TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.2 • Public • Published


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This library required @angular/core@18 @angular/cli@18 or Upper version.


  1. HeaderConfig
  2. FooterConfig
  3. TableConfig


  • It is used when you want to open simple grid as popup component.
    1. IsPopup - Keep is false if you are using simple grid as inline component. (by default it will true.)
    2. BGColor - To change Background color of Card Header.
    3. TextColor - To change Text color of Card Header.
    4. Title - Heading of Component
    5. AdditionalTitle - It is for Additional Text which will Display on Right side.
    6. showCloseButton - Show/Hide close button in Header.


  • It is used when you want to open simple grid as popup component.
    1. OKButtonText - Text for OK Button. Keep it blank if you did not required OK Button. _blank will display button with icon only.
    2. OKButtonClass - Any classes required for OK Button. (by default: btn-primary btn-xs btn-round-corner)
    3. OKButtonIcon - Font-Awesome Icon for OK Button. (by default: fa-check)
    4. SubmitButtonText - Text for Submit Button. Keep it blank if you did not required Submit Button. _blank will display button with icon only.
    5. SubmitButtonClass - Any classes required for Submit Button. (by default: btn-success btn-xs btn-round-corner)
    6. SubmitButtonIcon - Font-Awesome Icon for Submit Button. (by default: fa-save)
  • OK Button will always return false.
  • Submit Button will always return true.


  • HeaderBGColor - To change Background color of Table Header.
  • HeaderTextColor - To change Text color of Table Header.

Table Fields Parameters

  1. FieldName - Object name of Field.
  2. DisplayName - Display Name for Field in Table Header.
  3. FieldType - Type of Field Like: varchar, numeric, number, date, time, datetime, boolean
  4. FieldSize - Width of Field in (%)
  5. IsSearchField - Keep it true if you want to add it in search functionality.
  6. IsVisible - Keep it false if you want to Hide Field from Table.

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  • krutpandya