Remove or report on unused variable definitions
yarn add -D @spectrum-tools/stylelint-no-unused-custom-properties
Assuming you have some variables defined and rule(s) that use them:
:root {
--prefix-component-background-color: blue;
--prefix-component-width: 10px;
--prefix-component-height: 10px;
--prefix-component-size: 10px;
.component {
background-color: var(--prefix-component-background-color);
width: var(--prefix-component-width);
height: var(--prefix-component-height);
The variables that are not used in any rule will be removed from the output or reported to the console:
:root {
--prefix-component-background-color: blue;
--prefix-component-width: 10px;
--prefix-component-height: 10px;
.component {
background-color: var(--prefix-component-background-color);
width: var(--prefix-component-width);
height: var(--prefix-component-height);
To allow variables to be defined without being used, such as when you want to pass custom properties down to a child component, you can add a /* @passthrough */
comment to the variable definition:
:root {
/* @passthrough */
--nested-component-background-color: blue;
--prefix-component-width: 10px;
--prefix-component-height: 10px;
--prefix-component-size: 10px;
To allow a group of properties to be passed down, you can prefix the set with /* @passthrough start */
and suffix it with /* @passthrough end */
:root {
/* @passthrough start */
--nested-component-background-color: blue;
--nested-component-width: 10px;
/* @passthrough end */
--prefix-component-height: 10px;
--prefix-component-size: 10px;
An array of strings or regular expressions that will be matched against the variable name. If a match is found, the variable will be ignored.