This package contains some useful extensions for String
and Array
and some more functions that need less lines of code and make the code more readable. You can find the "nicer" and more user-friendly documentation here
- allAreNullOrEmpty
- allAreSet
- asyncFn
- asyncFnAsResult
- copyToClipboard
- countWorkdays
- cssClasses
- firstDayOfMonth
- firstDayOfWeek
- formatDate
- getDeepOrDefault
- getUrlParameter
- hexToRgb
- isAnyNullOrEmpty
- isAnySet
- isFunction
- isNullOrEmpty
- isset
- issetDeep
- isValidEmail
- lastDayOfMonth
- lastDayOfWeek
- promiseQueue
- randomString
- removeAllParametersFromUrl
- removeTrailingSlashes
- replaceNonAlphanumeric
- replaceTpl
- rgbToHex
- simpleClone
- stripHTML
- toBoolean
- weekNumber
- String Extensions
- Array Extensions
- Decorators
npm i @spfxappdev/utility
You can find some examples/demo applications at or GitHub
- import one of the functions in your project (in this example the function
is imported)
import { isset } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
- allAreNullOrEmpty
- allAreSet
- asyncFn
- asyncFnAsResult
- copyToClipboard
- countWorkdays
- cssClasses
- firstDayOfMonth
- firstDayOfWeek
- formatDate
- getDeepOrDefault
- getUrlParameter
- hexToRgb
- isAnyNullOrEmpty
- isAnySet
- isFunction
- isNullOrEmpty
- isset
- issetDeep
- isValidEmail
- lastDayOfMonth
- lastDayOfWeek
- promiseQueue
- randomString
- removeAllParametersFromUrl
- removeTrailingSlashes
- replaceNonAlphanumeric
- replaceTpl
- rgbToHex
- simpleClone
- stripHTML
- toBoolean
- weekNumber
Determines if all of the the provided properties are null
, undefined
, or empty (or whitespace if string-value).
import { allAreNullOrEmpty } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const emptyArr = []; //EMPTY
const obj = {}; //NOT null, undefined or empty
const notEmptyString = 'not empty';
const emptyString = ' '; // With whitespace
allAreNullOrEmpty(obj, notEmptyString); //false
allAreNullOrEmpty(emptyArr, emptyString); // true
allAreNullOrEmpty(obj, emptyString); // false
allAreNullOrEmpty(emptyArr, emptyString, obj, notEmptyString); // false
Determines if all of the the provided properties are set. (Not null
or undefined
import { allAreSet } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const emptyArr = []; //EMPTY
const obj = {}; //NOT null, undefined or empty
const notEmptyString = 'not empty';
const emptyString = ' '; // With whitespace
let notSet;
allAreSet(obj) // true
allAreSet(emptyArr, emptyString); // true
allAreSet(obj, notEmptyString); //true
allAreSet(obj, emptyString); // true
allAreSet(obj, emptyString, notSet); // false
allAreSet(emptyString, undefined, null); //false
A wrapper function to handle a await function and their results/errors.
Instead of using this:
try {
const result = await myAsyncFunction();
//Do things with result
catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred", error);
throw "Whatever";
You can use the asyncFn
-function like this
import { asyncFn } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const [result, error] = await asyncFn(myAsyncFunction);
//with paramaters
const [result2, error2] = await asyncFn(myAsyncFunction, true, 2000);
//with "this" binding
const [result3, error3] = await asyncFn(this.myAsyncFunction.bind(this), true, 2000);
if(error) {
throw "Whatever";
//Do things with result
A wrapper function to handle an await function and their results/errors as IResult<TResult>
Instead of using this:
const result = new Result<any>();
try {
result.value = await myAsyncFunction();
//Do things with result
catch (error) {
result.error = error;
console.error("An error occurred", error);
return result;
You can use the asyncFnAsResult
-function like this
import { asyncFnAsResult } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const result = await asyncFnAsResult(myAsyncFunction);
//with parameter binding
const result2 = await asyncFnAsResult(myAsyncFunction, null, param1, param2, ...);
//with "this" binding
const result3 = await asyncFnAsResult(myAsyncFunction, this, param1, param2, ...);
if(!result.success) {
throw "Whatever";
//Do things with result
A function to wrap a specified function with a try-catch block and returns IResult<TResult>
Instead of using this:
const result = new Result<any>();
try {
result.value = myFunction();
//Do things with result
catch (error) {
result.error = error;
console.error("An error occurred", error);
return result;
You can use the catchFn
-function like this
import { catchFn } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const result = catchFn(myFunction);
//with parameter binding
const result2 = catchFn(myFunction, null, param1, param2, ...);
//with "this" binding
const result3 = catchFn(myFunction, this, param1, param2, ...);
if(!result.success) {
throw "Whatever";
//Do things with result
Writes the specified TEXT string to the system clipboard
Important: A DOM element must be in focus (e.g. click a button, focus a text box, etc.). You cannot simply paste text into the clipboard without the document being focused.
import { copyToClipboard } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
A utility function for conditionally joining css class names together.
import { cssClasses } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
cssClasses('spfx-app-dev', 'theme'); // => 'spfx-app-dev theme'
cssClasses('spfx-app-dev', { theme: false }); // => 'spfx-app-dev'
cssClasses({ 'spfx-app-dev': true }); // => 'spfx-app-dev'
cssClasses({ 'spfx-app-dev': false }); // => ''
cssClasses({ spfx-app-dev: true }, { theme: true }); // => 'spfx-app-dev theme'
cssClasses({ spfx-app-dev: true, theme: true }); // => 'spfx-app-dev theme'
cssClasses('spfx-app-dev', { theme: true, active: false }, 'item'); // => 'spfx-app-dev theme item'
cssClasses(null, false, 'spfx-app-dev', undefined, 0, 1, { theme: null }, ''); // => 'spfx-app-dev'
const arr = ['theme', { active: true, item: false }]; cssClasses('spfx-app-dev', arr); // => 'spfx-app-dev theme active'
Gets a nested property from an specific object or default, if not isset.
import { getDeepOrDefault } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const simpleArray: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 }
const myObj = {
My: {
nested: {
property: "Hello from nested Property"
items: simpleArray
// try get
getDeepOrDefault(myObj, ""); //=> "Hello from nested Property"
getDeepOrDefault(myObj, "items.2") //=> { id: "tA2en", name: "Dev", sequence: 3 }
const arr: ISimpleItem[] = getDeepOrDefault<ISimpleItem[]>(myObj, "items");
//Default value
getDeepOrDefault(myObj, "404", "this string is returend as default, because 404 does not exist in myObj")
Get's the Value of a specific Url-Parameter
import { getUrlParameter } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
getUrlParameter('myParam', ''); // => '1'
getUrlParameter('myParam2', ''); // => null
getUrlParameter('myParam2'); // => Using window.location.href as URL
Converts a HEX color string to an RGB or RGBA object.
import { hexToRgb } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
hexToRgb("#ff0000"); // returns { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }
hexToRgb("#ff0000").toString(); // returns 'rgb(255,0,0)'
hexToRgb("#00ff007f"); // returns { r: 0, g: 255, b: 0, a: 0.5 }
hexToRgb("#00ff007f").toString(); // returns 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5'
Determines if any of the the provided properties are null
, undefined
, or empty (or whitespace if string-value).
import { isAnyNullOrEmpty } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const emptyArr = []; //EMPTY
const obj = {}; //NOT null, undefined or empty
const notEmptyString = 'not empty';
const emptyString = ' '; // With whitespace
isAnyNullOrEmpty(obj, notEmptyString); //false
isAnyNullOrEmpty(obj, emptyString); // true
isAnyNullOrEmpty(emptyArr, emptyString, obj, notEmptyString); // true
Determines if any of the the provided properties are set (not null or undefined).
import { isAnySet } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const emptyArr = []; //EMPTY
const obj = {}; //NOT null, undefined or empty
const notEmptyString = 'not empty';
const emptyString = ' '; // With whitespace
let notSet;
isAnySet(obj) // true
isAnySet(emptyArr, emptyString); // true
isAnySet(obj, notEmptyString); //true
isAnySet(undefined, emptyString); // true
isAnySet(obj, null, notSet); // true
isAnySet(notSet, undefined, null); //false
Determines wheter the property is a Function
import { isFunction } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const myObj = { a: { nestedA: { nestedNestedA: 'a' }}};
const myFunc = () => { return a};
isFunction(myObj); // => false
isFunction(myFunc); // => true
isFunction(undefined) // => false
Determines if the provided property is null
or empty (or whitespace if string-value).
import { isNullOrEmpty } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
isNullOrEmpty("this is a string") // ==> false
isNullOrEmpty(1) // ==> false
isNullOrEmpty(() => { }) // ==> true
isNullOrEmpty(null) // ==> true
isNullOrEmpty(undefined) // ==> true
isNullOrEmpty([]) // ==> true
isNullOrEmpty([1,2]) // ==> false
isNullOrEmpty({}) // ==> false
isNullOrEmpty("") // ==> true
isNullOrEmpty(" ") // ==> true
Determines if the provided property is set.
import { isset } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
isset("this is a string") // ==> true
isset(1) // ==> true
isset(() => { }) // ==> true
isset(null) // ==> false
isset(undefined) // ==> false
isset([]) // ==> true
isset([1,2]) // ==> true
isset({}) // ==> true
isset("") // ==> true
isset(" ") // ==> true
Determines if the provided property is set deep/nested
import { issetDeep } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const myObj = {
My: {
nested: {
property: "Hello from nested Property"
items: [1,2,3,4]
issetDeep(myObj, ""); // ==> true
issetDeep(myObj, "items.2"); // ==> true
issetDeep(myObj, "404"); // ==> false
Checks if the passed value is a valid email
import { isValidEmail } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
isValidEmail(''); // ==> true
isValidEmail(''); // ==> false
isValidEmail('my@mail.c'); // ==> false
isValidEmail('my@mail.12'); // ==> false
isValidEmail(''); // ==> true
Executes a list of Promise one after one (in a queu). An Error/reject will not stop the next promise call.
import { promiseQueue, PromiseQueue, toParameterlessPromiseQueueFunc } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
const promise1 = toParameterlessPromiseQueueFunc(this.dummyPromise, true, 10000);
const promise2 = this.parameterlessPromiseFunc;
const promise3 = toParameterlessPromiseQueueFunc(this.dummyPromise, false, 2000);
const promise4 = toParameterlessPromiseQueueFunc(this.dummyPromise, true, 600);
await promiseQueue([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4], 0);
//OR (with callback and error-handling)
const promises: Array<PromiseQueue<any>> = [
{ promiseFunc: promise1, callback: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFunc},
{ promiseFunc: promise2, callback: onSuccessFuncPromise, onError: onErrorFunc},
{ promiseFunc: promise3, callback: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFuncPromise},
{ promiseFunc: promise4, callback: onSuccessFunc, onError: onErrorFunc}
await promiseQueue(promises, 0)
Generates a new and random string
import { randomString } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
randomString(); // ==> tA2en
randomString(15); // ==> G4XBtQcgDSHWdQG
randomString(6, 'abcdef0123456789'); // ==> fe693c ==> random hex color
Removes all URL parameters and URL-Fragments (hash) from the passed url
import { removeAllParametersFromUrl } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
removeAllParametersFromUrl(""); // ==>
removeAllParametersFromUrl("¶m2=2#firstAnchor#secondAnchor"); // ==>
removeAllParametersFromUrl(""); // ==>
Removes trailing slashes from a given string.
import { removeTrailingSlashes } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
removeEndingSlashes("example/"); // returns "example"
removeEndingSlashes("example//"); // returns "example"
removeEndingSlashes("example/path/"); // returns "example/path"
removeEndingSlashes("/example/path///"); // returns "/example/path"
removeEndingSlashes(123 as any); // returns ""
Replaces all non-alphanumeric characters (incl. underscores) with the passed value
import { randomString } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
replaceNonAlphanumeric('This is a text: 1234567890ß!"§$%&/()=?+#____<---->'); // ==> Thisisatext1234567890____
replaceNonAlphanumeric('This is a text: öäü1234567890ß!"§$%&/()=?+#____<---->', '*') // ==> This*is*a*text*****1234567890**************____******
Replaces all occurrences of the placeholder in the specified template
import { replaceTpl } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
replaceTpl("Hello {UserName}. Welcome {UserName}, this placeholder is not available: {SPFxAppDev}", { UserName: "SPFxAppDev" });
// Result: Hello SPFxAppDev. Welcome SPFxAppDev, this placeholder is not available: {SPFxAppDev}
//With functions
replaceTpl("Hello {User.FirstName} {User.LastName}, last login: {User.LastLogin}", { User: { FirstName: "SPFxApp", LastName: "Dev", LastLogin: () => { return new Date().toString(); } } });
// Result: Hello SPFxApp Dev, last login: Tue Nov 15 2022 15:59:34 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)
replaceTpl("Hello {404}", { User: { FirstName: "SPFxApp", LastName: "Dev" } }, "");
// Result: Hello
Converts RGB or RGBA color values to a HEX color string.
import { rgbToHex } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
rgbToHex(255, 0, 0); // returns "#ff0000"
rgbToHex(255, 0, 0, false); // returns "ff0000"
rgbToHex(0, 255, 0, 0.5); // returns "#00ff007f"
rgbToHex(0, 255, 0, 0.5, false); // returns "00ff007f"
Creates a simple (deep) clone of value
import { simpleClone } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
simpleClone({a: "abc"}); // returns {a: "abc"}
Strips the HTML and returns only the text content
import { stripHTML } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
stripHTML(`<div class='abc'>Hello <strong>spfxappdev</strong></div>)`) // ==> Hello spfxappdev
stripHTML('Hello spfxappdev'); // ==> Hello spfxappdev
Converts a value to a boolean
import { toBoolean } from '@spfxappdev/utility';
toBoolean(''); // => false
toBoolean('1'); // => true
toBoolean('42'); // => false
toBoolean(1); // => true
toBoolean(0); // => false
toBoolean(true); // => true
toBoolean(false); // => false
toBoolean(undefined) // => false
Counts all working days from a given date to another date. You can pass an array with dates that should not be counted (e.g. holidays).
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
countWorkdays(); //workdays in November 2022, Monday-Friday ==> 22
countWorkdays(new Date(2022, 10, 14)); //workdays from 14th November 2022 until end of month, Monday-Friday ==> 13
countWorkdays(new Date(2022, 10, 14), new Date(2022, 10, 20)); //workdays from 14th November 2022 until 20th Nov 2022, Monday-Friday ==> 5
countWorkdays(undefined, undefined, 1, Weekday.Saturday); //workdays in November 2022, Monday-Saturday ==> 26
countWorkdays(new Date(2022, 11, 1), undefined, undefined, undefined, [new Date(2022, 11, 24), new Date(2022, 11, 25), new Date(2022, 11, 26), new Date(2022, 11, 31)]); //workdays in December 2022, Monday-Friday and day off (24-26th + 31st) ==> 21
Determines the first day of month of the current or specified date.
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
firstDayOfMonth(); //Tue Nov 01 2022
firstDayOfMonth(new Date(2022, 1, 15)); //Tue Feb 01 2022
Determines the first day of week of the current or specified date.
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
firstDayOfWeek()); //Mon Nov 14 2022
firstDayOfWeek(new Date(2022, 1, 15))); //Mon Feb 14 2022
firstDayOfWeek(null, Weekday.Sunday)); //Sun Nov 13 2022
Simple conversion of a date object to a specified string format.
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
formatDate("dd.MM.yyyy")); //Now ==> 14.11.2022
formatDate("MM/dd/yyyy", new Date(2022, 1, 1))); //result: 02/01/2022
formatDate("M/d/yy", new Date(2022, 1, 1))); //result: 2/1/22
Possible values in format could be:
Input | Example | Description |
yyyy | 2022 | 4 digit year |
yy | 22 | 2 digit year |
MM | 09 | 2 digit month number |
M | 9 or 11 | 1-2 digit month number |
dd | 09 | 2 digit day of month number |
d | 9 or 11 | 1-2 digit day of month number |
HH | 09 | 2 digit hours number (24h format) |
H | 9 or 11 | 1-2 digit hours number (24h format) |
mm | 09 | 2 digit minutes number |
m | 9 or 11 | 1-2 digit minutes number |
ss | 09 | 2 digit seconds number |
s | 9 or 11 | 1-2 digit seconds number |
Determines the last day of month of the current or specified date.
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
lastDayOfMonth(); //Wed Nov 30 2022
lastDayOfMonth(new Date(2022, 1, 15)); //Mon Feb 28 2022
Determines the last day of week of the current or specified date.
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
lastDayOfWeek()); //Sun Nov 20 2022
lastDayOfWeek(new Date(2022, 1, 15))); //Sun Feb 20 2022
lastDayOfWeek(null, Weekday.Sunday)); //Sat Nov 19 2022
Determines the week number of the current or specified date (ISO 8601 = the week with the starting year's first Thursday in it).
//Current date (new Date()) ==> is 14 November
weekNumber(); //2022 Nov 14 ==> 46
weekNumber(new Date(2022, 1, 15)); //2022 Feb 15 ==> 7
weekNumber(new Date(2019, 11, 30)); //2019 Dec 30 (special case) ==> 1
The String Extensions extend the String Prototype. So you can use the following methods directly on a string
Note: The variable must not be undefined or null. Otherwise an exception is thrown (see example below).
let undefinedString: string;
undefinedString.StartsWith("error"); //Throws an error, because the variable is not defined.
- import the extensions
import '@spfxappdev/utility/lib/extensions/StringExtensions';
Returns a value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within this string.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Contains('@SPFxAppDev/Utility'); // ==> true (ignore case)
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Contains('@SPFxAppDev/Utility', false); // ==> false
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Contains('404'); // ==> false
Determines whether the ending of a string instance matches a specified string.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".EndsWith('@SPFxAppDev/Utility'); // ==> true (ignore case)
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".EndsWith('@SPFxAppDev/Utility', false); // ==> false
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".EndsWith('@spfxappdev'); // ==> false
Determines whether two String objects have the same value.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Equals('HeLlO @SPFxAppDev/UTILITY'); // ==> true (ignore case)
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Equals('HeLlO @SPFxAppDev/UTILITY', false); // ==> false
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Equals('404'); // ==> false
Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specified Unicode character or string within this instance. The method returns -1 if the character or string is not found in this instance.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".IndexOf('@SPFxAppDev/Utility'); // ==> 6 (ignore case)
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".IndexOf('@SPFxAppDev/Utility', false); // ==> -1
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".IndexOf('404'); // ==> -1
Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Insert(5, " from"); // ==> Hello from @spfxappdev/utility
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".Insert(255, " insert to end"); // ==> Hello @spfxappdev/utility insert to end
Determines whether a String is empty or whitespace.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".IsEmpty()); // ==> false
"".IsEmpty(); // ==> true
" ".IsEmpty(); // ==> true
Replaces all occurrences of searchTerm
with replaceWith
"Helloo Woorld, welcoome too string extensioons".ReplaceAll("oo", "o"); // ==> Hello World, welcome to string extensions
Determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches a specified string.
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".StartsWith('hello'); // ==> true (ignore case)
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".StartsWith('hello', false); // ==> false
"Hello @spfxappdev/utility".StartsWith('@spfxappdev'); // ==> false
Note: The variable must not be undefined or null. Otherwise an exception is thrown (see example below).
let undefinedArr: string[];
undefinedArr.Contains("error"); //Throws an error, because the variable is not defined.
- import the extensions
import '@spfxappdev/utility/lib/extensions/ArrayExtensions';
- AddAt
- Contains
- Count
- FirstOrDefault
- IndexOf
- LastOrDefault
- OrderBy
- OrderByDescending
- OrderByMultiple
- OrderByMultipleDescending
- RemoveAt
- Where
Add one or more items at specified index.
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 }
myArr.AddAt(0, { id: randomString(), name: "First Item", sequence: 0 });
myArr.AddAt(1, { id: randomString(), name: "Second Item", sequence: 1 });
myArr.AddAt(1000, { id: randomString(), name: "LAST Item", sequence: 10000 });
myArr.AddAt(-3, { id: randomString(), name: "LAST Item - 3", sequence: 10000 });
myArr = [
{"id":"Vb9Lq","name":"First Item","sequence":0},
{"id":"aCrdT","name":"Second Item","sequence":1},
{"id":"fb80g","name":"LAST Item - 3","sequence":10000},
{"id":"XYcxD","name":"LAST Item","sequence":10000}
Determines whether an array contains a particular element that satisfies the condition
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 }
const containsSpfxItem: boolean = myArr.Contains(i =>"spfx"));
console.log(containsSpfxItem); //true
const contains404Item: boolean = myArr.Contains(i =>"404"));
console.log(contains404Item); //false
const multipleConditions: boolean = myArr.Contains(i =>"404") ||"spfx"));
console.log(multipleConditions); // true
const emptyArrayContains: boolean = [].Contains(i => (i as any).name.Equals("404") || (i as any).name.Equals("spfx"));
console.log(emptyArrayContains); //false
Determines whether an array contains a particular element that satisfies the condition
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 5 }
const totalAppItems: number = myArr.Count(i =>"app"));
console.log(totalAppItems); //==> 2
const total404Items: number = myArr.Count(i =>"404"));
console.log(total404Items); // ==> 0
const totalAppOrDevItems: number = myArr.Count(i =>"app") ||"dEv"));
console.log(totalAppOrDevItems); // ==> 5
const emptyArrayCount: number = [].Count(i => (i as any).name.Equals("404") || (i as any).name.Equals("spfx"));
console.log(emptyArrayCount); // ==> 0
Returns the first element of a the array, or the first element that satisfies the condition (by predicateFunc
), or defaultValue
if no element is found.
Note: Since v1.1.0 the predicateFunc
is optional. If not specified the first element (index == 0) will be returned or defaultValue
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 5 }
const spfxItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.FirstOrDefault(i =>"spfx"));
console.log(spfxItem); // ==> { id: "g4JQl", name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 }
const firstItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.FirstOrDefault();
console.log(firstItem); // ==> { id: "bjdvY", name: "App", sequence: 2 }
const defaultItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.FirstOrDefault(i =>"404"), { id: randomString(), name: "This is item is the default item, because the searched item was not found", sequence: 404 });
console.log(defaultItem); // ==> { id: "6xcPO", name: "This is item is the default item, because the searched item was not found", sequence: 404 }
const defaultNullItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.FirstOrDefault(i =>"404"));
console.log(defaultNullItem); // ==> null
Returns the first index of element of a sequence, or -1
if no element is found.
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 5 }
const spfxItemIndex: number = myArr.IndexOf(i =>"spfx"));
console.log(spfxItemIndex); // ==> 1
const notFoundIndex: number = myArr.IndexOf(i =>"404"));
console.log(notFoundIndex); // ==> -1
Returns the last element of a the array, or the last element that satisfies the condition (by predicateFunc
), or defaultValue
if no element is found.
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 4 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 5 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 6 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 1000 }
const spfxItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.LastOrDefault(i =>"spfx"));
console.log(spfxItem); // ==> {id: 't9Rhm', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 6}
const lastItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.LastOrDefault();
console.log(lastItem); // ==> {id: 'Uqyvt', name: 'Dev', sequence: 1000}
const defaultItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.LastOrDefault(i =>"404"), { id: randomString(), name: "This is item is the default item, because the searched item was not found", sequence: 404 });
console.log(defaultItem); // ==> {id: 'L3g64', name: 'This is item is the default item, because the searched item was not found', sequence: 404}
const defaultNullItem: ISimpleItem|null = myArr.LastOrDefault(i =>"404"));
console.log(defaultNullItem); // ==> null
const emptyArrCheck: ISimpleItem|null = [].LastOrDefault(i => (i as any).name.Equals("404"));
console.log(emptyArrCheck); // ==> null
Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order.
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 }
myArr.OrderBy(i => i.sequence);
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1},{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3}]
myArr.OrderBy(i =>;
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},,{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1}]
Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order.
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 }
myArr.OrderByDescending(i => i.sequence);
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1}]
myArr.OrderByDescending(i =>;
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2}]
Sorts the elements of a sequence in ascending order (first by a then by b then by c etc.).
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 1 }
myArr.OrderByMultiple([(item) =>, (item) => item.sequence]);
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'EceZ9', name: 'App', sequence: 1},{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1}]
Sorts the elements of a sequence in descending order (first by a then by b then by c etc.)
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 1 }
myArr.OrderByMultipleDescending([(item) =>, (item) => item.sequence]);
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'Kp45S', name: 'App', sequence: 1}]
Remove the item(s) at specified index
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "First Item", sequence: 0 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Second Item", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: 'LAST Item - 3', sequence: 10000},
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "LAST Item", sequence: 10000 }
//Remove 2 items, starting at index 0
myArr.RemoveAt(0, 2);
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'feIpa', name: 'LAST Item - 3', sequence: 10000},{id: 'g4JQl', name: 'SPFx', sequence: 1},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: '7yL7k', name: 'LAST Item', sequence: 10000}]
//remove the item at index 2
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'feIpa', name: 'LAST Item - 3', sequence: 10000},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: '7yL7k', name: 'LAST Item', sequence: 10000}]
console.log(myArr); // ==> [{id: 'bjdvY', name: 'App', sequence: 2},{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3},{id: '7yL7k', name: 'LAST Item', sequence: 10000}]
Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
const myArr: ISimpleItem[] = [
{ id: randomString(), name: "App", sequence: 2 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "SPFx", sequence: 1 },
{ id: randomString(), name: "Dev", sequence: 3 },
const allItemsWhereSequenceGt1: ISimpleItem[] = myArr.Where(i => i.sequence > 1);
console.log(allItemsWhereSequenceGt1); //==> [{ id: 'bjdvY', name: "App", sequence: 2 },{id: 'oYHgy', name: 'Dev', sequence: 3}]
const notFoundItems: ISimpleItem[] = myArr.Where(i =>"404"));
console.log(notFoundItems); // ==> []
The decorators are helpful if you want to achieve a lot with less code and also fast.
In order to better understand how decorators work, I recommend reading this article.
Simple definition: An ES2016 decorator is an expression which returns a function and can take a target, name and property descriptor as arguments. You apply it by prefixing the decorator with an @ character and placing this at the very top of what you are trying to decorate. Decorators can be defined for either a class, a method or a property.
Let's compare the same code without decorators and with decorators (by using the tryCatch
decorator). The logic is not changed, but the result is the same:
class MyExampleClass {
public dummyFunc(str: string): number {
try {
//will throw an error, if str is undefined;
return str.indexOf("h");
catch(error) {
//do something
return 0;
class MyExampleClass {
defaultValueOnError: 0
public dummyFunc(str: string): number {
return str.indexOf("h");
Needless to say, decorators save a lot of time, reduce the number of lines (13 lines vs. 8 lines) and improve readability.
INFO: To use the method decorators, you must set the
property in yourtsconfig.json
Here is a list of all available method
Decorator name | Description |
@tryCatch |
Decorator to wrap a class method with a try-catch block. Works also with Promise
In order to use the decorators, they must be imported
export { tryCatch } from '@spfxappdev/storage';
Decorator to wrap a class method with a try-catch block. Works also with Promise
class MyExampleClass {
defaultValueOnError: 0
public dummyFunc(str: string): number {
return str.indexOf("h");