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1.0.0-beta.1 • Public • Published


Reference implementation of @softeq/mls contract.

@softeq/angular-mls-ri is based on

  • @ngx-translate/core to provide translations
  • embedded Angular capabilities for number & date formatting
  • and implements the simplest parsing of number & date values.


To work with this library it should be properly initialized.

  1. First of all you have to initialize TranslateModule from @ngx-translate/core library.
      imports: [
  2. Define number and date formats used to format/parse dates and numbers. If you store your translations (used by @ngx-translate library) in the json file its content may look like
     "$localization": {
       "numberFormat": {
         "decimalSeparator": ".",
         "groupSeparator": ",",
         "grouping": true
       "dateFormat": {
         "shortDate": "M/d/yyyy",
         "dayMonth": "MMM d",
         "monthYear": "M/yyyy",
         "dateA11y": "MMMM/d/yyyy",
         "monthYearA11y": "MMMM/yy",
         "shortMonthYear": "MMM yy",
         "shortTime": "h:mm a",
         "shortDatetime": "M/d/yyyy h:mm a",
         "mediumDateAndWeekday": "MMM d yyyy, EE"
    All formats should be defined under $localization field. The main idea is to make localization structure available when it is retrieved by TranslateService using $localization key
    this.translate.instant('$localization'); // should retrieve localization structure
    Localization structure MUST define number & date formats under the corresponding fields as in the example above. Read here below about structure of these fields
  3. Add SofteqMlsRiModule module into imports section of root NgModule
      imports: [

Number Format

Number format should consist of the following fields

  • decimalSeparator is a decimal separator
  • grouping whether to use grouping
  • groupSeparator is a character used to separate groups

Date Format

Date format defines set of named formats, like M/d/yyyy or MMM d.

  • formatting of dates works according to the rules used by DatePipe
  • parsing of dates currently supports only digit-only formats, like M/d/yyyy or h:mm a.


  • Date and number formats are retrieved using TranslateService#instant call. This means that translations should be loaded before MlsProvider is used first time. You should care about this yourself.

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  • softeq