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2.0.5 • Public • Published


@sotatech/nest-taskflow is a task flow management library for NestJS that provides a simple yet powerful framework for managing tasks, handling OTP verification, and executing callbacks with retry logic. Built on Redis, it supports robust task flows with Pub/Sub integration.


  • Task Management:

    • Add tasks with custom metadata, TTL (time-to-live), and priority.
    • Redis-based storage and management.
    • Resend OTP for tasks.
    • Update recipient details dynamically.
  • Task Verification:

    • Built-in support for OTP (One-Time Password) verification for methods like SMS, Email, and Smart OTP.
    • Strategy-based architecture for extending verification logic.
  • Callback Execution:

    • Automatically trigger callbacks after task verification.
  • Redis Pub/Sub Integration:

    • Notify services about task verification events using Redis Pub/Sub.
    • Decorators (@OnTaskVerified) to dynamically bind event listeners.
  • Error Handling & Logging:

    • Detailed error handling for failed tasks and callbacks.
    • Configurable maximum retry attempts and delay strategies.
  • Seamless NestJS Integration:

    • Built specifically for NestJS with native module integration.
    • Supports dynamic configuration using forRoot and forRootAsync.
    • Auto-register strategies dynamically without manual instantiation.


To install the package, use the following command:

npm install @sotatech/nest-taskflow

Getting Started

1. Import and Configure the Module

You can configure TaskFlowModule using either forRoot or forRootAsync.

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TaskFlowModule } from '@sotatech/nest-taskflow';

  imports: [
      redis: { config: { host: 'localhost', port: 6379 } },
      jobTimeout: 60000,
export class AppModule {}

2. Adding a Task

Use TaskFlowService to add a task to a Redis queue.

import {
} from '@sotatech/nest-taskflow';

export class ExampleService {
    private readonly taskFlow: TaskFlowService,
  ) {}

  async addTask() {
    const task = await taskFlow.addTask(
      'QUEUE_NAME', // The queue where the task will be added
      { userId: '12345', email: 'user@example.com' }, // Task data
        allowedMethods: [TaskFlowMethods.EMAIL, TaskFlowMethods.SMS], // Methods allowed for OTP verification
        recipient: { email: 'user@example.com' }, // Recipient details
        priority: 5, // Higher priority tasks are executed first
        ttl: 60000, // Task expires in 60 seconds
    console.log('Task created:', task);

3. Verifying a Task

Verify a task by validating its OTP.

import {
} from '@sotatech/nest-taskflow';

export class ExampleService {
    private readonly taskFlow: TaskFlowService,
  ) {}

  async addTask() {
    const task = await taskFlow.addTask(
      'QUEUE_NAME', // The queue where the task will be added
      { userId: '12345', email: 'user@example.com' }, // Task data
        allowedMethods: [TaskFlowMethods.EMAIL, TaskFlowMethods.SMS], // Methods allowed for OTP verification
        recipient: { email: 'user@example.com' }, // Recipient details
        priority: 5, // Higher priority tasks are executed first
        ttl: 60000, // Task expires in 60 seconds
    console.log('Task created:', task);

  async verify() {
    const otp = '123456';
    const isVerified = await taskFlow.verify(
      task.id, // Task ID
      TaskFlowMethods.EMAIL, // Verification method
      otp, // OTP
    if (isVerified) {
      console.log('Task verified successfully.');

4. Handling Verified Tasks

Use @OnTaskVerified to handle events when a task is verified.

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { OnTaskVerified } from '@sotatech/nest-taskflow';

export class ExampleService {
  @OnTaskVerified('QUEUE_NAME', {
    maxAttempts: 3, // Number of retry attempts for task failures
    backoffStrategy: 'exponential', // Backoff strategy for retries
    backoffTime: 5000, // Base time in milliseconds between retries
  async handleVerifiedTask(metadata: TaskMetadata<JobData>) {
    console.log(`Task ${metadata.id} verified in queue ${metadata.queue}`);
    // Add your business logic here

5. Resending OTP

Resend OTP for a specific task and method using the resendOtp method.

await taskFlow.resendOtp(
  'task_id', // The unique identifier of the task
  TaskFlowMethods.EMAIL, // The verification method (e.g., 'EMAIL', 'SMS')
console.log('OTP resent successfully.');

6. Updating Recipient Details

Update the recipient details for a specific task and resend OTP automatically.

await taskFlow.updateRecipient(
  'task_id', // The unique identifier of the task
    email: 'newemail@example.com', // Update the email address (optional)
    phoneNumber: '+1234567890', // Update the phone number (optional)
    deviceId: 'new-device-id-123456', // Update the device ID (optional)
console.log('Recipient updated and OTP resent successfully.');

7. Custom Strategies

Define custom OTP generation and notification logic by extending BaseStrategy.

import { BaseStrategy } from '@sotatech/nest-taskflow';

export class CustomEmailStrategy extends BaseStrategy {
   * Generate OTP logic.
   * Override this method to customize generate logic.
   * @param metadata Metadata details (e.g., email address)
  async generate(metadata: TaskMetadata<JobData>): Promise<string> {
    // Default implementation generates a 6-digit OTP
    return Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000).toString();

   * Send the OTP to the user via email.
   * Override this method to customize email sending logic.
   * @param metadata Metadata details (e.g., email address)
   * @param otp The generated OTP
  async send(metadata: TaskMetadata<JobData>, otp: string): Promise<void> {
    console.log(`Sending OTP ${otp} to ${metadata.recipient.email}`);

Advanced Configuration

Dynamic Module Configuration

Use forRootAsync for asynchronous configuration.

  imports: [ConfigModule],
  useFactory: async (configService: ConfigService) => ({
    redis: {
      config: {
        host: configService.get<string>('REDIS_HOST'),
        port: configService.get<number>('REDIS_PORT'),
    jobTimeout: 60000,
  inject: [ConfigService],

Future Enhancements

  • Task Monitoring:

    • Dashboard for tracking task statuses and metrics.
  • Advanced Scheduling:

    • Support for cron-like scheduled tasks.
  • Multi-Queue Management:

    • Manage and coordinate multiple task queues efficiently.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes.


For issues or questions, please visit our GitHub Issues.

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