File npm package
Determine type of FILEs.
A simple wrapper over file command available in Linux systems.
Package is supported for Windows (non-linux) as well.
npm i @signageos/file
import file from '@signageos/file';
(async function () {
const result = await file('/tmp/file-to-determine');
console.log(result); // { type: ['ASCII text'] }
function file(filePath: string, options?: Options): Promise<Result>;
interface Options {
fileBinPath?: string; // path to file binary to be used instead of default
mimeType?: boolean; // if set to true, result will contain detected mime-type of file. Default false.
separator?: string; // default ':'
alternativeSeparators?: string[]; // default [';', '$', '€', '>', '<']
interface Result {
mimeType?: string; // detected mime-type of file (if option mimeType set to true)
charset?: string; // detect charset of file (if option mimeType set to true)
types?: string[]; // get all detected general types (if no mimeType set)
Get version of file
import { getVersion } from '@signageos/file';
(async function () {
const version = await getVersion();
console.log(version); // file-5.32
Currently only following features are supported:
- type: Returns default type of given file (without arguments)
- mimeType: Returns detected mime-type of given file.