended, NOT to re-use a command class.
# For example the initial value of the "CounterKey" in this example can be set from, say 
#   a. application load
#   b. click of a reset button.
# It is recommended that, for both scenarios, use a different command object, which can call 
# the same "service" class containing the logic to set the initial value

API Documentation

This section provides detailed documentation for the core classes in the @state-management/simple-state-machine library: Command and StateMachine.

Command<P> Class

The Command class is an abstract base class that encapsulates business logic to interact with and modify the global state. It uses the Command Pattern to separate application logic from state management.
You will be extending this class to create multiple commands to be dispatched using StateMachine.
The generics <P> defines the data type of the execution context, the parameter to the command's "execute" method.


constructor(executionContext: P)

Initializes a new Command instance with the provided execution context.

Parameter Type Description
executionContext P The parameter required for executing the command. The type of parameter is generic, <P> is defined at class level.


protected putState<T>(key: StateKey<T>, value: T): void

Stores a value in the global state and makes it observable.

Parameter Type Description
key StateKey<T> The key associated with the state value.
value T The value to store in the state.

getLatest<T>(key: StateKey<T>): T | undefined

Retrieves the latest value associated with the given key from the global state.

Parameter Type Description
key StateKey<T> The key associated with the state.
Returns Type Description
T T | undefined The latest state value or undefined.
// you can write the following inside a command class.
const value = this.getLatest(someKey);
console.log('Latest value:', value);

abstract execute(executionContext: P): void

Defines the application logic for the command. This method must be implemented in subclasses. This method is called by the StateMachine when you dispatch a command.
It would perform the application logic and will set/change the state.

Parameter Type Description
executionContext P The parameter required for executing the command. The type of parameter is generic, <P> is defined at class level.

StateMachine Class

The StateMachine class provides the core API for managing global state. It follows the Singleton Pattern and offers methods to dispatch commands and observe or retrieve state values.

Static Methods

static getInstance(): StateMachine

Retrieves the singleton instance of the StateMachine. You can use this to dispatch commands and to observe state changes.

Returns Type Description
StateMachine The singleton instance of StateMachine.


dispatch<T>(command: Command<T>): void

Executes the Command, invoking its execute method. This is the only way to modify the global state.

Parameter Type Description
command Command<T> The command to be executed, encapsulating the application logic.


import { StateMachine } from '@state-management/simple-state-machinee';
import { IncrementCounterCommand } from './commands/incrementCounterCommand';

const stateMachine = StateMachine.getInstance();
stateMachine.dispatch(new IncrementCounterCommand(1));

onChange<T>(key: StateKey<T>, onChange: (value: T) => void): Subscription

Convenience method to subscribe to changes for a specific state key. It triggers the onChange callback whenever the value associated with the state key changes.
This method can be used even if the key does not yet exist in the state.

Parameter Type Description
key StateKey<T> The key associated with the state.
onChange (value: T) => void Callback function that gets triggered when the state changes.
Returns Type Description
Subscription A subscription to manage the observer lifecycle. Use unsubscribe() to stop observing.


import { StateMachine, StateKey } from '@state-management/simple-state-machine';

const CounterKey = new StateKey<number>('counter');
const stateMachine = StateMachine.getInstance();

const subscription = stateMachine.onChange(CounterKey, (newValue) => {
    console.log('Counter updated:', newValue);

// to stop observing

observe<T>(key: StateKey<T>): Observable<T>

Returns an Observable to observe changes to the value associated with the given key. This method can be used even if the key does not yet exist in the state.

Parameter Type Description
key StateKey<T> The key associated with the state.
Returns Type Description
Observable<T> Emits state updates for the given key.


const subscription = stateMachine.observe(someKey).subscribe((value) => {
    console.log('State updated:', value);

UpdateStateCommand Class

UpdateStateCommand<T> extends Command<UpdateStateParam<T>>

  • Convenience class to quickly update the state without creating a new command object.
  • It can be used for one-off initialization of state or a one-off state change.


stateMachine.dispatch(new UpdateStateCommand({stateKey: CounterKey, value: 0}));
Note: For easy tracing and debugging, do not re-use the same command class to make state changes from different parts of the application.

In this example the initial value of the "CounterKey" in this example can be set from, say

  • Application load
  • Click of a reset button.

It is recommended that, for both scenarios, use a different command object, which can call the same "service" class containing the logic to set the initial value.

Contribute to Simple State Machine

We welcome contributions! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you’d like to improve the library.

Report issues or request features

Found a bug or have an idea for a new feature? Let us know by opening an issue.

Discuss features and approaches

Start a discussion in the Discussions tab.

Contribute code via pull requests.

See our contributing guidelines.

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  • gopakumar.nair