Serverless Eventbridge Sqs Lambda
Introducing an SQS interface between AWS EventBridge and Lambda, as facilitated by this plugin, which enhances system resilience. While EventBridge alone can trigger Lambda functions, it lacks SQS's built-in capabilities for message buffering, deduplication, and fault tolerance. Without SQS, you're reliant solely on Lambda’s limited retry mechanisms. By using this plugin, you ensure that your architecture can gracefully handle surges in events and more effectively manage event-processing failures, making your serverless applications both scalable and robust.
Table of Contents
Install the plugin in the root directory of your Serverless project with the following npm command:
$ npm install --save-dev @spritz-finance/serverless-eventbridge-sqs
Next, incorporate the plugin into your serverless.yml file as demonstrated below:
- "@spritz-finance/serverless-eventbridge-sqs"
To complete the setup, configure your Lambda function with the eventBridgeSqs event type in your serverless.yml file. Below is an example that illustrates how to set up the function with various options. Note that all settings are optional
handler: handler.handler
- eventBridgeSqs:
# EventBridge settings
eventBus: MyEventBusARN # Defaults to listening on the default event bus
pattern: # Defaults to listening to all events
- user.login
inputTransformer: # Transform the incoming event data
inputTemplate: '{"newAttribute": "$.oldAttribute"}'
# SQS settings
batchSize: 1 # The default batch size is 1
visibilityTimeout: 120 # AWS default is 30 secs
messageRetentionPeriod: 345600 # 4 days in seconds
delaySeconds: 10 # Initial delay before delivering the message. Default is 0
redrivePolicy: # Integrate with a Dead Letter Queue
deadLetterTargetArn: MyDLQARN
encryption: # Enable encryption for messages
kmsMasterKeyId: alias/aws/sqs
kmsDataKeyReusePeriodSeconds: 600
- "@spritz-finance/serverless-eventbridge-sqs"
The above configuration shows that the processEvent Lambda function is subscribed to an SQS queue that listens for events on the MyEventBusARN
event bus. The function filters these events with a detail-type
of user.login
. Moreover, it sets a batch size of 1 and a visibility timeout of 120 seconds for processed messages.